It shall be the duty and obligation of all owners or developers of additions or tracts of land within the City limits to take reasonable and necessary action to prevent the unreasonable erosion within said additions or tracts.
Extraordinary washing and sifting of soil onto the streets or alleys, or adjacent properties shall be deemed to be unreasonable erosion as defined herein.
The Public Works Administration of the City of Weatherford, shall be empowered to make inspections of such situations and conditions, and direct the owner or developer as to necessary correction action, and that such order of the Public Works Administration shall be subject to review by the Board of Commissioners of the City upon five days' notice and demand by such owner or developer.
Before such tract or addition shall be accepted by the City of Weatherford as a dedicated plat, and before a building permit is issued for any part thereof, the owner or developer shall furnish to the Public Works Administration proof of compliance with the article of proof of adequate planning for such compliance.
Each violation of this article shall constitute a separate offense, and shall be punishable as provided in this Code.
Should any part of this article be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, or be held to be invalid with reference to any part, parcel or portion of the land described herein, such holding shall not affect the validity of this article with reference to the remainder of said article or of said land.