[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the Town of Blackstone 3-22-1984. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Board shall, at the first meeting after the annual election, choose a Chairman and a Vice Chairman to serve until the next annual election or special election if a vacancy on the Board is filled.
The second order of business of the first meeting after the annual election is the adoption of the Board of Health's rules and regulations of the Board.
The Chairman will preside at all meetings of the Board, except in his absence the Vice Chairman will preside.
The presiding officer will be responsible for the orderly conduct of the meeting as well as any other duties required under the Charter, bylaws or General Laws or by authority given by the majority vote of the Board.
The order of business shall be as follows:
Meeting to be called to order.
Presiding officer or Secretary to read the minutes of the previous meeting, followed by correction and approval.
The general public, with matters for the Board shall be taken at this time with persons, Board or Committee having asked to be scheduled, having priority in the order of taking.
Health agent report.
Old business.
New business, to include correspondence.
Good and welfare.
The presiding officer may allow, after a person is recognized, the right to comment or make statements concerning any of the above items.
Discussion on any subject will take place, prior to motions being made, with discussion to take place, if it is necessary following the motion.
Any member that feels he needs more time to study a motion prior to voting, may make a motion to table until the next Board meeting. This motion is not to be debatable and no vote to deny any member that privilege can be taken.
If the presiding officer or any member questions the legality of any motion, the motion must be tabled until an opinion satisfactory to the majority of the Board is obtained through Town Counsel or researched through the Charter, bylaws or General Laws.
In the event of unusual or unforeseen circumstance, the motion to suspend rules may be made in regards to order of business only.
Any rule governing this Board may be waived by a majority vote of the Board of Health.
The Board reserves the right to limit to five minutes the time that anyone appearing before the Board shall have to speak, unless this subsection is waived by a majority vote of this Board.
All meetings shall be scheduled or canceled only by a majority of the Board members. In all cases before a meeting is either scheduled or canceled, the Town Clerk must be informed in writing or orally that a majority of the Board has consented to such action.
A majority vote of the Board of Health will allow the Board of Health Secretary and/or the Health Agent to post and/or cancel meetings.