As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes "ordinance" and "resolution" as defined by N.J.S.A. 40:49-1 and duly enacted according to law.
[Amended 6-7-1999 by Ord. No. 15-99; 5-16-2005 by Ord. No. 20-05]
All ordinances of the Borough of Mendham shall be introduced, read, heard, published and enacted in the manner provided by law. At introduction and at adoption, all ordinances shall be read by title or by title and summary unless a majority of the Council votes to have the ordinance read in full. Each ordinance passed by the Council shall be returned by the Mayor to the Clerk after the Mayor has signed or approved it. If the Mayor neither signs nor disapproves the ordinance within 10 days from the date of its delivery to him or her, it shall, as provided by N.J.S.A. 40A:60-5 and 40A:60-6, take effect in like manner as if signed. The publication of ordinances shall be governed by the provisions set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:49-2.
The Council shall reconsider any ordinance returned without approval by the Mayor within the time permitted by law, together with a statement setting forth his or her objections thereto or to any item or part thereof. Such reconsideration shall take place at the next meeting of the Council. (N.J.S.A. 40A:60-5)
Whenever an ordinance has been reconsidered by the Council following a veto by the Mayor (N.J.S.A. 40A:60-5), the Clerk shall append to such ordinance a certification of the action of the Council upon such reconsideration, in substantially the following form:
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above ordinance adopted by the Council of the Borough of Mendham on the ...... day of................, 19........ was delivered to me on the...... day of..................., together with the Mayor's statement of the reasons for which he or she was constrained to withhold his or her approval of such ordinance, item or part thereof.
On reconsideration thereof, on the........ day of............., (the Council duly resolved by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of its members to enact such ordinance, item or part thereof, notwithstanding the Mayor's veto) or (the Mayor's veto was sustained).
Borough Clerk
[Amended 6-7-1999 by Ord. No. 15-99]
Whenever an ordinance shall take effect without the Mayor's signature by reason of his or her failure to return it to the Council by filing it with the Clerk within 10 days after it has been presented to him or her (N.J.S.A. 40A:60-5), the Clerk shall append to such ordinance a certificate in substantially the following form:
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above ordinance was adopted by the Borough Council on the...... day of ..........., 19...., and was presented to the Mayor duly certified on the.......... day of..................., 19......., and upon his or her failure to sign it or return and file it with the Clerk within 10 days thereafter, said ordinance took effect in like manner as if the Mayor had signed it.
Borough Clerk
The Clerk shall record all ordinances and resolutions in permanent books, which shall be provided for that purpose, and shall cause the codification to be revised accordingly. After each ordinance he or she shall also record and certify the proof of publication thereof as required by law. Each ordinance recorded shall be signed by the Mayor and Clerk, who shall attest that it was duly adopted upon a date stated, and shall be deemed to be a public record of the ordinance. (N.J.S.A. 40A:9-133)