[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Trenton  9-7-1967 as § 20-5 of the Revised General Ordinance. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 42.
Fire prevention — See Ch. 97, § 97-9F.
Housing standards — See Ch. 132.
Zoning and land development — See Ch. 315.
There shall be a system of numbering of dwellings and lots situated and fronting upon any of the streets in the City now erected and which may hereafter be erected as set forth in this chapter, and under the jurisdiction of the Chief Engineer.
In every case where a street does or shall intersect either of the baselines as herein established, the parts of the street situated on opposite sides of the baseline so intersected shall be designated by the terms north, south, east or west, as the case may be. The baseline or line of division for designation of streets or parts of streets as east and west shall be a line following the middle of State Street from the eastern to the western boundaries of the City. The baseline or line of division for designation of streets or parts of streets as north and south shall be a line commencing in the northern boundary of the City, at its intersection with Princeton Avenue, running thence through the center of Princeton Avenue to its junction with Warren Street, thence through the center of Warren Street to the middle of the Assunpink Creek, thence along the middle of the creek to the wharf line of the Delaware River, and thence along the wharf line of the Delaware River to the southern boundary of the City.
When any street does or shall run in a direction more nearly eastward and westward than northward and southward, the buildings on the north side thereof shall be numbered with even numbers, and those on the south side thereof with odd numbers. When any street does or shall run in a direction more nearly northward and southward than eastward and westward, the buildings on the east side thereof shall be numbered with even numbers, and those on the west side thereof with odd numbers. Even numbers shall begin with "2" and odd numbers with "1", up to the multiples required to cover all of the buildings or lots on such streets.
Numbering of buildings and lots shall begin on the basis of the direction of the streets on which they are situated and the location of their terminating points in relation to the baseline, as follows:
Streets intersecting or terminating at either baseline. The buildings situated or fronting on any street which does or shall intersect either of the baselines shall be numbered in each direction from the baseline as a starting point, the first building on either side of the line being numbered "1" or "2," as the case may be. The buildings situated or fronting on any street which does or shall terminate at either of the baselines shall be numbered in the same manner from the last named baseline as a starting point.
Streets not intersecting or terminating at baselines. In the case of any street which does not or shall not intersect or terminate at either of the baselines, if its direction is more nearly eastward and westward than northward and southward, the buildings thereon shall be numbered from its eastward terminus if the terminus is west of the north and south baseline, and from its westward terminus if the last named terminus is east of the north and south baseline. If the direction of the street is more nearly northward and southward than eastward and westward, then the buildings thereon shall be numbered from its northward terminus if the terminus is south of the east and west baseline, and from its southward terminus if the last named terminus is north of the east and west baseline.
Streets intersecting or terminating at both baselines. In case of any street which does or shall intersect both of the baselines, or terminate at each, or intersect the one and terminate at the other, the buildings thereon shall be numbered from the east and west baseline in the manner hereinbefore stated.
Streets forming an immediate junction. In all cases in which streets do or shall form an immediate junction with each other, so that the one is but a continuation of the other under a different name, the buildings thereon shall be numbered continuously from the proper baselines.
In all cases where vacant lots do or shall intervene between buildings, one number shall be allowed for every 15 feet, or fraction thereof being 10 feet or more.
Where any building is or shall be so constructed that different apartments on the ground floor thereof shall front on any street, and be so arranged as to show an intention that the same shall be occupied by different families, or used in carrying on different trades, each apartment shall be considered as a building, which shall be designated by a separate number; and the term "street," as used in this chapter relating to the numbering of buildings, shall be understood to include all private streets and all private and public alleys.
It shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer, from time to time, whenever (s)he shall discover that any building in the City is not numbered according to the plan hereinbefore set forth, to serve upon the owner thereof a written or printed notice of the proper number of such building, which notice may be delivered personally or left at the building with any person there residing or employed over the age of 14 years. The owner of such building, within one month from the date of such service, shall cause the number contained in the notice to be affixed to or upon the building in a durable manner, in some conspicuous place, provided that no number upon any building shall be required to be changed merely to give effect to the next preceding section until, by the erection of a building or buildings upon any vacant lots, a change shall be necessary to prevent the duplication of numbers. The City Engineer shall be allowed the sum of $1 for each building for which (s)he shall designate a number, including the service of the notice and the making of the record aforesaid.
Violations of the provisions of this chapter shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 1, Article III, General Penalty.