No pole, post, fence, hedge, wall, steps, tree, shrub, plant, sign or other structure or object shall be placed in the first five feet of shoulder or sidewalk area of any highway or public right-of-way measured from the curb or edge of a traveled way; except public utility poles and structures placed pursuant to a permit issued by the Town; and except isolated or ungrouped trees, shrubs or plants, provided that they do not interfere with sight distance, passage or potential passage of pedestrians or pose a potential hazard or liability for the Town; and except mailboxes on simple, unelaborate posts.
Additionally, any existing or conditionally permitted condition may remain, with the understanding that its continued presence does not convey any permanent license, easement or other vested rights to the adjoining property owner, but rather is a revocable temporary license which may be revoked at any time without cause, and furthermore, that the Town does not accept any liability for damage to such objects or condition from any activity of the Town or any third party.
Poles, posts, fences, hedges, walls, steps, trees, shrubs, plants, signs and/or other structures or objects may be placed in that portion of the shoulder or sidewalk area of a highway or public right-of-way which is more than five feet measured from the curb or edge of the traveled way, provided that they do not interfere with sight distance or pose a potential hazard or liability for the Town. Objects so placed must be incidental to the normal and permitted use of the property adjoining the public right-of-way, and the owner of the adjoining property understands that such installation, by its continued presence, does not convey any permanent license, easement or other vested rights to the adjoining property owner, but rather is a revocable temporary license which may be revoked at any time by the Town without cause, and that the Town does not accept any liability for damage to such objects or condition from any activity of the Town or any third party.
The Commissioner may require the removal of any permanent street obstruction by serving a written notice by certified mail on the owner of property which adjoins the public right-of-way on which the obstruction is located, requiring him to remove the obstruction within five calendar days in the case of a prohibited act, within 10 days in the case of a conditionally permitted act or existing condition and within 24 hours if a serious potential hazard or liability for the Town exists, in the Commissioner's opinion.
If property owner shall fail to remove the obstruction within the designated time, the Town may perform such removal using Town forces or a contractor employed for that purpose and shall charge the cost of such removal and restoration to the owner of the property. Such charges shall become a lien upon the property until paid.