Persons using designated dog parks within the County of Essex must abide by the following rules and regulations:
All persons using the dog park assume any and all risks associated with the use of the dog park.
The hours of operation for each dog park shall be consistent with the hours of operation for the County park or property in which the dog park is located unless otherwise provided.
Dog owners or persons otherwise in charge of a dog are always strictly responsible and liable for the actions of their dog and for any damage to property or persons.
Dog owners or persons otherwise in charge of a dog must immediately remove a dog from the park if the dog becomes aggressive or uncontrollable or engages in excessive barking toward people or other dogs.
Dogs must have valid license tags and have up-to-date vaccinations pursuant to state and local laws and regulations.
Limit of two dogs per person.
All dogs must be accompanied at all times by at least one person who is 16 years of age or older.
No children under the age of 16 are allowed inside the off-leash area unless accompanied by an adult and/or in conformance with Subsection G.
Dogs outside the off-leash area must be- leashed at all times with a leash not to exceed a length of six feet.
No puppies younger than four months old.
No dogs in heat.
Spiked, pronged or choke collars are prohibited.
Dog owners or persons otherwise in charge of a dog must immediately clean up, remove, and dispose of their dog's feces.
No food.
Dog owners or persons otherwise in charge of a dog must immediately report all dog bites to the proper authorities.
Any person, who violates the rules and regulations set forth in § 74-10, shall upon conviction thereof, be subject to a minimum fine of $100 not to exceed $2,000.