This article details the information that must be included on plans submitted to the Borough.
Sketch plans should be legibly drawn on an Allegheny County Tax Map, Borough Zoning Map, United States Geological Survey topographic map, or similar property line map.
Sketch plans should include:
Proposed development and land uses.
Proposed public improvements.
Scale. The plan shall be drawn to scale based on the following:
If the size of lots or development area is less than five acres, the plan shall be drawn at one inch to 50 feet.
If the average size of the proposed lots (not including residue) in the subdivision is five acres or greater, the plan shall be drawn to a scale of one inch equals 100 feet.
The Borough may accept alternative scales, if agreed to by the administrator or Planning Commission during a sketch plan submittal or pre-application conference, if the alternative will result in greater clarity of information.
Plan size and legibility.
The plan submitted for preliminary approval shall be a clear, legible black- or blue-line print on white paper, or suitable equivalent.
Preliminary plans shall be on sheets no larger than 24 by 36 inches. For small subdivisions, an alternate standard sheet size may be accepted. Final plans drawn in two or more sections shall be accompanied by a key diagram showing the relative location of the sections.
Plan information. All plans shall show or be accompanied by the following information as detailed in Table 180-27:
Table 180-27
Plan Content Requirements
Complete or Not Applicable (For Administrator's Use)
Acceptable/ Unacceptable (For Review/Approval Use)
Proposed development name or identifying title
North point, scale, and County Assessment Lot Number and date
A title/certificate block, containing the following:
Name and address of owner of property and acknowledgment of subdivision
Name and seal of registered design professional responsible for the plan
Certificate of review by Allegheny County
Certificate of review and approval by Borough
Tract boundaries with bearings and distances and total acreage of the project
Existing zoning districts, and any abutting zoning districts (if different from subject parcel)
All proposed lots with size, setbacks, and dimensional standards
Any proposed building placement (land developments)
Proposed lighting and landscaping plans (land developments)
Contours at vertical intervals of two feet (major land developments only)
All existing watercourses, lakes or ponds, floodways, floodplains, identified wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas
All existing property lines, easements and rights-of-way, and the purpose for which the easements or rights-of-way have been established
Existing or proposed buildings, sewers, water mains, culverts, wells, fire hydrants and other significant man-made features. Wells shall be marked as active, capped or abandoned
All existing streets on or adjacent to the tract, including name, right-of-way width, and pavement width
Location, name and width of all proposed streets, alleys, rights-of-way, and easements; proposed lot lines with approximate dimensions; playgrounds, public buildings, public areas and parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use
The names of owners of all abutting land
Identify any areas where earth disturbance will occur, including estimated acreage of disturbance
A map for the purpose of locating the site to be developed at a scale, which illustrated the location of the site as it related to at least three existing public streets
Location of any proposed parking areas and access points to existing roads or streets
Location of all permanent monuments and markers (final plan only)
§ 420 Notice-PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permit information (if needed)
The preliminary plan shall include therein or be accompanied by:
All required permits and related documentation from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) and any other Commonwealth agency, or from the county or Borough where any alteration or relocation of a stream or watercourse is proposed.
Documentation indicating that all affected adjacent municipalities, PA DEP, the Department of Community and Economic Development, and the Federal Insurance Administrator (flood insurance), have been notified whenever any alteration or relocation of a stream or watercourse is proposed.
Copies of the proposed deed restrictions, or private covenants, if any, shall be attached to the preliminary plan.
Proposed cross-sections, profiles and details of any new proposed streets, sewer or waterlines, storm sewer facilities, or any other public improvement.
Where the preliminary plan covers only a part of the applicant's entire abutting holdings, a statement on eventual development of those lands, including a sketch plan of prospective eventual street layout shall be provided.
The final plan shall include therein or be accompanied by:
Construction plans including, but not limited to, typical cross sections, street profiles and drainage details for all streets. Such profiles shall show at least the following: existing (natural) grade along the proposed street center line; proposed finished center-line grade or proposed finished grade; sanitary sewer and water mains and manholes; storm sewer mains, inlet, manholes, and culverts.
Protective covenants, if any, in form for recording.
Proof of approvals by all appropriate public and governmental authorities or agencies where applicable including, but not limited to, occupancy permits for any planned road entrances onto existing roads or highways and permits or approvals from the Department of Environmental Protection, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, or other state or local agencies relating to sewage facilities, water obstructions, air quality, etc., as applicable.
If public or community water or sewer is proposed, a letter from the agency providing said service that it can and will serve the proposed development.
A grading and drainage plan, as applicable.
The Planning Commission may require a traffic study for any land development which:
Creates 10 residential dwelling units.
Creates 10,000 square feet or more of gross floor area of new or expanded building space.
Any land use that can be expected to generate 750 or more vehicle trips per day or 100 or more peak hour directional trips. Peak hours shall be determined consistent with the most current edition of Trip Generation, by the Institute of Transportation Engineers.
The Planning Commission also reserves the right to require a traffic study in any other circumstances where they believe that a land development will result in an increase of congestion along a key transportation corridor, or a significant decrease in level of service at any intersection.
The need for a traffic study may be identified during preliminary plan approval, using standard references (PennDOT or Institute of Transportation Engineers), or the applicant may choose to prepare the study prior to preliminary plan submission. Noncompliance with this section may be regarded by the Borough as a basis to not approve a land development plan. The Borough Traffic Engineer or other designee of the Borough shall approve the traffic study scope of work for completeness.
Traffic study standards. A qualified Traffic Engineer shall conduct the study. The following represents a traffic study scope of services. The Borough may waive some, or add to the requirements on a case-by-case basis:
Description of the proposed project in terms of land use type and magnitude.
An inventory of existing conditions in the site environs to one-mile radius.
Roadway network and traffic control.
Existing traffic volumes in terms of peak hours and average daily traffic.
Planned roadway improvements by others.
Intersection levels of service.
Roadway levels of service (where appropriate).
Other measures of roadway adequacy (i.e., lane widths, traffic signal warrants, vehicle delay studies, etc.).
An analysis of existing traffic conditions, including:
Intersection levels of service.
Roadway levels of service (where appropriate).
Other measures of roadway adequacy (i.e., lane widths, traffic signal warrants, vehicle delay studies, etc.).
Projected site - generated traffic volumes in terms of:
Peak hours and average daily traffic.
Approach/departure distribution including method of determination.
Site traffic volumes on roadways.
Comparison of existing zoning to proposed site generation.
An analysis of future traffic conditions including:
Future design year (development fully completed) combined volumes (site traffic plus future roadway traffic).
Intersection levels of service.
Roadway levels of service (where appropriate).
Other measures of roadway adequacy (i.e., lane widths, traffic signals warrants, vehicle delay studies, etc.).
A description of the recommended access plan and necessary improvements, including:
Schematic plan of access and on-site circulation.
General description of on-site improvements required to maintain existing levels of service.
In such cases, the Commission may require completion of on-site improvements by the applicant as a condition of final approval, or an on-site fee pursuant to § 503-A.e of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code in lieu of such completion, when agreed to by Borough Council.