[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Emerson 5-28-1974 by Ord. No. 628 (Ch. 78 of the 1966 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
No person or persons shall loiter or assemble in or upon any street or public place or in or about any building in such a manner as to obstruct passage through such street or access to such building or utter any loud, indecent, abusive or offensive language in any street or public place or address or make any offensive remarks or comments to or upon any person or persons in any street or public place or building; and no person or persons shall, in any house, building or grounds belonging thereto, by any offensive or disorderly act or language disturb or endanger the public peace or health.
No person or persons without visible means of support shall beg or ask alms, provisions, clothing, money or material assistance of any kind.
No person or persons shall allow or permit his, her or their house, shop, saloon or other place connected therewith to be used, frequented or resorted to by riotous or disorderly persons, drunkards, prostitutes, gamblers, vagrants or common mendicants or suffer or permit his, her or their house, shop, store, saloon or other place as aforesaid to become riotous or disorderly at any time, either by day or night.
No person or persons shall keep any gaming house or house of ill fame or assignation of any description or keep any disorderly house or any house or place of public resort by which the peace, comfort or decency of a neighborhood is disturbed or shall, as agent or owner, let a building or any portion of a building knowing that it is intended to be used for any of the purposes specified in this section or shall as agent or owner permit any building or any portion of a building to be so used.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to destroy, injure, deface or tarnish any public building or any property of the Borough or any fence, tree, electric light, pole or light or any useful or ornamental public work or improvement in said Borough or any grass plot enclosed or unenclosed or by lounging or otherwise trespassing upon the same.
[Amended 2-18-2003 by Ord. No. 1218]
Any person violating the provisions of this chapter shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $500 or imprisonment in the County Jail of Bergen County for a term not exceeding 90 days, or both, and the officer before whom any person offending may be brought is hereby authorized and empowered, on conviction, to impose any fine in his discretion not exceeding the amount of $500 or to imprison for any term not exceeding 90 days, or both, in his discretion.