For the purposes of this chapter, the following definition applies: "Animal" includes but is not limited to all of the following:
All animals, whether wild or tame, including, but not limited to, the dog, cat, horse, mule, cattle, sheep, hog;
All reptiles, including, but not limited to, the snake;
All aquatic animals, including, but not limited to, fish; and
All birds, and all fowl, including, but not limited to, the chicken, turkey, duck.
(Prior code § 62.801)
No dead animals shall be deposited or allowed to remain upon any premises within a quarter of a mile of any park, city highway, county highway, state highway, or any public highway, road or alley, or any dwelling or other structure used or occupied by a person or persons, or in any standing or running water or in any open excavation, and any animal deposited or allowed to remain upon such premises is declared to be a public nuisance.
(Prior code § 62.802)
It shall be the duty of the owner of a dead animal to dispose of such dead animal in a manner authorized by law.
(Prior code § 62.803)
It shall be the duty of the owner, the occupant and any person having control of the premises referred to in Section 6.08.020 on which there is a dead animal to remove the dead animal from the premises, or otherwise dispose of the dead animal in a manner authorized by law.
(Prior code § 62.804)
In the event a dead animal is deposited or allowed to remain upon premises in violation of Section 608.020 and the director of public health determines that, in the interest of protecting the public health, the city should forthwith remove and dispose of the dead animal, the director of public health or any department of the city, at the request of the director, may remove and dispose of the animal.
(Prior code § 62.805)
In the event a dead animal is deposited or allowed to remain upon premises in violation of Section 6.08.020, the owner of the dead animal, the owner of such premises, the occupant of such premises and any other person having control of such premises who has knowledge of the existence of said dead animal or who has received notice from the director of public health requiring the removal of the dead animal shall be liable to the city for the cost of the removal and disposal of such dead animal by the city. Said cost may be recovered by a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(Prior code § 62.806)
Any person desiring to engage in the business of collecting and/or conveying or transporting dead animals along any public highways in the city or who collects and/or so transports such animals incidental to the operation of a business, shall annually make an application to the department of public works for a separate permit for each vehicle in which animals are to be transported or conveyed.
The director of public works shall make an investigation to determine that such vehicle to be used will be suitable to transport dead animals and that such vehicle has a watertight body or watertight tank within which dead animals may be transported or conveyed. If the director of public works is satisfied that such applicant meets the requirements of this chapter he shall grant the applicant a permit to transport dead animals over any public highway in the vehicle for which the permit is issued. The fee for such permit shall be twenty dollars for each such vehicle, which fee shall be paid and collected prior to the issuance of the permit.
Unless sooner revoked, every permit issued pursuant to this section shall expire December 31st of the year in which it is issued. Each permit issued pursuant to this section shall be displayed in a prominent place on the vehicle for which it is issued.
(Prior code § 62.808)
Vehicles used by a permittee to transport dead animals shall have watertight metal bodies and any dead animals therein shall be covered with a tarpaulin or other cover approved by the director of public works. Such vehicles shall be cleaned and disinfected immediately after dead animals are transported in such vehicle.
(Prior code § 62.809)