A progress schedule of all proposed subdivision work shall be submitted by the subdivider. The schedule shall indicate the estimated commencement and completion dates for the major items of work involved in the project. The schedule shall be reviewed by the Superintendent of Highways and the Town Engineer for approval. Upon approval, or approved as corrected, the work shall be adhered to by the subdivider for the orderly performance and completion of the work.
The developer is responsible for keeping Town roads, streets and private property free of debris and damage caused by construction operations or by stormwater runoff from the development sites. Any damage so caused shall be immediately repaired by the developer at his own expense.
It shall be mandatory upon the subdivision developer that the work proceed in accordance with the best construction practice and that all necessary measures be taken for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare.
The developer is responsible for all required improvements to existing Town and private roads adjacent to and accessing the proposed subdivision as required by the Superintendent of Highways. Test holes to a minimum depth of 12 inches at intervals of 100 feet, or as directed by the Town Engineer or Superintendent of Highways, shall be taken to determine the depth and type of existing road construction.
The flow of traffic or the safety thereof on any public street or highway within the Town shall not be restricted or endangered in any way by construction operations, equipment, vehicles or materials connected with road construction by subdivision development.
Stormwater runoff from developments must be confined to the site unless adequate facilities exist. Methods of providing temporary drainage shall be approved by the Town Engineer. Rainfall runoff onto roads, streets or private property is prohibited.
All drainage facilities during construction shall be cleared of lumber debris, dirt or other objectionable material after completion and shall be maintained in a clean condition until time for use.
Topsoil removal is prohibited. Refer to Chapter 228, Soil Removal, of the Southold Town Code regarding soil removal.
All highways ending at tidewater shall terminate 100 feet back from the mean high-water elevation. Each dead-end road shall have a dead-end sign on a ten-foot steel U-type signpost.
All dead-end highways with five lots or more must have a width of not less than 100 feet for a distance of 100 feet from the dead end to provide for a turnaround, all of which must be cleared of trees, bushes and stumps. A guardrail shall be installed along the entire dead-end length. Such guardrail shall be on galvanized steel (flex-beam type), 12-gauge, 18 1/2 inches in width erected on four-inch-by-six-inch-by-seven-foot-, CCA 0.6 treated posts placed in the ground for a depth of three feet. The dead-end sign shall be placed in the center of the dead-end width in the rear of the guide rail with posts spaced at 12 feet on center.
Street name signs. The developer shall propose the name for each street or road in a proposed subdivision. The proposed name shall be subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Highways. Street identification signs, stop signs, dead-end signs or other signs required shall be of a type approved by the Superintendent of Highways. Signs shall be provided by the subdivider and placed at all intersections and at other locations as directed by the Superintendent of Highways.
Traffic control signs. Placement of any and all traffic control signs (i.e., stop, speed limit, etc.) shall be subject to the approval of the Southold Town Board.
Where it is necessary to have a drainage area located beyond the fifty-foot bounds of the highway, an easement to such area shall be provided, together with the necessary land to connect such area to the bounds of the highway. Easements shall have a minimum width of 20 feet.
Corrugated pipe having a minimum diameter of 18 inches, extending from the drainage area to the bounds of the highway, shall be installed with clean-out boxes at one-hundred-fifty-foot intervals.
When temporary traffic is permitted on subdivision roads prior to construction of stabilized base courses and asphalt binder courses, a passable all-weather road must be maintained at all times with specific attention to winter and spring weather.
Traffic on stabilized base courses and asphalt binder courses shall be subject to approval by the Superintendent of Highways.