Pursuant to the authority conferred by the Town Law and the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York and for each and every of the purposes specified therein, the Town Board of the Town of Lockport does hereby enact the following law regulating and restricting the height, number of stories and size of buildings and other structures, the percentage of lot that may be occupied, the size of yards, courts and other open spaces, the density of population and the location and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence or other purposes, and other uses of lands, buildings and structures in the Town of Lockport.
This chapter shall be known as the "Zoning Law of the Town of Lockport."
This chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority and power granted by the Consolidated Laws of New York State with the intent to promote the public health, welfare, morals, safety, convenience, order, and prosperity of the community in general and specifically in the following respects:
To guide the growth and development of the Town in accordance with the Town's Comprehensive Plan for land use, population density and intensity of development.
To preserve the value of land and buildings and ensure land uses in accordance with the character of the district and its suitability for particular uses; protect the economic stability of the entire Town; and provide for orderly and beneficial growth commensurate with the availability and capacity of public facilities and services, and the ability of land and natural resources to accommodate such growth.
To ensure adequate and appropriate sites for residences, industry, and commerce.
To encourage flexibility in the design and development of land in such a way as to promote the most appropriate use of lands, to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities and to preserve the natural scenic qualities of open space.
To safeguard natural, agricultural, historic and scenic resources; prevent the contamination of public and private drinking wells and aquifers, lakes and ponds, and freshwater wetlands, and watercourses; and preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the community.
To establish the most beneficial relationship between land use, buildings, and the circulation of traffic throughout the Town, with particular regard to the lessening of congestion, the safe and efficient movement of vehicles and pedestrians, the provision of adequate parking facilities, and convenient access appropriate to the prospective use.
To secure safety from fire, flood, panic, and other dangers; and provide adequate light, air and land.
To guide public policy so as to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, and other public requirements; and guide private enterprise in building development, investment, and other economic activity in relation to land use and buildings.
To assure privacy for residences and freedom from nuisances and harmful, unsightly uses; and protect the community against obtrusive and incompatible land uses and operations.
To provide for the general welfare and to enhance the character and appearance of the Town of Lockport as a whole.