No changes shall be made in the contour of the land and no grading, excavation, removal nor destruction of the topsoil, trees or other vegetative cover of the land shall be commenced, until such time that a plan for minimizing erosion and sedimentation has been reviewed by the Township Engineer.
In conjunction with all minor earth disturbance permit applications and BMP operations and maintenance plans, the Township Engineer shall condition their approval upon the compliance with erosion and sediment control measures contained in the latest edition of the "Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual" published by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Approval of plans and specifications for the control of erosion and sedimentation shall be concurrent with the approval of the minor earth disturbance permit application and a BMP operations and maintenance plan and become a part thereof.
Measures used to control erosion and reduce sedimentation shall, as a minimum, meet the standards and specifications contained in the latest edition of the "Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual," published by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
In cases where the "Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual" does not have standards and specifications for erosion and sedimentation control, other known and commonly accepted standards and specifications may be used as approved by the Township Engineer.
All erosion and sedimentation control devices shall be in place and functioning prior to any earth disturbance activity. Such devices shall be inspected by the applicant immediately after any/all events and shall be properly maintained during the course of the work.
The following standards to minimize erosion and sedimentation shall be included where applicable in an erosion and sedimentation control plan, a minor earth disturbance plan or a BMP operations and maintenance plan:
Stripping of vegetation, regrading, or other development shall be done in a way that will minimize erosion.
Development plans shall preserve salient natural features, keep cut and fill operations to a minimum, and ensure conformity with topography so as to create the least erosion potential and adequately control the volume and velocity of surface water runoff.
Whenever feasible, natural vegetation shall be retained, protected, and supplemented.
The disturbed area and the duration of exposure shall be kept to a practical minimum and shall not exceed 30 days.
Temporary vegetation and mulching shall be used to protect exposed critical areas during development.
The permanent (final) vegetation and mechanical erosion control and drainage shall be installed as soon as practical.
Provisions shall be made to accommodate effectively the increased runoff caused by changed soil and surface conditions during and after development within the site. Where necessary, the rate of surface water runoff will be mechanically retarded.
Sediment in the runoff water shall be trapped until the disturbed area is stabilized by the use of debris basins, sediment basins, silt traps or similar measures.
All earth stockpiles shall be stabilized with temporary vegetation and/or mulching immediately.
All lots, tracts or parcels shall be graded to provide proper drainage away from buildings, and all land within a project area shall be graded to drain and dispose of surface water without, except where ponding (detention basins, etc.) is part of the stormwater management plan for the site.
Edges of slopes shall be a minimum of five feet from property lines or right-of-way lines in order to permit the normal rounding of the edge without encroaching on the abutting property.
Concentration of stormwater runoff shall be permitted only in swales, watercourses, or detention basins. Subject to the approval of the Township Engineer, swales shall be sodded or have jute matting or other similar measures to insure proper growth of the ground cover.
Grading shall in no case be done in such a way to divert water onto the adjacent property without the expressed written consent of the Board of Supervisors and the abutting property owner.
During grading operations, necessary measures for dust control must be exercised.
Grading equipment will not be allowed to cross live streams. Provisions shall be made for the installation of temporary culverts or bridges, subject to issuance of a dam and waterway encroachment permit issued by Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) under the provisions of Chapter 105.
A tire cleaning area shall be provided and properly maintained at each point of access to the project area.
All storm pipes shall discharge to receiving channels/swales at an angle less than or equal to 30° parallel to the direction of stream flow or far side embankment stabilization shall be provided.
No excavation shall be made with a cut face steeper than a ratio of three horizontal to one vertical, except under one or both of the following conditions:
Material in which excavation is made is sufficiently stable to sustain a slope of steeper than a ratio of three horizontal to one vertical. A written statement to that effect from a registered professional engineer licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and experienced in geotechnical engineering and erosion control, shall be submitted to the Township Engineer, and approved by them. The statement shall affirm that the site has been inspected and a deviation from the slope shall not result in injury to persons or damage to property.
A concrete, masonry, or other approved retaining wall, designed by a registered professional engineer experienced in structural engineering, and constructed in accordance with approved standards, is provided to support the face of the excavation. Design calculations/details pertaining to the retaining wall shall be submitted for review by the Township Engineer.
Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent surface water from damaging the cut face or excavations and the sloping surfaces of fills.
Cut and fill shall not endanger adjoining property.
All fills shall be compacted to provide stability of material and to prevent undesirable settlement. The fill shall be spread in a series of layers, each not exceeding eight inches in thickness and shall be compacted in a manner approved by the Township Engineer, to a minimum 95% dry density, after each layer is spread. The Township Engineer may require compaction tests or other information if in their opinion the conditions or materials are such that additional information is necessary.
Fills shall not encroach on natural watercourses, floodways, floodway fringes, constructed channels, or on wetlands unless permitted by the Army Corps of Engineers, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and approved by the Township.
Fills placed adjacent to natural watercourses, floodways, floodway fringes, constructed channels, or wetlands shall have suitable protection against erosion during periods of flooding, where approved by the Army Corps of Engineers, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and the Township.