The rules of procedure and conduct of all Town Meetings, not otherwise provided for, shall be governed by "Town Meeting Time, A Handbook of Parliamentary Law" by Johnson, Trustman and Wadsworth, 1962 Edition and as amended by subsequent editions, as far as applicable and not inconsistent with the bylaws of the Town or of the General Laws.
At Annual and Special Town Meetings, the duly appointed and/or elected Town officials, or their designees, regardless of residency, shall be permitted to address the meeting.
Copies of motions and article explanations for Annual and Special Town Meetings shall be distributed at the beginning of each meeting to voters attending the meeting.
At Annual and Special Town Meetings, the Moderator may waive the reading of each article.
The Moderator may take all votes requiring a two-thirds majority in the same manner in which he or she conducts the taking of a vote when a majority vote is required.