In a case where multiple developers and/or property owners propose to jointly utilize the future core infrastructure of an existing or proposed sanitary sewer drainage basin at the same time, the costs of the associated improvements for each developer shall be based on the percentage of flow, as defined in the technical feasibility study, that each development will contribute to the core infrastructure in said drainage basin defined by the Department of Public Works in the best interest of the County. If the County participates financially in the construction of the core infrastructure of said basin, then the associated costs for each developer shall be specified in a public works agreement. The contributions from each developer must be bonded. The County shall design and construct the improvements in a publicly bid process and allocate the costs to each developer in accordance with the signed public works agreement. If the County does not participate financially, the developers are free to execute the design and construction of the core infrastructure privately without a public works agreement.
In a case where multiple developers and/or property owners propose to jointly utilize the future core infrastructure of an existing or proposed sanitary sewer drainage basin at different times, the cost of the associated improvements shall be based on the percentage of flow, as defined in the technical feasibility study, that each development will contribute to the core infrastructure in a drainage basin defined by the Department of Public Works in the best interest of the County. Percentages of flow calculations shall be based on density of existing zoning at the time of initial development of the core infrastructure. The developer(s) first to be served and the County shall pay for the improvements on this percentage basis; however, the County shall be reimbursed for capital outlays plus interest by future developer(s). The reimbursement shall be based on the percentage of flow that each future development will contribute to the core infrastructure up to the percentage of the improvements not utilized by the initial or subsequent developer(s). If future development is upzoned to a higher density than the one used in the initial calculations, said future developer(s) shall be responsible for all upgrades necessary to accommodate the increased density. If the County participates financially in the construction of the core infrastructure of said basin, then the associated cost for the initial developer and the subsequent reimbursement percentages for the future developer(s) must be specified in a public works agreement. The contributions from each initial developer must be bonded. The County shall design and construct the improvements in a publicly bid process, and allocate the costs in accordance with the signed public works agreement. If the County does not participate financially, the developers are free to execute the design and construction of the core infrastructure privately without a public works agreement. The sewer infrastructure shall be legally and technically available to all property owners in said basin. Availability of sewer service shall be as defined in the DNREC regulations governing the design, installation, and operation of on-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems. Costs allocated to future developers shall be reimbursed to the County prior to plot plan recordation or site plan approval, whichever applies.
No public funds will be utilized for any extension outside the growth zone. Costs will be borne exclusively by the developer(s).