[Added 8-14-84 by Ord. No. 84-598]
The following regulations shall apply to the H-1 (Hotel Convention Center) district.
Types of principal uses and buildings permitted shall be office, conference, hotel with retail and services as ancillary uses only subject to the following conditions:
An additional turning lane from Route 18 into Naricon Place must be provided to accommodate a right hand turning movement or alternative improvements to traffic flow in order to avoid a negative impact on Route 18.
Widening of Naricon Place by one lane on the north side to provide (1) a right hand turn lane and (2) a left hand turn and/or straight movement.
Provision for maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of .85 and a minimum Open Space Ratio (OSR) of .75. Up to 65% of the open space can be used for on-site parking, and other accessory structure, and site improvements.
[Amended 9-24-84 by Ord. No. 84-604]
Off tract improvements shall include buffering plantings on residential property or in the public right-of-way as deemed appropriate by the Planning Board.
Submission of a study of sub surface geology for structural capability.
Submission of traffic impact analysis to assure that all traffic improvements necessitated by the development, including those off tract, will be identified by the developer who will be required to pay for a fair share of the costs of those improvements.
Noise impact study assuring compliance with Chapter 147 of the Code of the Township of East Brunswick known as the "Noise Control Ordinance".
A conservation easement must be provided adjacent to all stream corridors, which shall be at least the width of any designated flood plain and shall include steep wooded areas identified in the Environmental Impact Statement which the Planning Board may designate as environmentally sensitive in accordance with T.C. 132-30.1.
Off-tract improvements for pedestrian access shall be provided to connect the site with all transportation and parking areas and adjacent uses.
[Amended 9-24-84 by Ord. No. 84-604]
The facade of all parking structures shall be architecturally integrated and compatible with the architectural design of the (hotel convention center) buildings to be constructed on the site.
[Amended 9-24-84 by Ord. No. 84-604]
Those retail and service uses which are accessory to office buildings and hotel convention centers.
[Amended 10-27-97 by Ord. No. 97-22]
Prohibited uses and buildings shall be as set forth in § 228-178, C-3, General Commercial District and as follows:
Storage yard for wreckers and damaged or disabled vehicles associated with a wrecker operation.
[Added 10-27-97 by Ord. No. 97-22]
[Amended 10-9-84 by Ord. No. 84-610]
No buildings or structures in a H-l District shall be erected or enlarged to exceed twelve (12) stories plus a parking deck limited to five (5) stories, subject to the following:
If the setback line from the centerline of Route 18 is less than 250 feet, then the height restrictions for the underlying zones shall govern.
For each 3,000 square feet of open space above the required open space ratio, to a maximum of 12,000 square feet, an additional story may be permitted by the Planning Board.
The maximum height limitation for structures located a minimum of 60 feet from any side yard or front yard setback shall be 60 ft. in height.
No structure shall exceed 200 ft. in height unless the side yard setback is a minimum of 200 ft. Shadow pattern analysis shall be provided subject to the review and approval of the Planning Board to insure that adjacent lots shall not be adversely affected.
Proposed structures may increase in height between the required 60 ft. and 200 ft. side yard setback subject to the review and approval of the Planning Board.
[Amended 10 9 84 by Ord. No. 84-610]
The minimum project size for a hotel convention center is 10 acres.
All setbacks and bulk standards shall be the same as § 228-180 regulating area and yard requirements in the C-3 Commercial District, except as noted in T.C. § 228-188.
A 60 ft. side yard setback shall be provided in the H-l Zone which must remain in its natural state or be planted with supplemental landscaping and in which the construction of any structure or pavement shall be specifically prohibited.
Off street parking and loading requirements shall be as set forth in the Site Plan Ordinance, § 228-15.
[4-20-09 By Ord. No. 09-11]