The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Vision clearance area at intersections
means that space or parcel of land at or near all street corners beginning at a point on the curbline at the side of each corner lot thirty-five (35) feet from the point where such curbline intersects the curbline in front of such property extending forward along such side curbline to the nearest corner; thence from such corner along the intersecting curbline thirty-five (35) feet to a point; thence by a straight line to the point of beginning.
Vision clearance area at driveways
means that space or parcel of land at or near all driveways beginning at a point on the curbline five (5) feet from the point where the curbline intersects the driveway; thence returning to the driveway from a forty-five (45) degree angle of the parcel of land five (5) feet from where the curb intersects the street over three (3) feet from street grade.
(1965 Code, sec. 18-29; Ordinance 2146, sec. 5, adopted 10/14/2019)
The city engineer shall notify in writing any person who violates this article. Such notice may be sent to the last known owner of the property by certified mail, return receipt requested, or be delivered to him in person by the city marshal or any policeman of the city.
(1965 Code, sec. 18-31)
It shall be a violation of this article for any person to fail or refuse to remove or clear out any fences, structures, shrubs, weeds or other plant life which exist or grow in violation of section 16-77 hereof after receiving ten (10) days written notice as provided by section 16-72 hereof.
(1965 Code, sec. 18-32)
No provision of this article shall be construed to in any way limit or restrict any and all rights that the city may have to remove any fences, structures, shrubs, weeds, or any other plant life which may be constructed, maintained, or permitted to grow in any vision clearance area, as defined in section 16-71, or to maintain any civil suit for injunctive relief that it might have for the removal or the prohibition of the same.
(1965 Code, sec. 18-33)
No person shall construct, maintain or permit to remain in such vision clearance area fences, structures, shrubs, weeds, or any other plant life, other than trees, to exceed thirty (30) inches in height above the level of the street at the curbline; and no person shall plant, maintain or permit to remain in such area any trees that shall have branches, leaves or other growth (except tree trunks) nearer to the ground than six (6) feet.
(1965 Code, sec. 18-34)
This article shall be cumulative of all ordinances on this subject; but shall not apply to corners in districts zoned for business uses.
(1965 Code, sec. 18-35)
Any person who may violate this article shall, upon conviction therefor, be fined as provided in section 1-5 of this Code.
(1965 Code, sec. 18-30)