[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the City of Englewood 11-10-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-02 as Ch. 12 of the 2003 Revised Health Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Retail food service establishments — See Ch. 489.
The owner, tenant, manager and all other persons maintaining, operating or in charge or control of any public place shall at all times keep and maintain every such public place and all parts thereof in a clean and sanitary condition and open to inspection by the Health Officer.
Every retail food establishment where food or beverage is sold or offered for sale to the public for consumption on the premises, and any camp or public recreation place or any other place of business where toilet facilities or water for drinking or culinary purposes are available for use of the public shall contain public lavatories.
Every public lavatory, except those retail food establishments with 10 or less seats for on-premises consumption, shall have separate lavatory facilities for male and female patrons. Retail food establishments with 10 or less seats for on-premises consumption may apply to the Health and Building Departments, as well as the Plumbing Inspector, for permission to provide a unisex lavatory.
The applicant must receive written approval from the Health Department pursuant to the plan review (§ 489-7 of this code), the Building Department and the Plumbing Inspector before construction or renovation of public lavatories begins.
Every public lavatory shall contain the following:
A self-closing door;
At least one water closet and hand wash sink with an adequate supply of hot and cold running water under pressure;
A sufficient quantity of toilet tissue;
Single-service towels or an air dryer;
A sanitary waste receptacle;
A mechanical dispenser containing liquid or powdered soap of a type approved by the Health Officer;
Smooth, easily cleanable, nonabsorbent and durable floor and wall surfaces.
Every public lavatory shall be clearly marked on the exterior of the door whether it is for male or female patrons or is unisex (for both male and female patrons).
A unisex public lavatory must be designed for the use of one person at a time and must have an interior locking device that displays on the exterior of the door that the facility is occupied when it is in use.
Every facility required to have one or more public lavatories must provide handicap access pursuant to the Americans With Disabilities Act to every patron.
In all public lavatories there is prohibited:
The use of cake soap in common;
The use of towels in common; and
The storage of cleansing agents containing poisonous ingredients.
The standards and prohibitions applicable to public lavatories regulated in § 517-2 shall apply to the public lavatories provided in any public place.