All Town highways shall be designed in accordance with the Town of Milo's standard detail for Town highways and the following design specifications as stipulated in this article.
Applicants are responsible for providing sound engineering design of all highways and its appurtenances. The design shall be prepared by a professional engineer experienced in the design of such work. Design information, engineering reports, plans and specifications shall provide the information required by this chapter and additional information that may be required by the Town Highway Superintendent. Boundary surveys shall be performed and certified by a land surveyor. All revisions to the originally submitted plans shall be noted and dated by the applicant's professional engineer on revised plans, and shall be submitted for approval by the Town Highway Superintendent.
All Town highways shall be certified by a professional engineer that they are designed to meet the following standards, listed here in order of precedence:
Manual: Guidelines for Rural Town and County Roads, State of New York, Local Roads Research and Coordination Council, as amended from time to time.
Guidelines for Geometric Design of Very Low-Volume Local Roads, AASHTO, as amended from time to time.
Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO.
The requirements listed in these standards are for low-volume roads with a maximum average daily traffic (ADT) of 400 vehicles per day. For this reason, any highway that does not meet the definition of a low-volume road will require standards that are more stringent than those listed above. In such a case, the entire design shall be approved by the Town Highway Superintendent prior to the start of construction. Lastly, all design criteria shall be listed on the plans and any criteria not listed in the standards listed above shall be determined by using acceptable engineering practices, which such documents shall designate the source of any design assumptions.
The design of all Town highways shall conform to all of the following criteria unless approved otherwise by the Town Highway Superintendent:
Design life. The minimum design life shall be 20 years.
Drainage. Drainage facilities designed to handle a fifty-year storm under the roadway and twenty-five-year storm on all other facilities; the minimum size opening of any pipe is 12 inches in diameter or equivalent.
Fire protection.
Fire hydrants shall be provided along Town highways that are located in a municipal water district and shall have a separation distance in accordance to NFPA 1141, Standard for Fire Protection Infrastructure for Land Development in Wildland, Rural and Suburban Areas, as amended from time to time, and NFPA 1142, Standard on Water supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting, as amended from time to time. The type and size of each fire hydrant shall be approved by the Town Board and the Fire Chief. Lastly, the installation, testing and maintenance of fire hydrants shall be performed in accordance to AWWA M17, Installation, Testing and Maintenance of Fire Hydrants.
Fire hydrants are not required to be installed along Town highways if the municipal water district cannot support such hydrants. In such a case, the Fire Chief shall ascertain if additional fire protection such as but not limited to dry hydrants and fire ponds is warranted as stipulated in NFPA 1141, Standard for Fire Protection Infrastructure for Land Development in Wildland, Rural and Suburban Areas, as amended from time to time, and NFPA 1142, Standard on Water supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting, as amended from time to time.
For Town highways that are located outside of a municipal water district, the Fire Chief shall ascertain if additional fire protection such as but not limited to dry hydrants and fire ponds is warranted as stipulated in NFPA 1141, Standard for Fire Protection Infrastructure for Land Development in Wildland, Rural and Suburban Areas, as amended from time to time, and NFPA 1142, Standard on Water supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting, as amended from time to time.
Geometric design. Geometric design features shall be consistent with a minimum design speed of 45 miles per hour (mph).
Grade. The maximum grade shall be 10%. The average grade shall be no more than 8%, with the grade not exceeding 3% of the first 70 feet of highway from an intersection.
Intersections of highways shall be at angles as close to 90° as possible, and in no case shall two highways intersect at an angle smaller than 75°. To this end, where one highway approaches another, between 75° and 90°, the new highway should be curved approaching the intersection. A tangent of at least 50 feet is required for any intersecting highway.
Intersections involving a junction of more than two highways, with the exception of traffic circles, shall be prohibited unless approved ahead of time by the Town Highway Superintendent.
To avoid dangerous jogs, highways should be designed to intersect directly opposite of each other or have a minimum center line off set of 200 feet.
All intersections shall be designed to avoid the accumulation of water.
ROW and traveled way.
The width of ROWs and traveled ways shall be measured at right angles to the center line of the highway and shall not be less than the following:
ROW: 50 feet.
Traveled way: 20 feet.
ROWs may be wider in many cases and their width should be illustrated on the plans.
Shoulders. The minimum shoulder width shall be two feet.
Traffic control devices. Traffic control devices shall be designed in accordance to the MUTCD, as amended from time to time.
Highway names. Highways that form an extension to existing highway of abutting or neighboring lots of record shall bear the same name. Names of new highways shall not duplicate, nor bear phonetic resemblance to the names of existing highways or private roads within the Town.
The applicant shall submit an erosion and sediment control plan that is prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer that describes the proposed area of disturbance, temporary and permanent erosion control measures that is consistent with technical standards, including, but not limited to, the New York State Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control, most current version or its successor.
The applicant shall submit a stormwater management plan that is prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer that contains provisions to control erosion and sedimentation and reduce the impacts of stormwater; stormwater infiltration and runoff from the site based on the technical standards including, but not limited to, the New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual, most current version or its successor.
Town highways shall not be designed and constructed as dead-end highways.