The Town shall enhance the safety, access, convenience and comfort of all users of all ages and abilities, providing for equality in use between pedestrians, including people requiring mobility aids, bicyclists, transit users, motorists and freight drivers, through the design, operation and maintenance of the transportation network so as to create a connected network of facilities accommodating each mode of travel that is consistent with and supportive of the local community, recognizing that all streets are different and that the needs of various users will need to be balanced in a flexible manner.
The Town will incorporate complete street elements into public transportation projects in order to provide appropriate accommodation for bicyclists, pedestrians, transit users and persons of all abilities, while promoting safe operation for all users, in comprehensive and connected networks in a manner consistent with, and supportive of, the surrounding community.
As feasible, the Town shall incorporate complete streets infrastructure into existing streets to improve the safety and convenience of users, construct and enhance the transportation network for each category of users, and foster economic development.
The Town recognizes that complete streets may be achieved through single elements incorporated into a particular project or incrementally through a series of smaller improvements or maintenance activities over time.
The Town shall approach every transportation project and program as an opportunity to improve streets and the transportation network for all users.
Bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities shall be incorporated, when applicable and practical, in all street projects, reconstruction, repaving, and rehabilitation projects, with only the following exceptions:
Bicycles or pedestrians are prohibited by law from using the facility.
The cost of establishing bikeways or walkways as part of the project would be disproportionate in cost or to anticipated future use.
The existing right-of-way is constrained in a manner that inhibits simple addition of transit, bicycle, or pedestrian improvements. In this case, the Town shall consider alternatives such as lane reduction, lane narrowing, on-street parking relocation or reduction, shoulders, signage, traffic calming, or enforcement.
Where such facilities would constitute a threat to public safety or health.
All initial planning and design studies, environmental reviews, and other project reviews for projects shall:
Evaluate the effect of the proposed project on safe travel by all users.
Identify measures to mitigate any adverse impacts on such travel that are identified.
Incorporate these guidelines wherever appropriate and practical.
Coordinate these guidelines with Dutchess County Greenway Guides, especially Sections B, C, D and E.