[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Dalton. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Noncriminal disposition — See Ch. 1, Art. II.
Noise from burglar alarms — See Ch. 185, § 185-6B(2).
Whoever, accidentally or inadvertently, causes a false intrusion, burglar or fire alarm to sound generating police or fire department response, shall be punished in accordance with the schedule of fines in Chapter 1, Article II, for noncriminal disposition of offenses.
The provision of MGL c. 40, § 21, may be used for the disposition of violations under this bylaw.
The fine shall be waived only when, in the judgement of the Chief of Police or Fire Chief or their official designees, the intrusion, burglar or fire alarm was activated by a cause beyond the owner's control. Said waiver must be in writing and signed by the Chief of Police or Fire Chief or their designee.