The driver of a vehicle shall not overtake and pass a vehicle proceeding in the same direction unless there is sufficient clear space ahead on the right side of the roadway to permit the overtaking to be completed without impeding the safe operation of any vehicle ahead.
The driver of a vehicle when about to be overtaken and passed by another vehicle approaching from the rear shall give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle on suitable and audible signal being given by the driver of the overtaking vehicle, and shall not increase the speed of his vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle.
No person shall drive in such a manner as to obstruct unnecessarily the normal movement of traffic upon any street or highway. Officers are hereby authorized to require any driver who fails to comply within this section to drive to the side of the roadway and wait until such traffic as has been delayed has passed.
No driver shall enter an intersection or marked crosswalk unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection or crosswalk and on the right half of the roadway to accommodate the vehicle or pedestrians notwithstanding any traffic control signal indication to proceed.
The driver of a vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard to the speed of such vehicle and the traffic upon and condition of the street or highway.
The driver of a vehicle before starting, stopping, turning from a direct line or backing shall first see that such movement can be made safely. If such movement cannot be made safely or if it interferes unduly with the normal movement of other traffic, said driver shall wait for a more favorable opportunity to make such movement.
If a stopping or turning movement should affect the operation of another vehicle, the driver of such other vehicle shall be given a plainly visible signal, as required by statute law.
The operator of a vehicle emerging from an alley, driveway or a garage shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving on to a sidewalk or on to the sidewalk area extending across an alleyway or driveway.
Every driver of a vehicle, railway car or other conveyance approaching an intersection of ways where there exists facing him an official sign bearing the word "stop" or signal or flashing red signal indication shall, before proceeding through the intersection, bring such vehicle, railway car or other conveyance to a complete stop. If there is no stop line marked, then the operator of said vehicle, railway car or other conveyance shall stop at the placement of the stop sign.
In the case of a line of two or more vehicles approaching such stop sign, or flashing red signal indication, the driver in the second vehicle in any group shall not be required to stop more than once before proceeding through the intersection. This section shall not apply when an officer is present to direct traffic.
Upon such roadways as are divided by a parkway, grass plot, reservation, viaduct, subway, or by any structure or area, drivers shall keep to the right of such a division except when otherwise directed by an officer, signs, signals, or markings.
At any junction or crossing of ways where the roadway grades have been separated and where the ways are connected by ramps and at any intersection of ways in which there are traffic islands, drivers of vehicles shall proceed only as indicated by official signs, signals or markings.