The Zoning Board of Appeals, Plan Commission, and Village Board may conduct a site visit to inspect a property as it relates to a pending development application.
A site visit is a public meeting and must comply with Wisconsin's open meeting requirements and the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Any person who would like to attend a site visit should notify the Village Clerk in advance of the date. The Village Clerk will follow established procedures in complying with such request.
Participation. To ensure everyone hears what is being said during a site visit, participants should stay together as they tour the subject property.
Comments. No recommendations can be offered, and no decisions can be made during a site visit.
Quorum required. A site visit must be attended by a quorum of the review authority.
Overview of site visit. When the review authority reconvenes their meeting or public hearing, the presiding officer should initiate a discussion of the members to document the major points that were discussed and/or observations made on the site visit.
If a site visit is conducted as part of a public hearing, discussion is strictly limited to points of clarification, such as 1) the location of features (e.g., property boundary lines), 2) placement of proposed improvements, 3) features to be retained or removed as part of the proposed project, and the like. The merits of the proposal must not be discussed during the site visit.
If a site visit is not part of a public hearing, the petitioner and Plan Commission members may engage in a general discussion related to the pending application. Such discussion should, however, be limited to what is observed during the tour as it relates to the proposed project.