Members of the Finance Committee shall be established in number by bylaw, and shall be appointed by the Moderator. They shall serve for three-year terms, and an equal number shall be appointed each year except where the size of the Committee does not permit. The Finance Committee shall have all of the powers Finance Committees may have under the General Laws and the bylaws of the Town.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 5, Administration of Government.
A seven-member Capital Outlay Committee shall prepare and submit to the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee a capital outlay program for the Town. Of the members, two shall be from and chosen by the Finance Committee, two shall be from and chosen by the Planning Board and two shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen. The Collector - Treasurer shall be the seventh member. All members shall serve for one-year terms except the Collector - Treasurer who shall be a permanent member. The Town Administrator shall act as staff to the Committee. The Capital Outlay Committee shall prepare and annually update a five-year schedule of expenditures on real estate, facilities, equipment and public works that individually meet or exceed an amount of expenditure the Committee determines shall classify them as items of capital outlay. The schedule shall include a list of capital outlay items, the cost of such items and a financing plan for the total of capital outlay expenditures that includes portions to be funded from bonded indebtedness, from the annual operating budget and from other sources.