[Amended 8-26-2008; 1-14-2020]
If, after a certificate of occupancy, temporary or permanent, has been issued and the building or buildings are occupied and/or used, the Planning Board finds that any of the conditions of an approved final site review application are in violation, the Planning Board, or its authorized representative, shall order the owner to make such corrections as it deems necessary to bring the use and operation into conformity with the provisions of such approval. Such order shall be complied with within a period of time extending not more than 30 days from the original notice. Where the owner fails to comply with the notice of the Planning Board, a fine as provided in the City Fine Schedule may be levied against said owner, and the certificate of occupancy shall be revoked as per RSA 676:4-a.
[Amended 3-23-2010]
The Planning Board may waive specific provisions of these regulations. The Planning Board may only grant a waiver if the Planning Board finds, by majority vote, that:
Strict conformity would pose an unnecessary hardship to the applicant and the waiver would not be contrary to the spirit and intent of the regulations; or
Specific circumstances relative to the subdivision, or conditions of the land in such site plan, indicate that the waiver will properly carry out the spirit and intent of the regulations.
In granting waivers, the Planning Board may require such conditions as will, in the Board's judgment, secure substantially the objectives of the standards or requirements of these regulations.
Procedures. A petition for any such waiver shall be submitted, in writing, by the applicant at the time when the application is filed for consideration by the Planning Board. The petition shall state fully the grounds for the waiver and all of the facts relied upon by the petitioner. The basis for any waiver granted by the Planning Board shall be recorded in the minutes of the Planning Board.