For any of the activities regulated by this chapter, the preliminary or final approval of subdivision and/or land development plans, the issuance of any building or occupancy permit, or the commencement of any land disturbance activity may not proceed until the property owner or developer or his/her agent has received written approval of a drainage plan from the Township.
Any regulated activity that meets the exception criteria in the following table is exempt from the provisions of this chapter. This criteria shall apply to the total development even if development is to take place in phases. The date of the adoption of this chapter shall be the starting point from which to consider tracts as "parent tracts" in which future subdivisions and respective impervious area computations shall be cumulatively considered. An exemption shall not relieve the applicant from implementing such measures as are necessary to protect health, safety, and property. This exemption shall not relieve the applicant from meeting the special requirements for watersheds draining to high quality (HQ) or exceptional value (EV) waters (§ 80-10L) and requirements for groundwater recharge (§ 80-16), water quality (§ 80-17) and streambank erosion (§ 80-18). An exemption shall not relieve the applicant from providing adequate stormwater management to meet the purpose of this chapter; however, drainage plans will not have to be submitted to the Township.
Total Parcel Size
Impervious Area Exemption
(square feet)
Less than 1/4
Greater than 1/4 to 1
Greater than 1 to 2
Greater than 2 to 5
Greater than 5