[Amended 11-30-2020 STM by Art. 17]
The Town of Easton, Massachusetts, is hereby divided into these Zoning Districts, designated as follows:
Full Title
Residential 1
Business Neighborhood
Municipal or Open Space
Queset Commercial District
Village Business District
Furnace Village District
The location and boundaries of the zoning districts are hereby established as shown on a map titled "Town of Easton, Massachusetts Zoning Map" dated May 16, 2016, which accompanies and is hereby declared to be a part of this chapter. The authenticity of the Zoning Map shall be identified by the signature of the Town Clerk and the imprinted seal of the Town under the following words: "This is to certify that this is the Zoning Map of the Town of Easton, Massachusetts, referred to in the Zoning By-Law of the Town of Easton, Massachusetts, which was approved by the Town Meeting on May 16, 2016.
Any change in the location of boundaries of a Zoning District hereafter made through the amendment of this chapter shall be indicated by the alteration of such map, and the map thus altered as declared to be part of the By-law thus amended. It shall be the responsibility of the Planning & Zoning Board to direct such alterations.
The following overlay districts are also established, as set forth in Article IX, herein.
Full Title
Aquifer Protection Overlay District
Flood Plain Overlay District
Large Scale Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installation Overlay District
Medical Marijuana Treatment Center Overlay District
Queset Smart Growth Overlay District
Where any uncertainty exists with respect to the boundary of any district as shown on the Zoning Map, the following rules apply:
Centerline. Where a boundary is indicated as a street, railroad, watercourse or other body of water, it shall be construed to be the centerline or middle thereof, or where such boundary approximates a town boundary, then to the limits of the town boundary.
Parallel. Where a boundary is indicated as following approximately or parallel to a street, railroad, watercourse, or other body of water, it shall be construed to be parallel thereto and at such distance there from as dimensioned on the Zoning Map. If no dimension is given, such distance shall be determined by use of the scale shown on the Zoning Map.
Dimensioned Boundary. Where a dimensioned boundary coincides within 10 feet or less with a lot line, the boundary established by records as of March 1973, shall be construed to be the lot line.
Right Angle. Where a boundary is indicated as intersecting the centerline of a street, railroad, watercourse or other water body, it shall be construed to intersect at right angles to said centerline, or in the case of a curved centerline, at right angle to the tangent to the curve at the point of intersection.
Dispute. Whenever any dispute arises on district boundaries as to the exact location of a district boundary line, the location of such line shall be determined by the Building Commissioner after consultation with the Planning & Zoning Board.
When a lot is situated in part in the Town of Easton and in part in an adjacent municipality, the land located in an adjacent municipality may be combined with land located in the Town of Easton to comply with the area and dimensional requirements of the Town of Easton zoning bylaws provided that:
[Amended 5-21-2018 ATM by Art. 39]
The use of the portion of the land that lies within Easton must comply with the underlying Easton zoning district in which the land sits;
The lot to be created has frontage along a public or private way located in the Town of Easton;
Any structure(s) must be built wholly within the Town of Easton and;
Provided that the combined lot areas shall contain a minimum of 40,000 square feet.
By Zoning District Boundary. When a lot is transected by a zoning district boundary, the regulations of the by-law applicable to the larger part of the area of such lot may also at the option of the lot owner be deemed to govern in the smaller part beyond such zoning district boundary but only to an extent not more than 30 linear feet in depth beyond such zoning district boundary.