All subdivision of property that requires construction of public improvements shall be required to have erosion and sediment control.
All control measures required under this article shall conform to the design criteria, standards, and specifications provided in the Manual, now in effect or as hereafter amended. All control measures installed shall be sufficient to prevent sediment from leaving the permit site during a five-year-frequency storm event. The County Engineer may require additional control measures pursuant to the standards if determined as necessary after site inspection. A copy of the erosion control plan filed with the IEPA and a copy of the NPDES permit shall be furnished to the County Engineer.
On-site sediment control measures shall be constructed and functional prior to initiating clearing, grading, stripping, excavation or fill activities on the site.
Sediment control measures and temporary stormwater control measures are to be maintained so they are operating effectively until permanent ground surface protection and permanent stormwater control measures are established in accordance with the Manual.
Written approval shall be obtained from the County Engineer prior to making any modification to the approved erosion and sediment control plan.
If at any time it is determined by the County Engineer that the erosion control plan is not being followed or that proper maintenance of the erosion control measures is not being performed, he will notify the developer in writing of these deficiencies. If corrective action is not taken within 10 calendar days of the date of the notification, a stop-work order may be placed on the site until corrective action is taken or the County Engineer may do any necessary work and make a demand on the performance bond for reimbursement.