As used in this Article, the following words shall have the following lowing meanings:
Any licensed establishment which serves liquor on the premises for which not more than ten percent (10%) of the gross sales receipts of the business are supplied by food purchases, either for consumption on the premises or elsewhere.
Any organization primarily organized for a religious, charitable, educational, scientific patriotic, literary, or philanthropic purpose as determined and verified by the City Administrator.
Closed in by a roof and four (4) walls with appropriate openings for ingress and egress.
Any office or institution providing individual care or treatment of diseases, whether physical, mental or emotional, or other medical, physiological or psychological condition.
Any service line located within retail or other public establishments in which more than one (1) person is giving or receiving services of any kind. This would include, but not be limited to, such retail and public establishments as restaurants, grocery stores, supermarkets, department stores, clothing stores, shoe stores, and the like.
Any natural person, corporation, association, firm, partnership, or organization of any kind.
A gathering in person of members of a governmental body, whether an open or closed session, as defined in Chapter 610, RSMo.
Any enclosed indoor area used by the general public or serving as a place of work including, but not limited to:
Any retail or commercial establishments;
Health care facilities, health clinics or ambulatory care facilities including, but not limited to, laboratories associated with health care treatment, hospitals, nursing homes, physicians' offices and dentists' offices;
Any vehicle used for public transportation including, but not limited to, buses, taxicabs and limousines for hire;
Rest rooms;
Libraries, educational facilities, day care facilities, museums, auditoriums and art galleries;
All public areas and waiting rooms of public transportation facilities including, but not limited to, bus and airport facilities;
Any enclosed indoor place used for entertainment or recreation including, but not limited to, gymnasiums, theater lobbies, concert halls, arenas and swimming pools; or
Any other enclosed indoor areas used by the general public including, but not limited to, corridors and shopping malls.
Any building, structure or area used, maintained or advertised as or held out to the public to be an enclosure where meals for consideration of payment are made available to be consumed on the premises.
Any establishment whose primary purpose is to sell or offer for sale to consumers, not for resale, any goods, wares, merchandise, articles, or food for consumption off the premises.
Possession of burning tobacco in the form of a cigarette, cigar, pipe or other smoking equipment.
Any indoor facility primarily used for the exhibition of any motion picture, stage drama, musical recital, dance, lecture or other similar performance.
Smoking is prohibited in:
Public places, including lobbies, corridors, restrooms and elevators, except in specially designated smoking areas which may include a private, enclosed office occupied exclusively by smokers. Bars are exempt from the provisions of this article.
Public areas of health care facilities.
Public areas include waiting rooms, clinics, ambulatory care facilities, laboratories associated with the rendition of health care treatment, restrooms, public corridors, elevators and lobbies, except in specially designated smoking areas which may be a part of the public area.
Nursing homes, rest homes, and hospitals may designate smoking in patient sleeping quarters and areas for specific treatment programs. Such facilities shall make every reasonable effort to assign patients to sleeping rooms according to the patient's smoking or non-smoking preference.
Any City-owned and/or operated building, on any City-owned and/or operated property, and in or on any City-owned vehicle or equipment. This prohibition shall not apply to the outdoor areas of any duly designated City park.
A restaurant whose approved occupancy is more than forty (40) customers excluding from the calculation of capacity any portion of such facility which is located outdoors and any portion of such facility which is utilized for bar purposes. Bars in restaurants are exempt from the provisions of this Article.
A restaurant with occupancy in excess of forty (40) customers that maintains a non-smoking area equal to not less than one-half (½) of the total seating capacity of the establishment is exempt.
An entire room or hall which is used for private social functions may be exempt during its private use when the seating arrangements are under the control of the sponsor of the event and not the proprietor, owner, or other person in charge of the place.
Retail stores or other public establishments involving indoor service lines, except a retail establishment the primary purpose of which is to sell tobacco and tobacco products.
Educational facilities including classrooms, lecture halls, and auditoriums. Smoking may be permitted in the private sleeping quarters of such facilities and other designated areas as provided by the director or other authorized representative of the institution.
Day care facilities.
The public areas of hotels/motels.
Public areas of hotels/motels include corridors primary use of which is access to guest rooms, elevators, restrooms and the registration area of the lobby.
Restaurants in hotels/motels shall be subject to the provisions of Subsection (4) of this section.
Smoking may be designated in a corridor primary use of which is access to meeting rooms which are available for rent to the public.
An entire room which is used for private business or social functions may be exempt during its private use when the seating arrangements are under the control of the sponsor of the event and not of the proprietor, owner, or other person in charge of the hotel/motel.
Guest rooms which are available for rent are exempt from the provisions of this Article.
Bars in hotels/motels, including bars contained in a lobby, are exempt from the provisions of this Article.
Designated smoking areas may be established when not otherwise prohibited by law. The owner, proprietor or person in charge of the place may designate limited smoking areas in certain places as provided in Section 210.2220 above.
Where smoking areas are designated, existing physical barriers and functioning ventilation systems may be used to minimize the irritation and toxic effects of smoke in adjacent non-smoking areas. This provision shall not be construed to require fixed structural or other physical modifications in providing these areas or to require operation of any existing heating, ventilating and air-conditioning system in any manner which decreases its energy efficiency or increases its electrical demand, or both, nor shall this provision be construed to require installation of new or additional heating, ventilating or air-conditioning systems.
This provision shall not be construed to allow the designation of a public place as a smoking area in its entirety.
This provision shall not be construed to require an owner, proprietor or person in charge of a place to designate a smoking area in a public place.
The proprietor, owner or other person having control of the place governed by this Article shall prominently post "NO SMOKING" signs:
In every place where smoking is regulated by this Article.
At every entrance of a retail store, public place, health care facility or place of employment.
Every theatre owner, Manager, or operator shall post signs conspicuously in the lobby stating that smoking is prohibited in the theatre or auditorium. In the case of motion pictures, such information shall be shown on the screen for at least five (5) seconds prior to the showing of each feature motion picture.
Every public portion of grocery stores and food markets is required to have posted signs at locations throughout each market to be visible to individuals entering the store or market, at the indoor service lines and in all of the check out lanes.
Signs shall contain clearly legible letters, or the international "no smoking" symbol consisting of a pictorial representation of a burning cigarette enclosed in a red circle with a bar across it, and the words "CITY OF MANCHESTER ORD. NO. 91-581".
The proprietor, owner or other person having control of the public place, or place of employment, shall inform persons smoking in restricted areas they are in violation of this Article.
The proprietor, owner or other person having authority to manage and control any public place or place of employment, or a designated agent of such owner or manager who does not properly display "no smoking" signs in accordance with Section 210.2240 of this Article shall be deemed in violation of this Article.
The authority to administer and enforce the provisions of this Article is vested with the Chief of Police and his/her duly authorized representative(s) except in the case of City owned facilities under Section 210.2220 wherein the City Administrator shall have the authority to administer and enforce the provisions of this Article.
Enforcement of the provisions of this Article shall not begin until January 1, 1992.