All improvements specified or implied on the definitive plan shall be constructed or installed by the applicant in accordance with the provisions of this article of the rules and regulations or as directed by the Board. The applicant shall furnish all necessary materials, labor, and equipment which may be required to complete the work called for or implied on the definitive plan, including all related expenses. Items not specifically mentioned herein shall be constructed in accordance with the latest revision of the Standard Specification for Highways and Bridges of the Massachusetts Department of Public Works (hereinafter referred to as the "Department's specifications"); unless specifically directed otherwise by the Board.
All work performed by the applicant as a consequence of these rules and regulations will be subject to the review and acceptance or approval of the Board. Therefore, the Board may employ a registered professional engineer to act as its agent for the inspection of the work. In order that the Board's engineer may properly inspect the work as it progresses, the applicant will keep the engineer informed of the progress of the work and shall, at any time, provide safe and convenient access to all parts of the work for inspection by members of the Board or its engineer or such persons as the Board may designate. No work will be approved which has been covered prior to inspection by subsequent work. Reference should be made to Article VIII for inspections required by the Board.
Construction details and specifications shall comply with the standards contained in the construction specifications and standards volume which is available from the Engineering Section of the Barnstable Department of Public Works for a nominal fee.
The subdivision, including all way and lot lines and all drain lines and utilities shall be laid out as to line and grade by a registered land surveyor and a certificate filed with the Board to this effect. Stakes for line and grade, clearly marked with the proper station, shall be maintained throughout construction.
Any work which, in the opinion of the Board, has not been properly laid out or does not conform to the plans may be checked by a registered land surveyor employed by the Board. If the Board determines that such work does not conform to the plan, the applicant shall pay all costs which the Board incurs as a consequence of checking the work. The Board may require the removal and correct replacement of any work which has been incorrectly laid out.
The entire area to be occupied by the roadway plus an additional four feet or extending outward to the toe of slopes in fill areas, whichever is greater, shall be excavated a minimum of 15 inches below finished grade in cut sections or as necessary to remove the topsoil in fill sections or such greater depth as may be required by the Board's engineer if soft or yielding material, clay, peat, silt, sand pockets, boulders or rocks, organic materials, or other material detrimental to the subgrade is encountered. All fill or undisturbed material shall be non-frost-susceptible and shall contain not more than 3% passing the No. 200 sieve for a minimum depth of three feet below the finished roadway grade.
Trees intended to be preserved shall be protected from injury by suitable boxes or fenders, or wells if in fill.
The Board's engineer will make an inspection when this phase of the work is completed.
The erosion control plan shall include the use of erosion control measures recommended by the Soil Conservation Service for use during and after construction.
Erosion minimalization. Stripping of vegetation, soil removal and regrading shall be accomplished so as to minimize erosion.
Duration of exposure. The duration of exposure of disturbed area shall be kept to a practical minimum.
Temporary erosion control. Temporary vegetation and/or mulching shall be used to protect exposed critical areas during development.
Permanent erosion control installation. Permanent (final) vegetation and mechanical measures to stabilize the land surface and control erosion shall be installed as soon as practicable after construction ends.
Protection of permanent drainage facilities. Until a disturbed area is stabilized, permanent drainage facilities, including but not limited to catch basins, pipes, retention basins, grass swales and infiltration devices, shall be protected from sediment in runoff water by the use of temporary drainage facilities such as debris basins, sediment basins, silt traps or other acceptable methods.
Dust control. During grading operations, methods of dust control shall be employed wherever practicable.
Conformance to department's specifications. The construction of the drainage system, including methods of construction and quality of materials shall conform to the applicable sections of the Department of Public Works specifications except as modified hereafter or as directed by the Board's engineer.
Storm drains. Storm drains shall be constructed of reinforced Class V concrete pipe with removable rubber gasket joints and of a strength or class adequate to withstand the H-20 live loads and dead loads which the pipe will be subjected. All joints shall be securely mortared or clamped. The pipe shall be a minimum of 12 inches in diameter and shall be laid at a minimum pitch so as to maintain a velocity of three feet per second when flowing full.
Catch basins. All catch basins shall be constructed of air-entrained cement concrete, and a standard square frame and grate, with square holes, and a granite mouth frame shall be furnished and set. All catch basins shall have an inside diameter of at least four feet, shall be constructed with a minimum depth of four feet below the invert of the outflow pipe or the bottom of the pipe trap, whichever is lower, and as otherwise shown in accordance with the latest revisions of the construction standards of the Department of Public Works.
Manholes. All manholes shall be constructed of the same materials as permitted herein for catch basins except that a standard heavy twenty-six-inch diameter cover and frame shall be furnished and set, and all other details shall be as shown in the Department of Public Works standards for manholes.
Subsurface drainage system. The subsurface drainage system as shown on the definitive plan or as ordered by the Board during construction shall be constructed of not less than six-inch diameter perforated polyvinyl chloride (Schedule 40) pipe with perforations turned up, and laid to line and grade.
Headwalls. All drainage pipe shall end in an air-entrained cement concrete or air-entrained cement masonry headwall having dimensions as specified in the Department of Public Works standards and constructed in accordance with the Department's specifications.
Compressive strength of concrete. The air-entrained cement concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 pounds per square inch after 28 days curing.
Tide gates. All tide gates shall be of standard manufacture, of the same size as the outfall pipe, elastomer synthetic fabric type and subject to the approval of the engineer.
Inspection required prior to backfilling. The engineer will inspect the completed drainage system or sections thereof prior to placing any backfill.
Backfill specifications. All trench backfill for the storm and subsurface drains and other backfill within the limits of the way shall conform to the base course requirements and shall be deposited to required subgrade in not more than six-inch layers and compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by modified Proctor Test, in accordance with ASTMC-1557, Method D.
Responsibility. The applicant shall provide and install all necessary materials, appurtenances and equipment to complete the utilities as may be required by the definitive plan in a manner acceptable to the officials or agency having jurisdiction of each service as previously mentioned herein. All costs incurred by the applicant as a consequence of installing and maintaining such utilities as the Board required shall be paid by the applicant, including all costs which may be incurred for any reasons whatsoever. The Board will not take any action to have the applicant reimbursed for any costs so incurred.
Submission of finalized utility plans. Prior to the beginning of construction of the road, the applicant shall submit to the Board's engineer for his approval finalized plans of the various utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone, gas and cablevision. The finalized plans shall be approved in writing by an authorized representative of the utility company involved.
Fire alarm system specifications. The fire alarm system connection will be made by the Fire District using materials which shall be furnished by the applicant as specified by the Fire District.
Hydrant specifications. The type of hydrants and type and size of pipe serving the hydrants shall be as directed or approved by the Fire District.
Water system specifications. The type and size of pipe, fittings and appurtenances for the water system shall be as directed or approved by the Fire District or water company.
Sewer system specifications. All materials and work in connection with the sewer system shall be as directed and approved by the Department of Public Works.
Electric power installation. All materials and work in connection with electric power service shall be as directed and approved by the manager of the electric company.
Notification of backfill and paving. All work in connection with the utilities shall be left uncovered until such time as the Board's engineer permits the backfill to be placed. The applicant shall notify all companies with utilities installed or to be installed within the ways as to the date and time the applicant intends to place the gravel base course and the paving so that such utility company may properly record the location of pertinent features of the system so that they will not be covered or lost as a result of the paving operation.
Backfill specifications. All trench backfill material for the utilities within the way limits shall conform to the base course requirements and shall be deposited to required subgrade in not more than six-inch layers and thoroughly tamped, not puddled, to 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by modified Proctor Test, in accordance with ASTMD-1557, Method D.
All fill material which may be required within the exterior lines of the way up to the twelve-inch gravel foundation shall be of clean gravel or other suitable material as approved by the engineer and compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by modified Proctor Test, in accordance with ASTM-1557, Method D. All utilities including but not limited to storm drains, subdrains and drainage structures and sewers if required within the way lines shall be installed prior to the completion of the fill. This shall include the installation of each service pipe, sleeve or conduit to the front lot line of each lot in the subdivision. Upon completion of the fill and the backfill of all service trenches, the work will be inspected by the Board's engineer. Subsequent work shall not commence until the engineer has approved the fill as acceptable for the application of the roadway foundation material.
A minimum of 12 inches of clean gravel, as approved by the engineer, shall be deposited in not more than six-inch layers for the full width of the way so as to form a roadway foundation which shall be at all points parallel to the finished grade of the roadway surface. The gravel shall be compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by the Modified Proctor Test, in accordance with ASTMD-1557, Method D. The gravel shall consist of processed gravel for subbase meeting the Massachusetts DPW Specification Number M1.03.1 to the following gradation:
Sieve Size
Percent Passing By Weight
3 inches
1 1/2 inches
3/4 inches
No. 4
No. 200
The engineer will inspect the roadway foundation after the compaction of each six-inch layer and after the approval of the completed foundation.
Where it is acceptable to both the applicant's engineer and the Planning Board's engineer, an alternate roadway foundation may be utilized consisting of a minimum of 12 inches of reclaimed pavement borrow material (reclaimed asphalt). In general the use of dense graded crushed stone will only be permitted where the underlying material is suitable, well draining, and structurally sound. The dense graded crushed stone shall conform to the following gradation:
Reclaimed Pavement Borrow Material
Sieve Size
Percent Passing By Weight
2 inches
1 1/2 inches
3/4 inch
No. 4
No. 50
No. 200
The subgrade and each six-inch layer of gravel shall each be compacted with a minimum of three passes of a vibratory roller. Additional passes shall be made as required to achieve the 95% density required.
General provisions. All roadways shall be paved to conform with the finished grade and width as specified with Class I bituminous concrete paving Mass. Type I-1 in accordance with the Department's specifications and subject to the approval of the engineer. The applicant shall submit a specification job-mix formula to the engineer for approval prior to starting the work, and a test report verifying that the minimum temperature of each load is 350° F.
Binder and finish course requirements.
Minimum depth requirements after compaction:
Type of Street
Binder Course
Finish Course
If the binder course is to be left without a topcoat over a winter when access is needed to properties along the road, then all utility castings shall be no higher than the level of the binder course of mix to facilitate snow plowing. The castings shall then be raised to the grade of the finished topcoat just prior to placement of the topcoat.
Sidewalks shall have a finished grade in relation to the roadway as shown on [1] and shall be constructed of bituminous or portland cement concrete. The gravel foundation shall be a minimum of six inches in thickness and shall otherwise conform to the requirements of the roadway foundation.
Editor's Note: The diagrams of typical road cross sections are included at the end of this chapter.
Sidewalks shall have transverse slopes or crowns of 3/8 of an inch per foot.
Bituminous concrete sidewalks shall consist of one inch of Type I-1 binder course and one inch of Type I-1 surface course after compaction.
Portland cement concrete sidewalks shall be four inches thick and constructed in accordance with the Department's specifications.
Sidewalks constructed of all-weather materials other than bituminous concrete may be approved if they are deemed appropriate by the Planning Board.
Requirements. Cape-Cod-type bituminous concrete berm shall be provided on all roadways unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board. In the following situations, vertical or sloped granite curbing shall be provided in place of bituminous concrete berms:
In or adjacent to urbanized village centers.
Along the side of the traveled way to protect sidewalks where there is less than a four-foot grass strip separating the traveled way from the sidewalk.
Where adjacent streets have granite curbing and the Planning Board determines that the granite curbing shall be extended into the subdivision.
To delineate traffic islands or where otherwise needed to improve traffic control.
In commercial or industrial subdivisions where the Planning Board determines they are necessary to adequately channelize traffic.
Specifications. Curbing and berm shall be of the following dimensions and types. Curbing and berm materials and installation shall conform to the applicable Department's specifications.
Bituminous Concrete
Cape Cod
1 foot
3 inches
Vertical Granite
5 inches
15 inches to 17 inches
3 feet to 10 feet
Sloped Granite
11 inches to 13 inches
3 inches to 6 inches
2 feet to 6 feet
Cape Cod berms. Cape Cod bituminous concrete berms shall be constructed monolithically with the bituminous binder and top courses. Berms shall be one foot in width. The berm shall be even with the gutter on the road side and three inches higher than the gutter on the shoulder side of the berm.
Requirements. A grass plot shall be provided on each side of all roadways according to the typical road cross sections. (See Appendix.) The finished grade of the grass plot in relation to the finished grade of the roadway shall be as shown on the typical road cross section.
Specifications. The top six inches of grass plots and side slopes (cut or fill) shall be good quality loam as approved by the engineer and shall be screened, raked and rolled with a hand roller to finished grade. The loam shall be of good quality that will support the growth of grass without requiring heavy use of pesticides or fertilizers. After installation of loam, the applicant's engineer shall submit test results of the organic content, pH and nutrient content of the loam. The loam shall be seeded with lawn grass seed applied in sufficient quantity to assure adequate coverage and establish growth. Grass seed shall consist of a seed mixture suitable for the location and containing a substantial proportion of fescue and perennial rye seed. The applicant shall perform sufficient cuttings and maintain the grass plot until such time as the street is accepted by the Town, or the Board finds that the subdivision is complete.
Street trees, with a caliper of not less than 2 1/2 inches in diameter, and of a species approved by the Tree Warden, shall be planted on each side of every street in the subdivision wherever, in the opinion of the Planning Board, existing woodlands or individual trees are absent or not retained. Trees shall be located outside the exterior roadway lines unless located in green strips (see § 801-29D), at thirty-foot intervals unless otherwise specified by the Tree Warden in accordance with general practice in the Town. At the discretion of the Board, an easement, of such width as requested, outside the exterior way lines may be required for the planting of trees.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 221, Trees.
The area outside the traveled way in cut areas shall be sloped at a rate not steeper than three to one until it intersects the finished grade of the abutting lots, except as may be required for sidewalks. All such slopes shall be loamed and seeded as previously required for grass plots.
Guardrails shall be installed where warranted as indicated on the figure in the Appendix and where required by the Board. Guardrails on major and secondary roads shall be steel beam highway guardrail Type SS in accordance with the Massachusetts Highway Department standards. On minor roads and in Historic Districts, steel-backed wood rail in accordance with the National Park Service either/or ASHTO standards may be used in the place of steel beam guardrails where permitted by the Board.
Granite or reinforced concrete bounds shall be set at all street intersections at all points of change in direction or curvature of streets, at all front corners and at other points where, in the opinion of the Board permanent monuments are necessary, but in no case more than 500 feet apart. Monuments shall be at least five inches by five inches by 30 inches. The cap shall be as specified by the Board. The bounds shall otherwise conform to the Department's specifications and shall not be set until all construction which could disturb the monument is completed. After setting, the location of the bounds shall be certified by a licensed land surveyor.
Street signs of the reflecting type specified by the Department of Public Works and bearing the names of the intersecting streets, as indicated on the definitive plan, shall be erected at all intersections of streets in the subdivision. Such signs shall be subject to the approval of the Board. Temporary wood signs with black letters stenciled on to a white background shall be installed on all roads in the subdivision at the beginning of clearing for construction of the road. Temporary signs shall be maintained and replaced as necessary until the permanent signs are installed. Permanent street signs must be installed after the road shoulders are loamed and seeded, and an acceptable stand of grass has grown.
The entire area of the subdivision shall be cleaned up so as to leave, in the opinion of the Board, a neat and orderly appearance free from debris and other objectionable materials. All catch basins and manholes shall be cleaned out. Following the completion of this and other items of work as required herein, a final inspection will be made.
If released from restrictions with regard to sale of lots or buildings on lots by the posting of a performance bond or other security, the applicant shall maintain the roadway for vehicular traffic in a manner satisfactory to the Board. Further, the applicant shall maintain the roadway in a subdivision in a condition which meets all the above requirements to the satisfaction of the Board either until acceptance of the way by vote of the Town, or for a period of one year from the date of release of the security. A retainage fee is required to cover this period of time. See § 801-24P.