[Ord. No. 6-96 § 1]
The following procedures shall apply whenever a member, other than a Class 1 member of a Planning Board pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-23, shall be absent from attendance of the respective Board or Commission to which he was appointed for three consecutive sessions or for more than five sessions in one calendar year.
[Ord. No. 6-96 § 2; Ord. No. 9-97 § 2]
This section shall apply to all members of the following Boards and Commissions: Land Use Board, Environmental Commission, Shade Tree Commission, Library Board of Trustees, Human Relations/Municipal Alliance. The provisions shall only apply to the extent permitted by law.
[Ord. No. 6-96 § 3]
Upon a member of the foregoing Boards or Commissions' absence from attendance for the number of times indicted in subsection 2-40.1, the Secretary of the Board or Commission, or if there is no such office or that office is vacant the Borough Clerk or her designee, shall cause to be served upon that member a written notice that the member is in violation of this section and has the option of resigning or appearing before the Council on a specified date so that the Council can determine if there is cause for dismissal from the respective Board or Commission. For purposes of this section, absence due to verifiable legitimate illness cannot be considered cause.
[Ord. No. 1-97 § 1]
The Board of Health in the Borough shall consist of seven members, those members being the Mayor and Council. The term of office for the Board of Health shall run consistently with the Councilmembers' term of office.
[Ord. No. 1-97 § 1]
The Council President, as elected at the annual reorganization meeting of the Mayor and Council in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:60-3(b), shall also serve as the President of the Board of Health, the term of President of the Board of Health, shall run concurrent with the term of office as Council President.
[Ord. No. 1-97 § 1]
[1982 Code § 2-16.4]
The Board of Health shall appoint a Registrar of Vital Statistics who need not be a member of the Borough Council; it shall also appoint a Clerk, Sanitary Inspectors and such other officers and assistants as the Board may deem necessary. All inspectors and appointees of the Board of Health shall be governed by the rules of the Board, and may be removed for cause.
The Police Officers of the Borough shall be Special Sanitary Inspectors, and shall promptly report to the Board of Health every violation of the health ordinances of the Borough which may come within their observation.
[Ord. No. 19-94 § 2-24.1]
There is hereby established the Local Assistance Board, which shall administer the public assistance program of the Borough pursuant to the State Statute and regulation. The Local Assistance Board shall be composed of three persons, at least one of whom shall be a woman and one of whom may be a member of the Borough Council, appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the Borough Council.
[Ord. No. 19-94 § 2-24.2]
The terms of the members and appointees for the Local Assistance Board shall be as follows:
The Councilmember appointment shall be for a term of one year.
The terms of the other members shall be for a two-year term.
The term of each member and appointee shall commence on the first day of January and expire December 31 in the concluding year of the appointment, or once the appointee's successor shall be appointed and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term only. Members of the Local Assistance Board shall serve without compensation but shall be allowed their necessary and actual expenses.
[Ord. No. 19-94 § 2-24.3]
The Local Assistance Board shall annually organize and select a Chairperson and Secretary.
The Local Assistance Board shall appoint a Director of Welfare who shall be the first executive and administrative officer of the Board and who shall serve for a term five years from the date of appointment, and shall be paid a salary as fixed by the approval of the Borough Council.
In case of a vacancy in the Office of the Director of Welfare, one Temporary or Acting Director may be appointed to serve for 90 days. Other employees, including assistants, clerks, investigators and nurses, who may be necessary to properly administer public assistance, shall be appointed in the same manner as the Director of Welfare. No employee whose compensation is paid from funds received or appropriated for public assistance or the administration thereof in any manner shall hold office in any political party.
The Director of Welfare shall perform such duties as provided for in State Statute or as directed by the Local Assistance Board, provided the direction is not inconsistent with any requirements of State Statute.
[1982 Code § 2-20.1]
There is hereby established in and for the Borough an Environmental Commission which shall have general and overall responsibility for the protection and development of the natural resources of the Borough. Such Commission shall be hereafter referred to and shall be known as the Jamesburg Environmental Commission.
[1982 Code § 2-20.2]
The Environmental Commission shall consist of not less than five nor more than seven members, who shall be appointed by the Mayor. One of the members shall be a member of the Planning Board, one shall be a member of the Shade Tree Commission, and all members shall be residents of the Borough. The Chairman of the Commission shall be designated by the Mayor to serve as Chairman and Presiding Officer of the Commission. A Secretary shall be designated by the members of the Commission to keep the records of its meetings and activities and to make an annual report of the Commission's actions to the Mayor and Council.
Terms of office shall be for three years and shall be staggered by reason of their original appointments. Members shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualify. A vacancy on the Commission otherwise than by expiration of the term shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as an original appointment.
[1982 Code § 2-20.3]
Generally. The Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to exercise such powers as may be necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this section including the following in addition to others herein granted.
Investigate the dwelling conditions in the Borough in order to determine which dwellings therein are unfit for human habitation.
Administer oaths, affirmations, examine witnesses and receive evidence.
Enter upon premises for the purpose of making examination, provided that such entries shall be made in such manner as to cause the least possible inconvenience to the persons in possession.
Appoint and fix the duties of such officers, agents and employees as it deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this section, including the appointment of an attorney at law of the State of New Jersey.
Specific Powers. The Environmental Commission is hereby specifically empowered to:
Conduct research into the use and possible use of the open land areas of the Borough.
Coordinate the activities of unofficial bodies organized for the same purpose.
Advertise, prepare, print and distribute books, maps, charts, plans and pamphlets which in the judgment of the Commission shall be necessary for its purpose.
Recommend to the Planning Board plans and programs for inclusion in the Borough Master Plan and plans and programs for the development and use of open areas, including open marshlands, swamps and other wetlands.
Acquire real and/or personal property in the name of the Borough by gift, purchase, grant, bequest, devise or lease for any of its purposes and administer the same for such purposes, subject to the term of any such conveyance or gift. Such an acquisition may be to acquire the fee, or any lesser interest, development, right, easement, including a conservation easement, covenant, or any contractual right, including a conveyance on conditions or without limitations or reversions, as may be necessary to acquire, maintain, improve, protect, or limit the future use of or otherwise condition for the proper use of open spaces and other land areas and wet areas in the Borough.
Appoint such clerks and other employees as it may from time to time require and/or shall be within the limits of funds appropriated to it.
Study and make recommendations concerning open space preservation, water resources management, air pollution control, solid waste management, noise control, soil and landscape protection, environmental appearance, and protection of flora and fauna.
[1982 Code § 2-20.4]
The Environmental Commission shall be required to keep an index of all open areas in the Borough publicly and privately owned, including open marshlands, swamps, and other wetlands.
[1982 Code § 2-20.5]
Nothing in this section shall be construed to abrogate or impair the power of the Borough or any officer or department to enforce any provisions of its charter, or its ordinances or regulations, nor to prevent or punish violations thereof, and the powers conferred by this section shall be in addition and supplemental to the powers conferred upon the Borough by any other law or ordinance.
Editor's Note: Former Section 2-44, Shade Tree Commission, previously codified herein and containing portions of 1982 Code §§ 2-21.1 through 2-21.11, was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 10-08.
[Ord. No. 13-91; New]
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 10:5-10, there shall be created a local commission to be known as the Human Relations Commission/Municipal Alliance Committee in order to aid in effectuating the purposes of the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination, N.J.S.A. 10:15-1 et seq.
Members; Residency. The Human Relations Commission/Municipal Alliance Committee shall consist of 11 members who shall reside in the Borough, with the exception of the Superintendent of Schools and the Chief of Police who will be appointed concurrently with their term of office, and who shall serve without compensation. The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Borough Council, shall appoint the members of the Commission and the Commission shall have the authority to appoint a Chairperson who shall serve for a period of one year.
The Human Relations Commission/Municipal Alliance Committee shall attempt to foster, through community effort or otherwise, good will, cooperation and conciliation among the group and elements of the inhabitants of the community.
The Human Relations Commission/Municipal Alliance Committee is hereby empowered to make recommendations to the Borough Council for the development of policies and procedures in general and for programs of formal and informal education that will aid in eliminating all types of discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, sexual orientation or gender. This Commission shall also be responsible for the duties required of a Municipal Alliance Committee.
Term of Office. Members of the Commission shall serve for a term of three years. In appointing persons to membership on the Human Relations Commission/Municipal Alliance Committee, the Mayor shall attempt to choose persons representative of the civic, religious, ethnic and cultural populations in the Borough.
Quorum. Six members of the Human Relations/Municipal Alliance Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
[Ord. No. 15-93 § 1]
When the Chief of Police of the Borough is unable to attend any meetings of the Human Relations Commission/Municipal Alliance Committee, he is authorized to designate an alternate. However, the alternate must be a full-time Police Officer of the Borough.
When the Superintendent of Schools of the Borough is unable to attend any meeting of the Human Relations Commission/Municipal Alliance Committee, he is authorized to designate an alternate. However, the alternate must be a full-time teacher of the Jamesburg Public School system.
[1982 Code § 2-5.1]
When the Mayor shall determine that a local disaster emergency exists or is in danger of occurring by reason of fire, explosion, storm, riot or other circumstances, he is hereby empowered to declare the existence of imminence of a local disaster emergency and to make public proclamation for the purpose of maintaining public order.
[1982 Code § 3-5.2]
Upon determination and declaration of a state of emergency, the Mayor shall be authorized to exercise the following powers; provided that any such powers shall not continue to be in force and effect for a longer period than 48 hours unless, at the expiration of such period of time, a resolution of the Council is duly adopted extending the duration of the civil emergency.
The Mayor may issue the following proclamation to all citizens and persons within the Borough and to all departments, divisions and bureaus of the municipal government.
WHEREAS, pursuant to the powers vested in me by 251 of the Laws of 1942, as amended and supplemented, N.J.S.A. App. A:9-30 et seq., 40:48-1(6) and ordinances enacted pursuant thereto; N.J.S.A. 2A:126-4 et seq., and by ordinance adopted by the Borough of Jamesburg, I have declared that a local disaster emergency exists within the Borough of Jamesburg, and
WHEREAS, the aforesaid laws authorize the promulgation of such orders, rules and regulations as are necessary to meet the various problems which have or may be presented by such emergency.
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with the aforesaid laws, I do hereby promulgate and declare the following regulations to be in effect until such time as it is declared that such an emergency no longer exists in the Borough of Jamesburg, which regulations shall be in addition to all other laws of the State of New Jersey and of the Borough of Jamesburg.
There shall be no movement of vehicular traffic in the Borough of Jamesburg between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the following day, except for the movement of police, fire and such other vehicles as may be permitted by me and other authorized officials.
There shall be no vehicular traffic within such areas of the Borough of Jamesburg as I may from time to time designate and at such hours as I shall designate during periods other than the hours expressed in regulation No. 1 aforesaid.
No person shall remain in or upon the public streets, ways or places of the Borough of Jamesburg between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the following day, except as authorized by me or other designated officials.
All person licensed under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law to dispense alcoholic beverages or for on-premises consumption shall cease operation of their businesses during the existence of this emergency, except that hotels may remain open for the service of food and supplying other accommodations to their guests.
The sale of gasoline is hereby prohibited, except when dispensed directly into the tank of a vehicle.
No person other than local Police, State Police and National Guard, when called, or any other law enforcement person shall carry, hold or posses in any motor vehicle, carriage, motorcycle or other vehicles, or carry on or about his clothes or person or otherwise have in his possession, or under his control, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, firearms, explosives or incendiary devices of any kind during this emergency.
The Police Department, State Police and National Guard, when called, are hereby directed or ordered or requested to take any and all measures requisite to quell disturbances and outbreaks of violence to secure areas within the Borough of Jamesburg to prevent and deter actual threatened harm to persons or property and generally to take all actions necessary to implement and effectuate these regulations.
[1982 Code § 3-5.3; New]
There is hereby established within the Borough of Jamesburg a Division of Emergency Management and Disaster Control, the head of which shall be the Emergency Management Coordinator who shall be appointed by the Mayor. The term of office for the Emergency Management Coordinator shall be as prescribed by Statutes. The Emergency Management Coordinator shall appoint a Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator, with the approval of the Mayor and the advice and consent of the Borough Council.
[1982 Code § 3-5.4]
There is hereby created within the Borough of Jamesburg a Local Defense Council. This Council shall be composed of not more than 20 members who shall be appointed by the Mayor upon the advice of the Emergency Management Coordinator, and shall hold office at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. The Emergency Management Coordinator shall serve as the chairperson of the Local Defense Council. The Local Defense Council shall develop an emergency operations plan for approval by the Borough Council and State Emergency Management Office. The plan shall be a prescribed method for handling local emergencies and/or local disasters.
[1982 Code § 3-5.5]
A report of the Division of Emergency Management and Disaster Control shall be made annually and transmitted to the Mayor, with copies to all members of the Borough Council, for acceptance and approval of the annual report. It shall contain all appropriate proceedings which are conducted by the Emergency Management and Disaster Control Division.