A professional engineer shall be retained by the applicant for construction inspection(s) and such engineer shall be approved by the Town. The professional engineer shall provide daily reports, pictures of work, and certification of all work to the Town Highway Superintendent prior to any work being accepted by the Town. The applicant shall provide the necessary manpower and equipment required for inspections. The presence of the professional engineer at the work site shall in no way lessen the applicant's responsibility for conforming to the approved plans. Should such engineer accept materials, or work that does not conform to the approved plans, whether from lack of discovery or for any other reason, it shall in no way prevent later rejection of, or corrections to, the unsatisfactory materials or work when discovered. The applicant shall have no claim for losses suffered due to any necessary removals or repairs resulting from the unsatisfactory work. Any work which has been covered without the professional engineer's approval, shall, at such engineer's request, be uncovered and be made available for inspection at the applicant's expense.
Written certification by a professional engineer shall be required from the applicant certifying to the Town, NYSDEC, NYSDOH, or any other applicable regulatory agency that the highway, utilities, erosion and sediment controls, and/or stormwater management systems were constructed in accordance with the approved plans.