[Amended 1-8-2002 by Ord. No. 02-02;4-4-2002 by Ord. No. 02-07]
[Amended 2-13-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-01]
In expansion of the declaration of legislative intent and statement of community development objectives found in §§ 500-101 and 500-102 of Article I of this chapter, it is the intent of this article to provide regulations for commercial land uses that are generally consistent with the goals and recommendations of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Regional Comprehensive Plan, the Upper Hanover Township Open Space and Environmental Resource Protection Plan Update (2006,) or any successor plan thereto, and the following objectives:
Permit a wide variety of commercial uses in locations consistent with the recommendations of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Regional Comprehensive Plan.
Establish standards for orderly and well-planned development of commercial uses, in accord with the objectives, policies and proposals of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Regional Comprehensive Plan.
Provide regulations that minimize the adverse effects of noise, lighting and appearance of commercial uses on adjacent and nearby residential or institutional properties, including standards for landscaped buffers and screens, as well as architectural safeguards.
Provide development standards that promote compatibility between commercial uses and nearby areas, enhance the quality and character of existing commercial areas, and require new commercial development to contribute to the existing small town and rural character of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Region.
Limit the scale of new commercial development to that which can serve the Upper Perkiomen Valley Region while providing opportunities for commercial uses that cannot easily be accommodated on properties available in the region's boroughs.
Establish development standards for independent development on individual parcels as well as for neighborhood shopping center development within the CB Commercial Business District and the LIC-2 Light Industrial and Limited Commercial District.
The following uses are permitted by right on individual lots or within a neighborhood shopping center in compliance with the pertinent standards of this article, including § 500-1503, Dimensional and development standards for individual lots, and § 500-1504, Neighborhood shopping center conditional use standards and criteria.
Retail establishment for the sale of merchandise.
Retail establishment for the sale and/or repair of jewelry, watches, clocks, optical goods, cameras, home appliances, electronic equipment, musical, professional or scientific instruments, and/or similar items.
Personal service shop, such as tailor, barber, beauty salon, shoe repair, dry cleaner, or dressmaker.
Self-service laundromat, only when served by public water and sewer facilities.
Establishment serving food or beverages to the general public, such as restaurant, cafe, taproom, tavern, confectionery or ice cream shop, excluding drive-through facilities.
Financial institution, such as bank or savings and loan association, excluding drive-through facilities.
Business office, such as real estate sales, travel agency, insurance sales, advertising, retail copying and printing services, or retail postal/business service centers.
Professional office, such as those for the practice of medicine or other health services, or for law, engineering, architecture or accounting.
Private club or lodge (not health or fitness).
Studios for activities such as dance, exercise, martial arts, music, art or photography, with a capacity for no more than 35 participants at any one time.
Day-care center, according to the provisions of § 500-822, Day-care facilities, of this chapter.
Institutional uses, in compliance with Article XXVI, Institutional Use Regulations, of this chapter.
[Amended 4-14-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-01]
Apartments located above an otherwise permitted use.
Emergency service facilities, including ambulance, police and firehouses.
Open space and outdoor recreational uses, in compliance with Article XXVII, Open Space and Outdoor Recreation Regulations, of this chapter.
Accessory uses shall be permitted on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any permitted use, in compliance with § 500-808, Accessory uses, of this chapter.
[Amended 6-8-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-06]
The following uses are permitted by conditional use on individual lots or within a neighborhood shopping center in compliance with § 500-818, Procedure for consideration of a conditional use application, of this chapter and the pertinent standards of this article, including § 500-1503, Dimensional and development standards for individual lots, and § 500-1504, Neighborhood shopping center conditional use standards and criteria:
Uses not listed in this article that are determined by the Board of Supervisors to be of similar nature to the uses permitted by right listed in § 500-1501.
Establishment serving food or beverages to the general public, such as restaurant, cafe, confectionery or ice cream shop, including drive-through facilities, provided that:
A minimum of an eight-car stacking area shall be provided, including the space at the pickup window.
These spaces shall not interfere with other parking spaces or internal circulation of the site.
Financial institution, such as bank or savings and loan association, including drive-through facilities, provided that:
A minimum of a six-car stacking area shall be provided for each drive-through unit and a four-car stacking area for drive-through automatic teller machines.
These spaces shall not interfere with other parking spaces or internal circulation of the site.
Health, exercise or fitness center with a capacity for more than 35 participants at any one time and/or indoor sport or recreation facilities.
Establishment for wholesale or retail sale of merchandise that requires extensive outdoor or partially covered display and storage areas, such as farm and garden supply centers, lumberyards, building supply and home improvement centers, provided that the total area used for buildings and other display and storage areas shall not exceed 65,000 square feet.
Undertaking establishment and funeral home, excluding crematorium facilities.
Veterinarian office and adjunct facilities, excluding crematorium facilities, provided that any area used for the keeping of animals shall be enclosed within a building.
Hotel, motel, bed-and-breakfast, banquet facility.
The following motor-vehicle-related uses in compliance with the conditional use standards and criteria in § 500-1505 herein.
Motor vehicle or recreation vehicle sales and service.
Motor vehicle service and/or repair shop.
Car wash.
Gasoline filling station.
Other retail businesses not specifically listed that deal primarily in sales, rental, leasing, fueling, repair or other services to motor vehicles shall be permitted, except that salvage, junkyard or similar outdoor storage of wrecked or derelict vehicles and vehicle fleet facilities shall be prohibited.
The dimensional and development standards in this section shall apply to subdivision and land development of individual lots in the CB Commercial Business District.
Minimum lot area: 80,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 200 feet.
Minimum building setbacks.
Front yard: 35 feet from the ultimate right-of-way.
Side and rear yards:
Abutting nonresidential use or zoning: 25 feet.
Abutting residential use or zoning: 50 feet.[1]
Editor's Note: Original subsection C, pertaining to other buildings on the same lot, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 2-13-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-01.
Maximum building coverage: 20% of the net lot area, provided that no building footprint shall exceed 35,000 square feet, regardless of lot size.
Number of buildings per lot: The maximum building coverage may be divided into two or more buildings on any one lot, provided that all building setbacks are satisfied.
Number of uses per building: Each story of a building may be divided into no more than two leasable spaces, each of which may contain a permitted use.
Maximum height: 35 feet for principal buildings, 15 feet for any accessory buildings, provided that no building may be more than 2 1/2 stories.
Minimum spacing between buildings on one lot: 35 feet between buildings, whether principal or accessory, including buildings connected by an architectural element, such as a wall or roof or canopy.
Maximum impervious surface coverage: 65%.
Minimum parking setbacks.
From buildings: 10 feet.
From property lines.
Abutting nonresidential use or zoning: 25 feet.
Abutting residential use or zoning: 50 feet.
This parking setback shall not be paved and shall be landscaped with lawn, trees or shrubs in compliance with Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.
The parking setback from property lines shall not be required when two or more lots share a common parking area or driveway.
The parking setback from property lines shall not be required when parking areas are adjacent to proposed uses that are part of a planned development in conjunction with an ARR Overlay District. The parking setback shall apply to the exterior property lines of the planned development in conjunction with an ARR Overlay District.
[Added 8-8-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03]
Minimum setbacks for loading/service areas.
From property lines (measured from the property line to the closest edge of paving of the loading/service area).
Abutting nonresidential use or zoning: 25 feet.
Abutting residential use or zoning: 75 feet.
This loading setback area shall not be paved, and shall be landscaped with lawn, trees and/or shrubs in compliance with Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.
The loading setback from property lines shall not be required when two or more lots share a common parking area or driveway.
Maximum length of any building wall: 200 feet, with a minimum four-foot variation in the setback required for each 50 linear feet of building.
[Amended 1-11-2011 by Ord. No. 2010-05]
General location eligibility. Only one location of the two designated as such in the "Future Land Use" chapter of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Regional Comprehensive Plan is eligible to be developed as a neighborhood shopping center. The only undeveloped remaining lot is located in lands zoned CB Commercial Business District.
[Added 1-11-2011 by Ord. No. 2010-05]
A conditional use is required for a neighborhood shopping center in accordance with procedures contained in § 500-818.
Conformity with the Township's philosophy/planning/intent as contained in the Upper Perkiomen Valley Regional Comprehensive Plan and § 500-1500 within this chapter.
Specific locational criteria. Only lots meeting the requirements contained in this section shall qualify for a conditional use as a neighborhood shopping center.
Minimum lot size: 40 acres.
Minimum road frontage/roadway classification: 500 feet on an arterial roadway.
[Added 1-11-2011 by Ord. No. 2010-05]
A neighborhood shopping center shall consist of three components as follows and as regulated within §§ 500-1504.3 through 500-1504.7.
Main Street section. This section shall comprise the lot's entire frontage along Route 29 for a depth no less than 200 feet measured from the ultimate right-of-way, in an effort to reflect the character of "Main Street" development within the nearby boroughs.
Transitional section. This section shall be located along all boundaries of the lot that abut a residential use or zoning district, not including the area within the Main Street section. It shall be a minimum of 150 feet in depth, measured perpendicular to the residential boundary.
Core section. This section shall comprise the remainder of the lot.
[Added 1-11-2011 by Ord. No. 2010-05]
The following studies shall be submitted with every application for a conditional use for a neighborhood shopping center.
A sketch plan, in accordance with § 302 of Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.
An environmental assessment statement in accordance with § 500-820 of this chapter.
A community impact statement in accordance with the following:
Requirements for community impact statement.
Fiscal impact analysis to include annual costs to, and revenues to be derived, for the Township. These shall be compared to allowed development without benefit of the neighborhood shopping center option.
The conformance of the proposed development with the Upper Perkiomen Valley Regional Comprehensive Plan and its compatibility with existing and proposed land uses adjacent to the site.
The impact on public utilities, including but not limited to sewage disposal, garbage and rubbish disposal, water supply, storm drainage and electrical utilities.
The impact on the provision of police and fire protection for the proposed development.
The impact upon the character of the surrounding neighborhood. The applicant must show that the proposed development will not adversely affect the neighborhood by reason of noise, odors, smoke or vibration.
A market study in accordance with the following:
Requirements for market study.
A description of the commercial establishment(s) proposed, the approximate number of employees anticipated for each establishment and the sales volumes anticipated for each establishment.
A delineation of the proposed neighborhood market area.
An estimate of the population and number of households existing now and anticipated in the future within the defined neighborhood market area.
Per capita or household estimates of the demand for the goods and services proposed for the development and estimates of the total existing and anticipated demand within the defined neighborhood market area for each proposed good and service.
The location and size of commercial establishments within or near the defined neighborhood market area that could compete with the proposed development.
Estimates of net customer buying power or net demand for each commercial establishment in the proposed development.
A traffic impact study in accordance with the requirements of § 500-825 of this chapter and § 425-411 of Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development (SALDO).
Parking analysis to include an evaluation of the needs of the specific types of uses/tenants anticipated for the proposed neighborhood shopping center, a comparison of these with Township and generally accepted standards.
[Added 1-11-2011 by Ord. No. 2010-05]
Applicable to all development components in a neighborhood shopping center.
Permitted uses.
Retail establishment for the sale of merchandise.
Personal service shop.
Business office.
Professional office.
Self-service laundromat.
Apartments above the first floor.
Accessory uses shall be permitted on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any permitted use, in compliance with § 500-808, Accessory uses, of this chapter.
Applicable to Main Street section only.
Permitted uses.
Financial institution, excluding drive-in facilities.
Private club or lodge (excluding health or fitness).
Music, dance, art or martial arts studio or school of similar uses.
Institutional uses, in compliance with Article XXVI, Institutional Use Regulations, of this chapter.
Library or museum.
Antique store.
Place of worship.
Live/work units for artisans, professionals and service providers, provided the office area does not exceed 50% of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit and that the dwelling unit is located above the first floor.
Offices above the first floor. In addition to any other parking reductions permitted in § 500-1504.6 herein, a parking reduction of up to 25% of the required parking of the gross leasable area of said offices is allowed.
Conditional uses.
Day-care center, according to the provisions of § 500-822 of this chapter.
School-age care.
Educational, religious, or philanthropic use with a maximum building footprint of 10,000 feet.
Restaurant, tearoom, cafe, confectionary, bakery, or similar establishment producing and serving food and beverages to be sold at retail on the premises, excluding drive-in facilities and fast-food restaurants.
Establishment serving food or beverages to the general public, including drive-in facilities and fast-food restaurants, provided that:
A minimum of an eight-car stacking area shall be provided, inclusive of the space at the pick-up window. These spaces shall not interfere with other parking spaces or internal circulation of the site.
For all restaurants, drive-through ordering windows and menu boards shall not be permitted along the facade facing or nearest to the adjoining arterial street frontage.
A single development shall be limited to two fast-food restaurants or specialized fast-food service establishments (such as coffee or donut shop).
Not more than one fast-food restaurant or fast-food service establishment shall be located within 150 feet of the ultimate right-of-way line of an adjoining arterial street.
Outdoor dining in conjunction with a use in Subsection B(2)(d) or (e) above:
Adequate sidewalk area shall be provided for proper pedestrian circulation adjacent to the tables and seating.
The outdoor area shall not remove required parking.
Additional parking shall be provided for the outdoor seating area in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
The outdoor area shall be lit to the satisfaction of the Township Engineer.
Financial institution, including drive-in facilities, provided that:
A minimum of a six-car stacking area shall be provided for each drive-in unit and a four-car stacking area for drive-in automatic teller machines.
These spaces shall not interfere with other parking spaces or internal circulation of the site.
Applicable to transitional section only.
Permitted uses.
Establishment serving food or beverages to the general public, such as restaurant, cafe, confectionary or ice cream shop, excluding drive-in facilities and fast-food restaurants. Outdoor dining in conjunction with this use shall comply with the requirements of § 500-1504.4B(2)(f) herein.
Financial institution, excluding drive-in facilities.
Private club or lodge (excluding health or fitness).
Studios for activities such as dance, exercise, martial arts, music, art or photography, with a capacity for no more than 35 participants at any one time.
Day-care center, according to the provisions of § 500-822 of this chapter.
Institutional uses, in compliance with Article XXVI, Institutional Use Regulations, of this chapter.
Applicable to core section only.
Permitted uses.
Establishment serving food or beverages to the general public, such as restaurant, cafe, taproom, tavern, confectionary or ice cream shop, excluding drive-in facilities or fast-food restaurants except as permitted by § 500-1504.6L herein. Outdoor dining in conjunction with this use shall comply with the requirements of § 500-1504.4B(2)(f) herein.
Financial institution, excluding drive-in facilities except as permitted by § 500-1504.6L herein.
Private club or lodge (excluding health or fitness).
Studios for activities such as dance, exercise, martial arts, music, art or photography, with a capacity for no more than 35 participants at any one time.
Day-care center, according to the provisions of § 500-822 of this chapter.
Institutional uses, in compliance with Article XXVI, Institutional Use Regulations, of this chapter.
Emergency service facilities.
Conditional uses.
Health, exercise or fitness centers with a capacity for more than 35 participants at any one time and/or indoor sport or recreation facilities.
Establishment for wholesale or retail sale of merchandise that requires extensive outdoor or partially covered display and storage areas, such as farm and garden supply centers, provided that the total area used for buildings and outdoor display and storage areas shall all be considered as floor area for purposes of required parking and shall be considered to be part of the building for computation of maximum allowable building footprint. Such outdoor display or storage shall not use an area within a parking lot.
Animal hospital and adjunct facilities, excluding crematorium facilities, boarding and kennels. The sale of animals is prohibited. Overnight stays for animals shall be limited to those required for medical necessity.
Hotel, motel, bed-and-breakfast, banquet facility.
The following motor-vehicle related use in compliance with the conditional use standards and criteria in § 500-1505.F. of this chapter.
Gasoline filling station accessory to another permitted or conditional use.
Pet supply superstore which may include overnight pet boarding, out patient veterinary clinics, pet training centers, pet grooming centers, pet adoption, and/or pet day-care centers as accessory uses to the superstore. Accessory uses shall not exceed 45% of the gross store area. No individual accessory use shall exceed 35% of the gross floor area. All accessory uses shall be located entirely within the interior of the pet supply superstore. A pet supply superstore, as that term is used in this section, is a specialty retail store which maintains a retail space of a minimum of 20,000 square feet. Small pet sales shall be permitted but the sale of dogs and cats is prohibited.
[Added 1-11-2011 by Ord. No. 2010-05]
For uses allowed in neighborhood shopping center as a whole.
All uses in the neighborhood shopping center shall be served by public water and public sewer facilities.
For permitted and conditional uses allowed in Main Street section.
Building dimensions.
Maximum building footprint: 6,000 square feet.
Building height: minimum 20 feet, maximum 35 feet.
Minimum spacing between buildings: 25 feet.
Minimum building setback from the ultimate right-of-way: minimum 15 feet, maximum 25 feet.
Minimum building setback from the boundary of a property zoned or used residentially within Upper Hanover Township or an adjacent municipality: minimum 75 feet.
Minimum building setback from internal driveways: minimum 25 feet, except that no setback is required where the building's roofline is extended as an overhang or porte-cochere.
Maximum building length or width: 85 feet for facades facing the street; 125 feet for facades perpendicular to the street.
Combined buildings. Two buildings may be combined together as one building with a maximum footprint of 12,000 square feet. The facade facing the street shall not exceed a total of 150 feet in length, with its walls offset a minimum of 20 feet at maximum intervals of 50 feet each. These offsets shall be landscaped or designed as an open porch or similar feature and may be used for building entrances.
Building characteristics.
Bulk and construction.
Building bulk and construction shall be similar to one or more of the historical types of residential or mixed-use buildings along "Main Street" in the nearby boroughs.
Building materials, windows, doors and detailing shall be similar to and compatible with the architectural heritage of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Region and shall consist of the same quality on all sides of the building.
Building entrances.
Building entrances for customer or client use shall be visible and accessible from a network of streets and sidewalks, sidewalks along parking areas, and walkways or courtyards between buildings.
Buildings with multiple tenants/users shall have at least one customer or client entrance along the facade facing the street.
Locations of building entrances shall be emphasized by appropriate building articulation, such as chamfered corners, turrets, porches, canopies or other similar building features.
Buildings that are not multitenant pad site buildings or fast-food restaurants shall provide:
Front walls and side walls facing along a borough boundary shall be constructed of integrally colored block or similar materials.
Windows and doors. All building walls that face a street, driveway, parking area, walkway or courtyard shall contain windows compatible with the style and scale of the building and shall have compatible doors in appropriate locations.
Individual areas. Each story of a building may be divided into no more than two leasable/salable areas, each of which may contain a permitted or conditional use. Each story of a combined building may be divided into no more than four leasable/salable areas.
Pedestrian access. Pedestrian access shall be provided into, within and through the Main Street section by a network of street sidewalks, sidewalks along parking areas, and walkways or courtyards between buildings. Walks in the Main Street section shall connect with internal walkways that access the transitional and core sections of the neighborhood shopping center.
Vehicular access, parking and loading.
Vehicular access. Vehicular access for the Main Street section shall be provided only from the shopping center access driveways and parking areas within the shopping center.
Location. No parking shall be located between the buildings or between the buildings and the street.
Loading shall be limited to curbside pickup and delivery along the parking lot driveway adjacent to the buildings.
A loading area may be located between two buildings when the view from the street is totally screened by landscaping with decorative walls or fencing to a height of eight feet. This shall be permitted in only one location within the Main Street section, with one driveway access from the parking area.
For permitted and conditional uses allowed in transitional section.
Building dimensions.
Maximum footprint: 20,000 square feet.
Building height: minimum 20 feet; maximum 35 feet.
Minimum spacing between buildings: 35 feet.
Minimum building setback from the boundary of a property zoned or used residentially within Upper Hanover Township or an adjacent municipality: minimum 75 feet.
Minimum building setback from internal parking lots and driveways: minimum 25 feet, except that no setback is required where the building's roofline is extended as an overhang or porte-cochere.
Maximum length or width: 50 feet for facades facing property zoned or used residentially; 125 feet for facades perpendicular to such property.
Building characteristics.
Bulk and construction.
Building bulk and construction shall be similar to one or more of the historical types of residential or mixed-use buildings along Main Street in the nearby boroughs.
Building materials, windows, doors and detailing shall be similar to and compatible with the architectural heritage of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Region and shall consist of the same quality on all sides of the building.
Building entrances.
Building entrances for everyday use shall be visible and accessible from a network of sidewalks along parking areas and walkways or courtyards between buildings. No building entrances may be located on the side of the building facing property zoned or used residentially.
Locations of building entrances shall be emphasized by appropriate building articulation, such as chamfered corners, turrets, porches, canopies or other similar building features.
Windows and doors. All building walls that face a driveway, parking area, walkway or courtyard shall contain windows compatible with the style and scale of the building and shall have compatible doors in appropriate locations.
Individual areas. Each story of a building may be divided into no more than two leasable/salable areas, each of which may contain a permitted use. Each story of a combined building may be divided into no more than four leasable/salable areas.
Pedestrian access. Pedestrian access shall be provided into and within the transitional section by a network of sidewalks along parking areas and walkways or courtyards between buildings. Walks shall also connect with internal walkways that access the Main Street and core sections of the neighborhood shopping center.
Vehicular access, parking and loading.
Vehicular access. Vehicular access for the transitional section shall be provided only from the shopping center access driveways and parking areas within the shopping center.
Location. Within the transitional section, no parking shall be located between the buildings or between the buildings and abutting property zoned or used residentially.
Loading. All loading shall be limited to curbside pickup and delivery along the driveway between the buildings and parking area. No loading shall be located between the buildings or between the buildings and property zoned or used residentially.
Landscaping. In addition to providing street trees and foundation planting, the entire perimeter of the transitional section shall be planted according to the high-intensity property line buffering standards in Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development. Along the boundary with property zoned or used residentially, the buffer landscaping shall be planted on and along the sides and top of a berm a minimum of three feet high with side slopes at a four-to-one ratio.
For permitted and conditional uses allowed in core section.
Building dimensions.
Maximum building footprint. No individual building shall have a footprint larger than 80,000 square feet; provided, however, the maximum building footprint may be increased to 100,000 square feet as a conditional use.
Building height: 35 feet for all routinely occupied spaces; 45 feet for normally unoccupied major architectural features intended to satisfy the building bulk and construction standards of Subsection D(1)(d) of this section.
Minimum building setbacks.
From other buildings in the neighborhood shopping center: 50 feet.
From property boundaries, including street ultimate rights-of-way that are not bordered by the Main Street or transitional sections: 50 feet.
From driveways internal to the shopping center: 25 feet, except that no setback is required where the building's roofline is extended as an overhang or porte-cohere.
From parking spaces: 25 feet.
Building materials. Contrasts in color, texture and materials shall be in compliance with the following:
Building materials such as brick, stone and wood shall be integrated into the building facades consistent with the architectural heritage of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Region.
Side and rear building facades shall be constructed of materials similar to and compatible with the character, color scheme, and architectural features of the buildings' front facade.
Pedestrian access. Pedestrian access shall be provided into and within the core section by a network of sidewalks along parking areas and walkways or courtyards between buildings. Walks shall also connect with internal walkways that access the Main Street and transitional sections of the neighborhood shopping center.
Vehicular access, parking and loading.
Vehicular access. Vehicular access for the core section shall be provided only from the shopping center access driveways and parking areas within the shopping center.
Parking. No parking shall be located between the buildings and abutting property zoned or used for residential purposes.
Loading area orientation. Service/loading areas for the core section shall not face adjoining property that has been developed for residential use unless the nearest dwelling is located at least 200 feet beyond the property line.
Building walls shall be extended along the edges of the service/loading areas as sound barriers for the benefit of nearby residences.
Site element screening shall be installed between all service/loading areas and property lines and ultimate right-of-way lines.
External storage.
Trailers used only for the collection and temporary storage of recycled or previously used materials and parts or types of items or equipment sold at retail on the premises shall be permitted but shall not include the storage of new items (inventory) to be sold on the premises.
Such trailers shall be located to the rear of the building only, shall not interfere with any buffers or screening otherwise required, shall be subject to buffers and screening required along the zoning district boundary, and shall be recessed outside the perimeter of the parking area and buffered on three sides.
Trailers as permitted in Subsection D(4)(a) and (b) above; and seasonal outdoor sales and sidewalk displays permitted pursuant to § 500-1504.6N herein shall be required to maintain drive aisles and circulation required on approved plans and further shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal.
[Added 1-11-2011 by Ord. No. 2010-05]
The standards in this section shall be applicable to a neighborhood shopping center as a whole.
Site access requirements and restrictions.
Main entrance. Only one entrance driveway to the neighborhood shopping center shall be permitted from Route 29.
Secondary/service entrance. One secondary vehicular access may be provided from Kraussdale Road.
Emergency access. Only emergency access to the neighborhood shopping center shall be permitted from streets in East Greenville Borough.
Overall building coverage.
Total building coverage: maximum 20% of the buildable lot area of the parcel developed as a neighborhood shopping center; provided, however, that the building coverage in the Main Street Section shall not exceed 25% computed or the buildable lot area for that section.
Overall impervious coverage.
Maximum 65% of the buildable lot area of the parcel developed as a neighborhood shopping center; provided, however, that the impervious coverage in the Main Street Section shall not exceed 75% computed or the buildable lot area for that section.
A minimum of 35% of the buildable lot area of the parcel developed as a neighborhood shopping center shall be landscaped in accordance with applicable provisions of Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.
Public common area requirements. Neighborhood shopping centers shall provide a central common area suitable for shared use by tenants, customers and visitors for special events, such as cultural performances, exhibitions, health fairs, sidewalk sales, community events, and for routine use as a focal point, sitting area and meeting place. Each central common area shall comply with the following standards:
It may be an atrium, courtyard, plaza or village green prominently located among the principal buildings, visible from entrance driveways and the parking lot.
It shall have walkways, seating and landscaping. Water features, performance stage, and table facilities for adjacent restaurants are encouraged.
The total area shall be a minimum of 5% of the gross leasable ground-floor area of all the buildings in the center. Where superior site design and function may be achieved, the Board of Supervisors may allow the area to be divided into two separate locations.
A minimum of 30% of the central common area shall be ornamentally landscaped (may include water features). The landscaped area may be included in calculation of the minimum 35% landscaped area of the site required by § 500-1504.6D herein.
The minimum required space for a central common area shall not include paved areas used for parking, service or driveways, required storefront landscaping, softening and screen buffers, required parking lot planting, and commercial recreation facilities operated as a principal use.
Parking standards.
Parking capacity. Total parking capacity for a neighborhood shopping center shall be a minimum of 4.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross leasable area. The distribution of parking may vary from this ratio for the different sections of a neighborhood shopping center, provided the overall ratio is met for the neighborhood shopping center as a whole.
Additional capacity. Any spaces proposed at a rate greater than five spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area shall be placed in reserve in compliance with § 500-902 of this chapter. Spaces placed in reserve shall not be constructed until approved or requested by the Board of Supervisors.
Parking space size. Neighborhood shopping center parking spaces may be a minimum of nine feet by 18 feet.
Shared parking. The Board of Supervisors may permit a reduction in the total number of parking spaces when there is an efficiency demonstrated in a proposed neighborhood shopping center based on the specific mix of uses proposed. The methodology and requirements of §§ 500-904A(1) through (4) and 500-904B of this chapter shall govern.
Landscaping. The parking lot landscape requirements of Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development, shall be applicable; provided, however, the applicant for a neighborhood shopping center may elect to utilize the alternative standards contained in § 500-1705B(12)(a) of this chapter if approved by the Board of Supervisors.
Structured parking. Parking may be placed within a building used for any lawful purpose(s) within a neighborhood shopping center, provided all applicable dimensional requirements contained in Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development, are met. Parking may not be contained in a freestanding structure or building whose sole purpose is to provide parking. The architectural treatment of any portion of a building used for parking shall conform to the building bulk and construction requirements for the section of the neighborhood shopping center in which it is located. Should the parking section of any such building extend horizontally beyond the footprint required for uses for which the parking is provided, the extent of the building used exclusively for parking may be exempt from building coverage requirements for the neighborhood shopping center; however, said portion of such building shall be considered impervious coverage for purposes of calculating same.
Design standards for neighborhood shopping centers. Development shall comply with the design standards for parking lots, driveway hierarchy, and landscaping of Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.
Equipment screening. Mechanical and utility equipment shall be screened from public view by means of architectural features when projecting from the tops of buildings and by site element screens in conformance with § 425-500F and G of Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development, when located on the ground.
All preliminary and final plan submissions for a neighborhood shopping center shall include:
Architectural drawings showing concepts for facades, roof design and materials for buildings, structured parking facilities, signs as well as proposed lighting, street furniture and sidewalk design. Such drawings shall comply with the requirements of § 500-1705B(13)(a) and (b) of this chapter.
Any other pertinent data as the Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors may require.
Lighting. In addition to the requirements contained in § 500-823 of this chapter, the following shall apply:
The height of building-mounted and freestanding luminaires shall not exceed 20 feet in height above the adjacent finished grade.
The height of freestanding luminaires within 75 feet of an adjacent residential use or zoning district in Upper Hanover Township or an adjacent municipality shall not exceed 12 feet in height above the adjacent finished grade and shall be provided with house-side cutoff shields.
Lighting within the Main Street Section shall not exceed 14 feet in height above the adjacent finished grade and shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the East Greenville Borough and Pennsburg Borough Economic Revitalization Plan (2001), as adopted by said Boroughs. Any proposed deviations from said recommendations shall be of a period design which shall match or complement the style of existing nearby lighting and shall be subject to approval by the Township Board of Supervisors.
Individual lots. Individual lots within a neighborhood shopping center may be created in conformance with the requirements of § 500-1705B(10) of this chapter.
Pad sites. For marketing and other considerations, it may be advantageous for certain uses allowed within the Main Street and core sections to be developed in freestanding buildings with separately associated parking and circulation. Such uses shall be considered to be pad sites and shall comply with the following regulations in addition to all other applicable regulations for a neighborhood shopping center in this chapter and all applicable regulations of Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.
Any use developed as a pad site shall require conditional use approval.
No more than one fast-food restaurant or restaurant with drive-in facilities shall be permitted in the Main Street Section.
No more than one financial institution with drive-in facilities shall be permitted in the Main Street Section.
A maximum of four pad sites shall be permitted in a neighborhood shopping center.
Pad site buildings in the Main Street Section shall comply with the requirements of § 500-1504.5B(2) herein. Pad site buildings in the core section shall comply with the requirements of § 500-1504.5D(1)(d) herein.
In addition to all other applicable regulations in this section, any fast-food restaurant or restaurant with drive-in facilities shall comply with § 500-1504.4B(2)(e)[1] herein.
In addition to all other applicable regulations in this section, any financial institution with drive-in facilities shall comply with § 500-1504.4B(2)(g)[1] and [2] herein.
Access to a pad site parking area shall be from within the shopping center and be taken from internal travel aisles.
Pad sites shall be integrated into the overall plan for the neighborhood shopping center so that they appear and function as harmonious elements of a unified center. The overall vehicular and pedestrian circulation of a pad site shall be integrated harmoniously with the overall circulation for the neighborhood shopping center.
Though the number of parking spaces associated with a pad site need not be provided at precisely the number required based on the gross leasable area of the pad site building as required by § 500-1504.6F(1) herein, the applicant shall demonstrate that the number of spaces provided for the pad site building is adequate based upon the use(s) proposed for it.
Pad site buildings shall not have a footprint larger than 6,000 square feet in the Main Street Section and 15,000 square feet in the core section.
Refuse storage and collection facilities shall be provided in accordance with § 500-1506H of this chapter.
Unless specifically permitted herein, all uses in a neighborhood shopping center shall be conducted within an enclosed building.
Except for sidewalk sales or similar events, no outdoor sales shall be permitted in the Main Street Section.
Outdoor sales shall be limited to seasonal items. Such sales may only occur on the side of the building with the main entrance to the commercial establishment and may extend over no more than 50% of the width of any establishment's front facade.
Items for outdoor sale shall be arranged such that all entrances/exits and emergency exits are unobscured. A minimum sidewalk width of five feet along the entire frontage of an establishment shall be kept clear for pedestrian access.
[Added 1-11-2011 by Ord. No. 2010-05]
The following sign restrictions are in addition to general sign requirements in § 500-1001 and sign regulations for nonresidential districts in § 500-1003; in the event of any conflicts, the provisions within this section shall govern. No signs shall be permitted in a neighborhood shopping center in a CB District in addition to those permitted in this section.
Freestanding signs at shopping center entrances.
All freestanding signs shall be monument signs.
A maximum of one freestanding sign shall be permitted at each vehicular entrance to a shopping center.
Maximum size: 150 square feet.
Maximum height: 12 feet; ground signs only.
Freestanding signs may include the name of the shopping center and names of individual tenants. A maximum of 15% of the sign area of a freestanding sign may be changeable copy; such copy may not change more than six times per minute.
No internal illumination of freestanding signs is permitted.
Pad site freestanding signs.
Each pad site use may have a maximum of one freestanding monument sign.
Maximum size: 100 square feet.
Maximum height: eight feet; ground signs only.
No internal illumination of pad site freestanding signs is permitted.
For restaurant uses developed as a pad site, an additional maximum sign area of 40 square feet, devoted to menu board(s) only, shall be permitted. Such menu board(s) shall be separate from the main freestanding pad site sign.
Wall signs for buildings greater than 300 feet from the ultimate right-of-way of an arterial street are permitted in accordance with the following:
Maximum sign area shall be calculated based upon the length of the facade of the front of building (which shall be the facade most closely parallel to the arterial road). For multiple uses in a single building, the computation of facade area for each use shall be based on the width of the facade devoted to each such use.
Maximum sign area: two square feet for each foot of length of the facade of the front of the building but no greater than 3% of area of said facade.
Maximum number of signs shall not exceed three signs on the facade of the front of the building; maximum size of any one sign shall be 200 square feet.
When a building can be approached by vehicles from two or more directions, signs on a maximum of two additional frontages shall be permitted. The aggregate area of the signs on any such additional frontage shall be 50% of the maximum sign area permitted above for the facade of the front of the building. These additional signs may be distributed in any manner on the two additional sides; however, in no case shall any one sign be greater than 100 square feet in area.
No wall sign shall extend above the highest point of the wall or parapet wall to which it is attached.
Wall signs for buildings less than 300 feet from the ultimate right-of-way of an arterial street are permitted in accordance with the following:
Maximum sign area shall be calculated based upon the length of the facade of the front of building (which shall be the facade most closely parallel to the arterial road). For multiple uses in a single building, the computation of facade area for each use shall be based on the width of the facade devoted to each such use.
Maximum sign area: one square foot for each foot of the length of such facade but no greater than 2% of the area of said facade.
Maximum number of signs shall not exceed three signs on the facade of the front of the building; maximum size of any individual sign shall be 125 square feet.
When a building can be approached by vehicles from two or more directions, signs on a maximum of two additional frontages shall be permitted. The aggregate area of the signs on any such additional frontage shall be 50% of the maximum sign area permitted above for the facade of the front of the building. These additional signs may be distributed in any manner on the two additional sides; however, in no case shall any one sign be greater than 75 square feet in area.
No wall sign shall extend above the highest point of the wall or parapet wall to which it is attached.
Wall sign area bonus. As a conditional use, a shopping center shall be permitted to have a twenty-five-percent bonus in total wall sign area and in the area permitted for individual wall signs if all wall signs in the shopping center are externally illuminated.
Window signs shall be permitted in accordance with the following:
The maximum area of all window signs shall not exceed an amount equal to 25% of the maximum area of wall signs computed for the front facade of the building or the width of the front facade devoted to an individual use, as applicable.
A window sign in accordance with this section may be additional to the wall signs permitted on the front facade.
Window signs shall only be permitted on the front facade of the building.
The maximum area of any window devoted to window signs shall be 15%.
Awning and canopy signs shall be permitted in accordance with the following:
Awning signs shall be subject to the following regulations:
Awning signs are permitted on only the building frontage that serves as the principal approach to the building, except as noted below.
A sign may be placed on the portion of the awning, canopy or marquee that is in a plane parallel to the wall of the building and visible from the public street.
The size of the sign shall not exceed 20% of the area on that plane.
In addition, a logo or other graphic, with no written copy, is permitted on the sloped face of the awning. The size of the graphic shall not exceed 20% of the sloped area of the awning.
Blade signs.
Blade signs are permitted on only the building frontage that serves as the principal approach to the building, except as noted below.
One blade sign or under-canopy sign, not to exceed six square feet in area may be installed at each public entrance to an individual use. The bottom of the sign must be at least eight feet above the level of the sidewalk.
Directional signs shall be permitted in accordance with the following:
Maximum of four directional signs per shopping center shall be permitted.
Maximum size per sign: eight square feet.
Maximum sign size may be increased to 12 square feet per sign if such sign is a monument sign.
Maximum height: six feet.
In addition to any other illumination restrictions herein, illumination shall be permitted only in accordance with the following:
All freestanding signs shall be externally illuminated only.
All signs in the Main Street section shall be externally illuminated only.
For wall signs in other sections, internal illumination shall be permitted; provided, however, that the illumination shall be coterminous with the sign copy and/or any logo's; internally illuminated box signs with copy applied to or painted upon the face of the lighted box are prohibited.
Directional signs may be internally illuminated.
For signs permitted herein, to be illuminated by an internal source:
A maximum of 40% of the entire sign face may consist of light or pale colors and the color white.
Upper Hanover Township reserves the right to conduct a post-installation inspection of signs and to require the reduction of sign brightness when it determines that the brightness creates a hazard to drivers or pedestrians, creates a nuisance or is otherwise judged to be excessive.
Temporary sign provisions shall be permitted in accordance with the following:
Temporary window signs shall be permitted for up to 30 days prior to a scheduled event and for the duration of the special event. Temporary window signs shall be permitted to identify special events and sales specific to the business or a special event or promotion hosted by the shopping center.
Bunting, pennants, and similar material signs advertising "coming soon" shall be permitted as a banner, pennant flag or window graphic. Such signs shall be permitted any time after lease signing and shall be removed on or before opening day of the business.
Unless more restrictive regulations are stipulated for a specific type of temporary sign, such signs shall not exceed 16 square feet in area and shall be in place for no longer than 30 days. Funds shall be placed in escrow for removal of all temporary signs at the termination of their allotted period of display, in an amount fixed by resolution of the Board of Supervisors. Each sign left in place beyond the permitted time shall be considered a separate violation.
Not more than one additional temporary sign for each street frontage of a neighborhood shopping center may be erected four times a year, provided that such sign shall be displayed for a period of not more than 30 consecutive days. Such signs may be used for special sales, events, openings, product introductions, anniversaries and similar occasions. Such signs shall not exceed 32 square feet. Notwithstanding any provisions herein to the contrary, balloons, banners and/or pennants without advertising copy thereon may be permitted for the purposes described in this section. Four off-site directional signs may be posted for the same time period as for the temporary on-site signs, provided that the maximum size of each sign shall be 12 square feet.
No temporary sign may be posted on private property without the express written consent of the property owner.
Real estate and construction signs shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations of § 500-1003A(3) and (4) of this chapter.
Motor-vehicle-related uses listed in § 500-1502 herein shall comply with the standards and criteria of this section.
Residential setback. Buildings and outdoor use areas for all motor-vehicle-related uses shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from the property line of a parcel zoned or used exclusively for residential use. The setback area shall be landscaped in compliance with the standards of Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.
Multiple uses on an individual lot.
More than one motor-vehicle-related use may be permitted on an individual lot (for example, a gasoline filling station and a motor vehicle service and/or repair shop).
One or more motor-vehicle-related uses may be permitted on an individual lot in combination with other uses permitted in the CB District (for example, a gasoline filling station and a retail store).
A use and occupancy permit shall be required for each motor-vehicle-related use and each other permitted use proposed for an individual lot.
Motor vehicle or recreation vehicle sales and service.
Parking and/or display of vehicles.
Parking and/or display of vehicles for sale, rental or lease shall be done only within the building envelope for the principal building, except that they may be located a minimum of 25 feet behind the street ultimate right-of-way when the area between the ultimate right-of-way and the vehicles is landscaped in compliance with the standards in Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.
Vehicles shall not be displayed on aboveground platforms and shall be displayed to appear similar to customer parking.
Outdoor storage/display shall be limited to motor vehicles and/or recreational vehicles.
Ornamentation. No streamers, pennants or similar ornamentation, or festoon lighting shall be hung or strung on buildings, other structures or vehicles. In addition, light bulbs (or other lighting sources) shall be shielded, hooded or otherwise screened to prevent the direct rays of the light from shining on adjacent properties, rights-of-way or roadways, in compliance with the lighting standards of this chapter.
All repairs, maintenance and service activities shall be enclosed within a building.
Motor vehicle service and/or repair shop.
All service and repair activities shall be enclosed within a building.
Outdoor storage of vehicles.
Outdoor storage of vehicles shall be limited to vehicles scheduled for service or repairs, vehicles awaiting pickup after service or repairs, and/or damaged vehicles scheduled to be removed from the site.
No undamaged vehicle shall be stored outdoors for more than one week unless additional time is needed to receive parts ordered for repairs.
Damaged vehicles shall be stored within a screened enclosure of fencing and landscaping and only within side and/or rear yard areas set back a minimum of 25 feet from property lines.
Car wash. Car wash facilities shall be supplied with public water, recycle a minimum of 50% of the water used for washing and rinsing, and shall be set back a minimum of 150 feet from the lot line of any property used exclusively for residential purposes.
Gasoline filling station.
Activities included in the definition of motor vehicle service and/or repair shop shall not be permitted at a gasoline filling station.
Fuel pump islands and canopies.
Minimum setback of fuel pump islands shall be 25 feet from any ultimate right-of-way, 150 feet from the lot line of any property used exclusively for residential purposes, and 50 feet from other property lines.
Minimum setback of fuel pump canopies shall be 15 feet from any ultimate right-of-way.
The fuel pump area shall not interfere with parking spaces or internal circulation, and fuel service islands shall not be located between parking spaces and building entrances.
Pump islands shall be designed so cars waiting to access the pumps do not interfere with internal circulation or entrance driveways.
Parking for other uses on the same lot with a gasoline filling station.
Minimum setback of parking spaces (any portion) from fuel pump islands shall be 30 feet.
No parking spaces shall be permitted between the ultimate right-of-way and fuel pump islands.
Outdoor storage shall not be permitted.
All uses developed within the CB District shall comply with the following standards:
Lighting. Lighting shall be provided for the safety and convenience of customers, employees and visitors in compliance with § 500-823, Lighting, of this chapter, and the following:
Height. No lighting fixture on a freestanding lighting standard shall exceed 15 feet in height, and no lighting fixture shall be mounted on a building higher than 12 feet above the adjacent grade level.
Level of lighting. Illumination of all parking areas, around all buildings, and along all pedestrian walkways shall provide a minimum level of 1/2 footcandle, and an average of one footcandle, and a maximum level of four footcandles. (One footcandle equals one lumen per square foot.)
Shielding. All light standards or fixtures shall be shielded to eliminate light glare beyond an angle of 35° from a vertical plane and be so shielded that the source of the light shall not be visible off of the premises.
Intermittent lights. Flashing, blinking, moving or any other form of intermittent lighting, including lights on, near or within signs or buildings, are prohibited.
Signs. Signs shall comply with the regulations of Article X, Signs, of this chapter.
Land development plan submission and review. For any use(s) permitted by right or by conditional use under the requirements of the CB Commercial Business District, a land development plan shall be submitted to the Township in compliance with Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.
Landscaped site element screens and property line buffers. Unless otherwise specified in this chapter, landscaped site element screens and property line buffers shall be required for all development proposed in the CB Commercial Business District. The standards for these landscape features are found in Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.
Stormwater basin planting and maintenance. Stormwater basins shall be planted and maintained according to a naturalized planting design and maintenance program prepared by a qualified expert in compliance with the Township's subdivision and land development regulations.
Environmental impact. The applicant shall submit an environmental assessment statement in accordance with § 500-820 of this chapter and shall protect natural features in compliance with § 500-819 of this chapter for all development proposing a neighborhood shopping center or more than 15% building coverage on any one lot and for all proposals with riparian corridors, floodplains, wetlands or steep slopes within the site proposed for development.
Outdoor display and storage.
Unless otherwise specified in this article, all uses shall be completely enclosed within a building or buildings, except for parking, loading, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and similar accessory uses or facilities.
No merchandise, goods, articles or equipment shall be stored, displayed or offered for sale outside any building, except seasonal articles. Such articles shall be stored adjacent to the building housing the tenant selling the articles but not between the building and a public street.
Any outdoor display areas permitted under this article shall be considered to be sales-floor area for the purposes of computing building coverage and for computing parking requirements.
Refuse storage and collection facilities.
Refuse storage and collection facilities shall be provided within the buildings or within outdoor areas adjacent to the buildings where vehicular access to the refuse facilities shall not interfere with circulation within the parking lot.
No refuse storage and collection facilities shall be located within 25 feet of an adjacent nonresidential property line, 50 feet of a residential lot line, and 75 feet of a road ultimate right-of-way.
Outdoor refuse storage and collection facilities shall be architecturally compatible with the adjacent building(s).
Walls or fencing at least six feet high shall be used to shield the refuse areas from direct view from any adjacent property, and the area adjacent to the walls or fencing shall be landscaped to soften the appearance in compliance with the standards in Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.[1]
Editor's Note: See § 425-500, Landscaping regulations.
Loading and service areas. Suitable off-street loading and service areas shall be provided for all development in the CB District in compliance with the following requirements and any other requirements applicable under other sections of the CB District regulations.
Vehicular access. Safe and efficient vehicular access shall be provided from a driveway internal to the development, so arranged that it may be used without blocking or otherwise interfering with the use of other driveways, parking facilities, or pedestrianways, and without interfering with the flow of traffic external to the development.
Design. The site design shall accommodate the sizes and types of trucks and other vehicles appropriate to the type of establishment being served, in conformance with accepted engineering standards.
Location/screening. Loading and service areas shall be screened from view from any abutting roadway, customer parking area or residential lot line in conformance with the landscape site element screen standards in Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.[2]
Editor's Note: See § 425-500, Landscaping regulations.