It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to conduct an auction in the City or to do business as an auctioneer without having first obtained a license as is herein provided, and paying the fee herein set forth.
The license fee is payable in advance. The license fee shall be $75 for an annual license; $50 for a monthly license; and $20 for a daily license. An additional fee of $60 per employee is required, not to exceed two employees.
Applications for an auctioneer's license shall be made in writing to the City Clerk and shall state thereon the place of business, if any, intended to be occupied; and the names of any employees, not to exceed two, who are to be authorized to conduct auctions under the authority of the license.
The Chief of Police, or any other officer designated by the Mayor, shall investigate the character of every applicant for an auctioneer's license, and no such license shall issue to any person who is not of good character.
Every person licensed as an auctioneer may designate not to exceed two employees who may be authorized by him to conduct auctions. Notice containing the names of the employees so designated must be given to the City Clerk, and an employee's license shall be issued on the payment of a fee of $10. This license shall be good for one year, and it shall be unlawful for any employee not licensed under this section to conduct an auction, or for any auctioneer to permit an auction to be conducted by an unlicensed employee.
No person shall sell or attempt to sell or offer for sale at public auction any goods, chattels, or personal or real property of any kind upon the public streets or sidewalks of the City.
Nothing in this article shall apply to any public auction or sale made or conducted by a public officer by virtue of any judicial order or process or by virtue of any power or authority contained in a mortgage or trust deed.