Members of the Town Meeting shall be electors of the Town and all others entitled by the General Statutes to vote at Town Meetings.
At least five calendar days prior to a Town Meeting (excluding the day that the notice is published and the day of the meeting), the Board of Selectmen shall prepare and cause to be published a notice of the date, time, place, and call of the meeting in accordance with the definition of "Publication of Notice" in § 1.03 of this Charter. The notice shall include either the complete text of the items of business or ordinance(s) to be considered, or a reference to such items of business or ordinance(s) and a statement that a copy of the complete text of such items of business or ordinance(s) is available at the office of the Town Clerk.
A moderator appointed pursuant to this section shall preside at all Town Meetings and shall conduct such meetings in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. The Town Meeting moderator and three alternates, each of whom shall serve a four-year term, shall be appointed by majority vote of the Board of Selectmen in compliance with statutory requirements for minority representation. Each may be discharged by such a majority vote. The Town Clerk shall designate which alternate shall preside at a Town Meeting in the moderator's absence.
An Annual Town Meeting shall be held each year in the month of January on a date established by the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of presenting the Annual Report, as described in § 7.03I of this Charter. Such Annual Town Meeting may coincide with a regular or special meeting of the Board of Selectmen. Any other item of general interest to the Town may be placed on the call of the Annual Town Meeting either by vote of a majority of the members of the Board of Selectmen or by the filing of a petition signed by 50 persons eligible to vote at a Town Meeting requesting that an item be placed on the call of the meeting. Such petition shall be filed with the Town Clerk no later than December 15 of the prior calendar year. A non-binding vote may be taken on any item on the call of the Annual Town Meeting.
Special Town Meetings may be called from time to time by the Board of Selectmen and as required by this Charter.
A Special Town Meeting shall be required for the purpose of taking action on the following:
Special appropriations (§ 9.03C of this Charter);
Approval of grants beyond the purview of the Board of Selectmen, Board of Education, or Board of Finance (§ 9.03E of this Charter);
Obligations of the Town in excess of $100,000 or as required by the General Statutes; or
Any matter called by petition to a Special Town Meeting (§§ 3.06 or 3.07 of this Charter).
Whenever a petition signed by a number equivalent to 5% of the electors is filed with the Town Clerk requesting that a new item be considered at a Special Town Meeting, the Board of Selectmen shall place the petitioned item on the call of a Special Town Meeting to be held within 28 days after the date of receipt of the petition. Affirmative action on the petitioned item shall require a majority vote, but not less than 200 affirmative votes at the Special Town Meeting.
Said petition may propose consideration of any matter proper to come before a Town Meeting except a resolution on: (1) appointing or removing officials; (2) specifying the compensation or hours of work of officials and employees; (3) adopting the annual budget; (4) authorizing the levy of taxes; or (5) fixing the tax rate.
An elector or voter seeking reconsideration of an item previously voted by a legislative body shall notify the Town Clerk in writing within four business days after the vote by the legislative body. A petition for such reconsideration shall be filed with the Town Clerk within 15 days from the date of the vote on the item to be reconsidered. The petition shall be acceptable if signed by the number equivalent to 5% of the electors. Upon receipt of an acceptable petition, the Town Clerk shall deliver the same to the Board of Selectmen. Upon receipt of the petition by the Board of Selectmen, the Board shall place the item to be reconsidered on the call of a Special Town Meeting, and such Special Town Meeting shall be held within 28 days after the Board's receipt of the petition. Affirmative action on the petitioned item shall require a majority vote, but not less than 200 affirmative votes at the Special Town Meeting.
No petition for reconsideration shall be accepted with regard to an item that was previously voted by referendum vote.