[Res. 22-98, 4/13/1998]
All additions, expansion or extensions proposed to the municipal wastewater conveyance, collection and treatment system shall, henceforth, be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with and subject to the terms, conditions and specifications as are set forth in the manual prepared by Gannett Fleming, dated 1997, and titled "Standard Construction and Material Specifications for Sanitary Sewer Extensions," as those specifications may be amended by resolution enacted by the Board of Supervisors from time to time.
Any and all extensions designed, installed and constructed intending to be connected to and become a part of the municipal wastewater collection, conveyance and treatment system shall comply in all respects with said standard construction and material specifications as are herein enacted or may be hereafter amended and that any revision, modification, change, variation or deviation from said standard specifications shall be permitted only upon review and approval of the New Hanover Township Board of Supervisors after consultation with and consent of their consulting engineer, such authority and authorization for such revision, modification, change, variation or deviation shall be left and be subject to the sole discretion of the Board of Supervisors.
The standard construction and material specifications herein adopted, enacted and promulgated shall supersede any and all prior standards and specifications hereinbefore enacted to the extent that they are inconsistent therewith, it being the intention of the Board of Supervisors that the within adopted, enacted and promulgated specifications, as may be hereinafter amended, shall be applicable to any and all extensions of the municipal collection system; subject, however, to the understanding that any hereinbefore enacted terms, provisions or specifications not expressly repealed or specifically in conflict with or specifically contrary to the same shall remain in full force and effect.
The terms, conditions, provisions and specifications as herein set forth, to the extent that they are or would cause the municipal wastewater collection, conveyance and treatment system to be in violation of any direct order, regulation or requirement of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Protection, are expressly repealed and further that said "Standard Construction and Material Specifications for Sanitary Sewer Extension" shall be subject to modification, revision and/or amendment by resolution as may be hereinafter enacted from time to time by the Board of Supervisors.