The Chief of Police will have the power and authority to establish Departmental policies, procedures, rules and regulations governing the Police Department, reserving the right to alter, amend, revoke or add to such rules and regulations as, from time to time, the good of the service of the permanent Police Department may require.
These rules shall be carefully read and strictly observed by every member of the Police Department.
All payrolls for salaries of the permanent Police Department for services of the preceding two weeks shall be certified to the Town Treasurer for payment on the 15th and 30th of the month.
All bills for expenditures for the permanent Police Department shall, so far as practicable, be payable as stated in this section, and shall be certified to the Town Treasurer three days before such dates.
Unless otherwise ordered by the Town Council, the officers and employees of the Police Department shall be paid semimonthly for their services at the rates prescribed by Council subject to conditions and deductions provided for in this section.
The salary and pay of police officers shall be paid to each person entitled thereto, in accordance with prescribed rules and regulations, subject, however, to deductions for lost or sick time, and such deductions as shall be made to satisfy fines imposed on any member by way of discipline or punishment.
The Police Department shall maintain written policies that identify and articulate the rules and regulations of the Police Department as determined by the Chief of Police. There shall be specific policies that guide personnel with regards to:
Conflicts of interest.
Required conduct and standards.
Prohibited conduct and standards.
Uniform and appearance.
Police equipment and vehicles.
The Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights outlines various rights and responsibilities of the appointing authority, Chief of Police, and law enforcement officers in a variety of situations. Specific attention should be paid in the following provisions regarding the disciplinary powers of the Chief of Police. The provisions of this act are not intended to prohibit summary punishment by the Chief or the highest ranking officer of the law enforcement agency.
Summary punishment of two days' suspension without pay may be imposed for minor violations of Departmental rules and regulations when the facts which constitute the minor violation are not in dispute. If the aggrieved officer believes the punishment of the Chief or the highest ranking officer of the law enforcement agency is unreasonable, he may appeal such punishment directly through the provisions of this subtitle.
Emergency suspension may be imposed by the Chief or the highest ranking officer of the law enforcement agency, when it appears that such action is in the best interest of the public. Any emergency suspension of any law enforcement officer shall consist of the law enforcement officer being relieved of duty and he shall receive all ordinary pay and benefits, as he would have, if he were not suspended. Any such law enforcement officer so suspended shall be entitled to a prompt hearing before a hearing committee upon his request. The time period for said hearing is not to exceed fourteen days. If, after hearing, the hearing committee does suspend or dismiss the law enforcement officer, he shall not be entitled to his pay and benefits; however, if the enforcement officer is reinstated by a subsequent hearing, he shall be entitled to be reimbursed for all salary and benefits that have not been paid.