[Adopted 5-25-2017]
Pursuant to CGS § 7-148(c)(5)(A), the Town shall assume from the Bethlehem Emergency Services Group sponsorship of the Bethlehem Length of Service Awards Program, as set forth in the Length of Service Awards Master Plan and Adoption Agreement, established effective July 1, 1988, and dated October 28, 1998, as restated July 1, 2004, and dated March 31, 2005, as amended October 25, 2011, and as amended from time to time.
Pursuant to CGS § 7-450(b), the Town hereby authorizes the establishment of a grantor trust, within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and IRS regulations, to hold the assets and investments related to, and required by, the Length of Service Awards Program, which pursuant to such trust shall remain available to creditors of the Town in the event of insolvency, as defined in the trust. The trust shall be prepared and entered into by the Board of Selectmen on behalf of the Town of Bethlehem as the grantor of the trust and sponsor of the LOSAP Plan.
The LOSAP Plan and Trust shall be administered by the Bethlehem LOSAP Committee which shall serve as administrator and trustee. The LOSAP Committee shall consist of five members appointed by the Board of Selectmen, for a term of two years commencing in December, one member nominated from each of the following: Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance, Bethlehem Volunteer Fire Department, Bethlehem Ambulance Association and one member representing the public.