[R.O. 2004 § 420.320; Ord. No. 2.56 § 4, 1-9-2001]
The Mount Vernon Planning and Zoning Commission has officially adopted the following principles to govern the conduct of its business. These principles should be considered as advisory rather than mandatory. Should any questions arise about the interpretation and application of any of these principles, the City Attorney should be consulted.
Serve The Public Interest. The primary obligation of Planning and Zoning Commission members and planning staff is to serve the public interest.
Support Citizen Participation In Planning. Because the definition of the public interest is modified continuously, Planning and Zoning Commission members and planning staff must recognize the right of citizens to seek to influence planning decisions that affect their well-being. Members should encourage a forum for meaningful citizen participation and expression in the planning process and assist in clarifying community goals, objectives and policies.
Recognize The Comprehensive And Long-Range Nature Of Planning Decisions. Planning and Zoning Commission members and planning staff should recognize and give special consideration to the comprehensive and long-range nature of planning decisions. Planning and Zoning Commission members and planning staff must seek to balance and integrate physical (including historical, cultural and natural), economic and social characteristics of the community or area affected by those decisions. Planning and Zoning Commission members and the planning staff must gather all relevant facts, consider responsible alternative approaches and evaluate the means of accomplishing them. Planning and Zoning Commission members and planning staff should expressly evaluate foreseeable consequences before making a recommendation or decision.
Expand Choice And Opportunity For All Persons. Planning and Zoning Commission members and planning staff should strive to make decisions which increase choice and opportunity for all persons; recognize a special responsibility to plan for the needs of disadvantaged people; and urge that policies, institutions and decisions which restrict choices and opportunities be changed.
Facilities Coordination Through The Planning Process. Planning and Zoning Commission members and planning staff must encourage coordination of the planning process. The planning process should enable those concerned with an issue to learn what other participants are doing, thus permitting coordination of activities and efforts and accommodation of interests. Planning and Zoning Commission members and planning staff should strive to ensure that individuals and public and private agencies likely to be affected by a prospective planning decision receive adequate information far enough in advance of the decision to allow their meaningful participation.
Avoid Conflict Of Interest. To avoid conflict of interest and the appearance of impropriety, Planning and Zoning Commission members who may receive some private benefit from a public planning decision must not participate in that decision. The private benefit may be direct or indirect, create a material or personal gain or provide an advantage to an immediate relation.
Render Thorough And Diligent Planning Service. Planning and Zoning Commission members and planning staff must render thorough and diligent planning service. Should a Planning and Zoning Commission member or members of staff believe he/she can no longer render such service in a thorough and diligent manner, he/she should resign from the position. If a member has not sufficiently reviewed relevant facts and advice affecting a public planning decision, the member must not participate in that decision.
Do Not Seek Or Offer Favors. Planning and Zoning Commission members and members of staff must seek no favor. Planning and Zoning Commission members and planning staff must not directly or indirectly solicit any gift or accept or receive any gift (whether in money, services, loans, travel, entertainment, hospitality, promises or in some other form) under circumstances in which it could be reasonably inferred that the gift was intended or could reasonably be expected to be intended to influence them in the performance of their duties or that it was intended or could reasonably be construed to be intended as a reward for any recommendation or decision on their part. Individuals must not offer any gifts or favors intended to influence the recommendation or decision of Planning and Zoning Commission members or planning staff.
Do Not Disclose Or Improperly Use Confidential Information For Financial Gain. Planning and Zoning Commission members and planning staff must not disclose or use confidential information obtained in the course of their planning duties for financial or other gain. A Planning and Zoning Commission member or staff must not disclose to others confidential information acquired in the course of their duties or use it to further a personal interest. Exceptions to this requirement of non-disclosure may be made only when:
Required by process of law;
Required to prevent a clear violation of law; or
Required to prevent substantial injury to the public.
Disclosure pursuant to Subsection (A)(9)(b) and (c) must not be made until after the Planning and Zoning Commission member or member of staff has made reasonable efforts to verify the facts and issues involved, obtain reconsideration of the matter and obtain separate opinions on the issue from other planners or officials.
Ensure Access To Public Planning Reports And Studies On An Equal Basis. Planning and Zoning Commission members and planning staff must ensure that reports and records of the public planning body are open equally to all members of the public. All non-confidential information available to a member or planning staff must be made available in the same form to the public in a timely manner at reasonable or no cost.
Ensure Full Disclosure At Public Hearings. Planning and Zoning Commission members and staff members must ensure that the presentation of information on behalf of any party to a planning question occurs only at the scheduled public hearing on the question, not in private, unofficially or with other interested parties absent. The official must make partisan information regarding the question (received in the mail, by telephone or other communication) part of the public record.
Maintain Public Confidence. A Planning and Zoning Commission member or member of staff must conduct himself/herself publicly so as to maintain public confidence in the public planning body, the City of Mount Vernon and the official's performance of the public trust.