[Res. 1/5/1976, Art. A, § 1]
The department heads of each department established under the Administrative Code shall be directly responsible to the Manager and shall report to the Manager periodically as directed by him. Each department head shall be responsible to the Manager for the day-to-day operations of his department and shall have those duties and responsibilities that are assigned to him by the Manager.
In order for Borough government to operate most efficiently and to the best advantage and in order to achieve complete coordination of all Borough functions, no department head shall act on any request from any other source until he shall first have cleared the matter with the Manager. Provided, however, in case of emergency, a department head shall be authorized to take whatever action he may deem to be necessary, and then notify the Manager of the action that he has taken.
[Res. 1/5/1976, Art. A, § 2]
No department head shall be required to attend any meeting of Council or of any committee unless he is requested to do so in advance by Council or the Manager.
[Res. 1/5/1976, Art. A, § 3]
Department heads shall make recommendations to the Manager on matters pertaining to the personnel under their direction.
[Res. 1/5/1976, Art. A, § 4; as amended by Ord. 967, 11/7/1990, § 1; and by Ord. 1134, 11/7/2007, § 1]
Requisitions for purchases shall be as follows:
In case of an emergency, a contract may be awarded without competitive sealed bidding. If any emergency occurs, the using department shall immediately notify the Borough Manager or Director of Finance, who shall either purchase the required supplies or contractual services, authorize the department head to do so, or disapprove the emergency purchase.
An emergency situation exists when the safety, health or welfare of the public is vitally affected by:
A breakdown in machinery and/or threatened termination of essential services, (including maintenance and repair of essential office equipment);
The development of a dangerous condition; or
Any other circumstance in which supplies are needed for immediate use.
All purchases over $2,000 must be approved by the Director of Finance. All purchases over $4,000 must be approved by both the Director of Finance and the Borough Manager. All purchases over $4,000 must have three quotations by three different businesses.
Purchases that exceed $4,000 but are less than $10,000 shall be subject to the following provisions:
Contract requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase.
Insofar as it is practical, no less than three businesses shall be solicited to submit quotations for purchases over $4,000.
Award shall be made to the business offering the lowest acceptable quotation.
The name of the businesses submitting the quotation, the date and the amount of each quotation shall be recorded and maintained as a public record by attaching to the respective invoice.
All quotations solicited that are expected to exceed $4,000 shall be submitted in writing by the businesses and shall be retained for a period of three years.
All purchases under $500 do not require pre-approval by the Borough, as long as the item(s) was budgeted accordingly. All unbudgeted purchases must be approved by the Director of Finance or the Borough Manager to ensure the availability of funds.