[Adopted ATM 2-14-1922, Art. 73]
[Amended ASTM 4-6-1992, Art. 57]
There shall be a Finance Committee consisting of 15 voters of the Town (of whom five shall be elected for the term of one year, five for the term of two years and five for the term of three years, and thereafter five to be elected annually. They shall serve without compensation.) The Moderator shall, at each April Annual Town Meeting, appoint a Committee of three registered voters to retire and nominate the requisite number of voters. The Moderator shall also call for nominations from the floor. Those nominated voters who are thereafter elected by the Town Meeting shall become members of the Finance Committee.
[Amended STM 10-2-1956, Art. 29]
The Finance Committee shall choose one of its number as Chairman and likewise choose a Clerk.
[Amended STM 10-2-1956, Art. 29]
Said Committee may consider such questions with reference to the conduct of the Town affairs as it may deem advisable and may consult with any and all officers, boards and committees of the Town with reference to matters under its supervision. It shall consider the various articles calling for expenditure or appropriations of funds and may consider any other articles in the warrant for any Annual or Special Meeting called during its tenure of office and shall make a report of its doings and recommendations to the Town.
The Finance Committee may hold hearings if in its judgment it be expedient but shall expend no money unless authorized by vote of the Town.
Vacancies in said Committee shall be filled in the same manner as in case of other committees and boards of the Town.