It is hereby ordered and directed that no plan, plot or description showing the layout of any highway or street upon private property, or of building lots in connection with or in relation to such highway or street, shall, within the limits of the City of Albany, be received for record in the office of the Clerk of the County of Albany until a copy of said plan, plot or description has been filed with the City Engineer and he has certified with relation thereto his approval thereof. Such certificate shall be recorded as a part of the record of said original instrument containing such plan, plot or description. No such street or highway shall be accepted by the City until the matter has been referred to the City Engineer.
No ordinance accepting any street shall be passed until the same has been referred to and approved by the City Engineer.
The City Engineer is hereby authorized and empowered to make such changes in the names of existing streets as will prevent the duplication of street names, and similar names, and the confusion arising from disconnected portions of streets. He shall obtain the necessary consent of the owners of property to the change of names of streets, whenever in his judgment such change is for the best interests of the public, and he may employ the labor necessary to secure such consent.
The sum of $500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the City Treasury, derived from any source other than by municipal tax and not otherwise appropriated, to pay the expenditures hereinbefore authorized.