The Code of Ethics shall guard against improper influence or the appearance of improper influence to better ensure public trust in the government. To that end, the Code of Ethics shall set standards on the conduct of all Town officials and employees as necessary or appropriate.
The Code of Ethics is an ordinance which can be amended in accordance with the procedures for amending ordinances except that the Board of Ethics, without a petition, may propose amendments. In the event that an amendment is so proposed, the Legislative Council shall have no more than 120 days to approve, modify or reject said amendment.
The Board of Ethics shall be charged with the administration of the Code of Ethics. The Board shall adopt and may amend reasonable rules and regulations for the administration of its proceedings. Prior to adopting or amending said rules and regulations, the Board shall hold a public hearing. Notice of the date, time and place of the public hearing, together with the text of the proposed amendment, shall be warned according to Subsection 1-25(b) not less than 10 days before the date of said hearing. All such rules and regulations, as currently amended, shall be made available at the office of the Town Clerk to any Resident Elector of the Town.
Whenever an officer, official, or employee of the Town is contemplating taking an action or participating in any proceeding and has any question concerning the conformity of that action or participation with the Code of Ethics, the officer, official or employee shall have the right to seek an advisory opinion of the Board. Such request must be submitted in writing and the resulting advisory opinion from the Board shall be in writing.
The Board of Ethics shall receive complaints of any violations of the Code of Ethics and shall, upon receipt of such complaints, investigate the same and may hold private investigations thereon if, in the opinion of the majority of the Board, said complaint warrants an investigation. Any complaint received by the Board must be in writing and signed by the individual making said complaint. Complaints made to the Board of Ethics shall not be made public unless and until the complaint is found to warrant a hearing. Upon receiving any complaint, the Board shall privately notify in writing the person against who said complaint has been filed, advising the concerned party of the specific nature of the complaint made and being investigated by the Board and the name of the complainant. Upon receipt of said notice from the Board, the party so notified that a complaint has been filed against him/her shall have the right to request a full hearing by the Board. In the event the Board decides that a hearing is required, or the person whose conduct is being called into question requests a hearing, said hearing shall afford the person whose conduct is called into question the right to cross-examine witnesses, to meet and answer the complaint, and to present evidence. No hearing may be conducted with fewer than 4 members of the Board in attendance.
In the event the Board shall receive complaints against any officer, official or employee of the Town, the investigation and disposition of which have been delegated to other boards or commissions created by the Charter or under the General Statutes, then the Board shall forward the complaint received to the appropriate board or commission. The board or commission to which such complaints are forwarded shall thereafter notify the Board of the disposition made of said complaint.
The Board shall report to the Board of Selectmen its finding as to whether or not a violation of the Code of Ethics has occurred, together with recommendation as to dispositions to be made. The First Selectman with the approval of the Board of Selectmen shall thereupon take such action as it may deem appropriate including, but not limited to, removal from office, suspension or censure of the person(s) who is the subject of the complaint or dismissal of the charges, except that elected officials may not be removed or suspended from office.
All opinions, finding and recommendations of the Board, whether advisory or at the request of a complainant, shall be kept on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
The Legislative Council, by regulation, may prescribe procedures permitting the reimbursement by the Town of any reasonable out-of-pocket expenses and attorney's fees incurred in connection with an appearance before the Board of Ethics by an officer, official or employee of the Town.