[Ord. No. 215 §1, 11-24-1969; Ord. No. 305, 6-6-1977; Ord. No. 414-84, 4-16-1984; Ord. No. 512-89 §1, 11-20-1989; Ord. No. 1350-2017, 11-6-2017]
There is hereby levied an occupational tax on the following listed businesses and occupations located within the City of Kearney, Missouri, or have their place of business within the City of Kearney, Missouri, in an amount set opposite the name of each occupation or business:
Occupation or Business
Occupational Tax
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Auto wrecking shops and junk dealers
$50.00 per year
Automobile agencies and dealers
$50.00 per year
Automobile repair shops
$50.00 per year
Ball alleys
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Bill posters
$50.00 per year
Billiard and pool tables and other tables
$50.00 per year
Bowling alleys
$50.00 per year
Boxing and sparring exhibitions
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Circuses and shows
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Corn doctors
$50.00 per year
Dance houses
$50.00 per year
Dealers in automobile accessories
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Equestrian performances
$50.00 per year
Express companies
$50.00 per year
Express agents
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Gas companies
$50.00 per year
Gasoline filling stations
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Hackmen, draymen, omnibus drivers, porters and all others pursuing like occupations, with or without vehicles
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Horoscopic views
$50.00 per year
Horse or cattle dealers
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Ice cream stands
$50.00 per year
Ice cream and soft drink stands combined
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Insurance companies
$50.00 per year
Insurance agents
$50.00 per year
Intelligence and employment offices and agencies
$50.00 per year
Light, power, and water company
$50.00 per year
Loan agents
$50.00 per year
Loan companies
$50.00 per year
Lumber dealers
$50.00 per year
Lung testers
$50.00 per year
Magnifying glasses
$50.00 per year
Manufacturing and other corporation or institutions
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Mercantile agents
$50.00 per year
Money changers
$50.00 per year
Money brokers
$50.00 per year
Muscle developers
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Opera houses
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Parades and exhibitions
$50.00 per year
Patent right dealers
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Merchants of all kinds
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Picture shows
$50.00 per year
Pistol galleries
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Private general hospitals
$50.00 per year
Public lecturers
$50.00 per year
Public buildings
$50.00 per year
Public boarding houses
$50.00 per year
Public masquerades
$50.00 per year
Public meetings
$50.00 per year
Public garages
$50.00 per year
Public garages and repair shops combined
$50.00 per year
Real estate agents
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Runners for steamboats, cars and public houses
$50.00 per year
Sales of unclaimed goods by express companies or common carriers
$50.00 per year
Shows and amusements
$50.00 per year
Soda fountains
$50.00 per year
Soft drink stands
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Street railroad cars
$50.00 per year
Street exhibitions
$50.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Telegraph companies
$50.00 per year
Telephone companies
$50.00 per year
Telescopic views
$50.00 per year
Ten pin alleys
$50.00 per year
Theatrical or other exhibitions
$50.00 per year
Tippling houses
$50.00 per year
Transfer and all other vehicles
$50.00 per year
Traveling and auction stores
$50.00 per year
Tree surgeons
$50.00 per year
Tree trimmers
$50.00 per year
All other trades, businesses and avocations whatsoever
$50.00 per year
No person following for a livelihood the profession or calling of minister of the gospel, duly accredited Christian Science practitioner, teacher, professor in a college, priest, lawyer, certified public accountant, dentist, chiropractor, optometrist, chiropodist, or physician or surgeon in this City shall be taxed or made liable to pay any municipal or other corporation tax or license fee of any description whatever for the privilege of following or carrying on such profession or calling, any law, ordinance or Charter to the contrary notwithstanding.
No person following for a livelihood the profession of insurance agent or broker, veterinarian, architect, professional engineer, land surveyor, auctioneer, or real estate broker or salesman in this City shall be taxed or made liable to pay any municipal or other corporation tax or license fee for the privilege of following or carrying on his/her profession unless that person maintains a business office within the City of Kearney.
[Ord. No. 215 §2, 11-24-1969]
No person or persons shall hereafter carry on or engage in any business or pursuit hereinafter mentioned within the City of Kearney without first having obtained a license for the same; and upon all licenses granted or issued there shall be levied and collected by the City Clerk, before delivering the same to the persons applying therefor, the above sums.
[Ord. No. 215 §3, 11-24-1969]
All licenses shall be signed by the City Clerk and have the City Seal affixed.
[Ord. No. 215 §4, 11-24-1969]
Any person or persons who shall within this City carry on or follow any trade, occupation, business or calling mentioned in this Chapter without first having taken out a license therefor shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation and be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) or be imprisoned in the City prison not exceeding three (3) months, or both.
[Ord. No. 215 §5, 11-24-1969]
Any and all licenses which may be issued under any ordinance of the City of Kearney shall be subject to the ordinances and regulations which may be in force at the time of the issuing thereof or which may be subsequently passed by the Board of Aldermen and if any person so licensed shall violate any of the provisions thereof, he/she shall be liable to be proceeded against for any fine or penalty imposed thereby and on conviction shall be punished accordingly.
[Ord. No. 215 §6, 11-24-1969]
No license granted under any ordinance shall be assignable or transferable; nor shall any such license authorize any person to do business or act under the same, except the person named therein, unless such ordinance shall otherwise specifically so provide. Each place of business shall require a license even though operated by the same owner.
[Ord. No. 215 §§7 — 9, 11-24-1969; Ord. No. 1350-2017, 11-6-2017]
No license shall be granted at any time for a longer period than one (1) year under the ordinances of the City. All licenses shall expire on December thirty-first (31st) of each year.
[Ord. No. 906-02 §1, 5-20-2002]
All applicants for a City occupation license shall be in good standing with the City on all other taxes and fees; and in compliance with all ordinances of the City. Delinquent taxes and fees and non-compliance with any ordinance of the City shall be grounds for revocation of a City occupation license.
[Ord. No. 1049-2006[1] §1, 7-17-2006]
All persons or their agents doing plumbing or electrical work in the City of Kearney shall be licensed either by the City of Kansas City, MO, or the City of Liberty, MO, (or community which administers testing equivalent to Block or Experior testing) and will be required to show proof of such license(s) at the time a building permit is issued or renewal of the occupation license as provided in City Code Chapter 605 or in any event prior to performing any such plumbing or electrical work. For electrical contractors, proof of a current Missouri Statewide electrical contractor's license may be submitted in lieu of the above-listed licensing.
[Ord. No. 1513-2023, 2-6-2023]
Persons Excepted From Proof Of Licensing Requirement.
Homeowner in an existing building owned and occupied by them as their place of residence;
Person doing work on a new structure owned and intended to be occupied by them as their residence;
Person or public entity servicing or repairing its own plumbing or electrical system with its own personnel specifically trained for such service or repair; and
Person who is a plumbing or electrical employee employed by a licensed plumbing contractor.
Editor's Note: This ordinance shall be effective January 1, 2007.