[HISTORY: Derived from Ch. XVIII of the 2003 Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Willingboro. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Administration of government — See Ch. 3.
The Township of Willingboro, County of Burlington, State of New Jersey, shall be divided into 36 election districts, with boundaries as hereinafter specified to be known, respectively, as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 32nd, 33rd, 34th, 35th and 36th Districts of the Township of Willingboro, County of Burlington.
The First Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the southerly right-of-way line of State Highway Route 130 where it intersects Charleston Road and runs: northeastwardly along the southerly right-of-way of Route 130 to its intersection with the Burlington Township line, thence along said line in a generally southerly direction to its intersection with Sunset Road, thence westwardly along Sunset Road to its intersection with Sidney Lane, thence westwardly along Sidney Lane to its intersection with Charleston Road, thence northwestwardly along Charleston Road to point of beginning.
The Second Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Charleston Road where it intersects Sidney Land and runs: southeastwardly along Charleston Road to its intersection with South Sunset Road, thence southwestwardly along South Sunset Road to its intersection with Shield Lane, thence northwestwardly along Shield Lane to its intersection with Spiralwood Lane, thence southwardly along Spiralwood Lane to its intersection with South Sunset Road, thence westwardly along South Sunset Road, to its intersection with Pennypacker Drive, thence southwardly along Pennypacker Drive to its intersection with Mill Creek, thence eastwardly along Mill Creek through various courses to its intersection with Levitt Parkway, thence northwardly along Levitt Parkway to its intersection with Charleston Road, thence northwestwardly along Charleston Road to its intersection with Sedgwick Lane, thence eastwardly along Sedgwick Lane to its intersection with Levitt Parkway, thence northwardly along Levitt Parkway to its intersection with Sunset Road, thence westwardly along Sunset Road to its intersection with Sidney Lane, then westwardly along Sidney Lane to point of beginning.
The Third Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Charleston Road where it intersects Sedgwick Lane and runs: eastwardly along Sedgwick Lane to its intersection with Levitt Parkway, thence northwardly along Levitt Parkway to its intersection with Babbitt Lane, thence southeastwardly along Babbitt Lane to its intersection with Brooklawn Drive, thence southwestwardly along Brooklawn Drive to its intersection with Bucknell Lane, thence southeastwardly along Bucknell Lane to its intersection with Buckingham Drive, thence eastwardly along Buckingham Drive to its intersection with Birchwood Lane, then southwestwardly along Birchwood Lane to its intersection with Charleston Road, thence northwestwardly along Charleston Road to its intersection with Bonnie Lane, thence westwardly along Bonnie Lane to its intersection with Levitt Parkway, thence northeastwardly along Levitt Parkway to its intersection with Charleston Road, thence northwestwardly along Charleston Road to point of beginning.
The Fourth Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Sunset Road where it intersects the Burlington Township Line and runs: along said Township Line southeastwardly to its intersection with Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive, thence southwestwardly along Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive to its intersection with Willingboro Parkway, thence northwestwardly along Willingboro Parkway to its intersection with Baldwin Lane, thence westwardly along Baldwin Lane to its intersection with Brooklawn Drive, thence southwestwardly along Brooklawn Drive to its intersection with Babbitt Lane, thence northwestwardly along Babbitt Lane to its intersection with Levitt Parkway, thence northwardly along Levitt Parkway to its intersection with Sunset Road, thence northeastwardly along Sunset Road to point of beginning.
The Fifth Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive where it intersects the Burlington Township line and runs: southwestwardly along Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive to its intersection with Willingboro Parkway, thence northwestwardly along Willingboro Parkway to its intersection with Baldwin Lane, thence westwardly along Baldwin Lane to its intersection with Brooklawn Drive, thence southwestwardly along Brooklawn Drive to its intersection with Bucknell Lane, thence southeastwardly along Bucknell Lane to its intersection with Buckingham Drive, thence northeastwardly along Buckingham Drive to its intersection with Berkshire Lane, thence southeastwardly along Berkshire Lane to its intersection with Burgess Lane, thence northeastwardly along Burgess Lane to its intersection with Barrington Lane, thence southwardly along Barrington Lane to its intersection with Bayberry Lane, thence southeastwardly along Bayberry Lane to its intersection with John F. Kennedy Way, thence northeastwardly along John F. Kennedy Way, also known as "Park Road," to its intersection with the Burlington Township line, thence northwestwardly along said Township line to point of beginning.
The Sixth Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in John F. Kennedy Way where it intersects Bayberry Lane and runs: southwardly along John F. Kennedy Way to its intersection with Mill Creek, thence westwardly along Mill Creek to its intersection with Levitt Parkway, thence northeastwardly along Levitt Parkway to its intersection with Bonnie Lane, thence eastwardly along Bonnie Lane to its intersection with Charleston Road, thence southeastwardly along Charleston Road to its intersection with Birchwood Lane, thence northwardly along Birchwood Lane to its intersection with Buckingham Drive, thence northeastwardly along Buckingham Drive to its intersection with Berkshire Lane, thence southeastwardly along Berkshire Lane to its intersection with Burgess Lane, thence northeastwardly along Burgess Lane to its intersection with Barrington Lane, thence southwardly along Barrington Lane to its intersection with Bayberry Lane, thence southeastwardly along Bayberry Lane to point of beginning.
The Seventh Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Beverly-Rancocas Road, where it intersects Primrose Lane and runs: northwestwardly along Beverly-Rancocas Road to its intersection with Mill Creek, thence northeastwardly along Mill Creek through various courses to its intersection with a drainage ditch, thence eastwardly along said drainage ditch to its intersection with Plumtree Lane, thence southeastwardly along Plumtree Lane to its intersection with Pinetree Lane, thence southwardly along Pinetree Lane to its intersection with Pageant Lane, thence westwardly along Pageant Lane to its intersection with Primrose Lane, thence southwardly along Primrose Lane to point of beginning.
The Eighth Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive where it intersects Beverly Road and runs: westwardly along Beverly Road to its intersection with Primrose Lane, thence northeastwardly along Primrose Lane to its intersection with Pageant Lane, thence southeastwardly along Pageant Lane to its intersection with Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive, thence southwestwardly along Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive to point of beginning.
The Ninth Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Pennypacker Drive where it intersects Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive and runs: westwardly along Pennypacker Drive to its intersection with Pinetree Lane, thence southwestwardly along Pinetree Lane to its intersection with Plumtree Lane, thence northwestwardly along Plumtree Lane to its intersection with a drainage ditch (near the intersection of Plumtree and Potter Lanes), thence westwardly along said drainage ditch to its intersection with Mill Creek, thence northwardly and eastwardly along Mill Creek through various courses to its intersection with Levitt Parkway, thence southwardly along Levitt Parkway to its intersection with Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive, thence southwestwardly along Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive to point of beginning.
The Tenth Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point where Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive intersects Pennypacker Drive and runs: northeastwardly along Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive to its intersection with Levitt Parkway, thence northwardly along Levitt Parkway to its intersection with Mill Creek, thence eastwardly along Mill Creek to its intersection with an unnamed stream, thence southwestwardly along the unnamed stream to its intersection with Levitt Parkway, thence westwardly along Levitt Parkway to its intersection with Millbrook Drive, thence southwardly along Millbrook Drive to its intersection with Mosshill Lane, thence northwestwardly along Mosshill Lane to its intersection with Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive, thence southwestwardly along Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive to its intersection with Pageant Lane, Pinetree Lane, thence northeastwardly along Pinetree Lane to its intersection with Pennypacker Drive, thence eastwardly along Pennypacker Drive to point of beginning.
The 11th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the southerly right-of-way line of State Highway Route 130 where it intersects Rancocas Creek and runs: northeastwardly along the southerly right-of-way line of Route 130 to its intersection with Charleston Road, thence southeastwardly along Charleston Road to its intersection with South Sunset Road, thence southeastwardly along South Sunset Road to its intersection with Shield Lane, thence northwestwardly along Shield Lane to its intersection with Spiralwood Lane, thence southwardly along Spiralwood Lane to its intersection with South Sunset Road, thence westwardly along South Sunset Road to its intersection with Pennypacker Drive, thence northwardly along Pennypacker Drive to its intersection with Rockland Drive, thence southwardly along Rockland Drive to its intersection with Rittenhouse Drive, thence southwestwardly along Rittenhouse Drive to its intersection with Raeburn Lane, thence southwardly along Raeburn Lane to its intersection with Rockland Drive, thence southwestwardly along Rockland Drive to its intersection with Beverly-Rancocas Road, thence southeastwardly along Beverly-Rancocas Road to its intersection with Mill Creek, thence southwestwardly along Mill Creek through various courses to its intersection with Rancocas Creek, thence westwardly along Rancocas Creek through various courses to point of beginning.
The 12th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the intersection of Beverly-Rancocas Road where it intersects Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive and runs: northwardly along Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive to its intersection with Mosshill Lane, thence eastwardly along Mosshill Lane to its intersection will Millbrook Drive, thence southwardly along Millbrook Drive to its intersection with the public service power line right-of-way, thence southwestwardly along said right-of-way to its intersection with Beverly-Rancocas Road, thence northwestwardly along Beverly-Rancocas Road to point of beginning.
The 13th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Beverly Road where it intersects John F. Kennedy Way and runs: northwestwardly along Beverly Road to its intersection with the public service power line right-of-way, thence northeastwardly along said right-of-way to its intersection with Millbrook Drive, thence southeastwardly along Millbrook Drive to its intersection with Messenger Lane, thence northeastwardly along Messenger Lane to its intersection with the drainage ditch, thence southeastwardly along the ditch to its intersection with John F. Kennedy Way, thence southwardly along John F. Kennedy Way to point of beginning.
The 14th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Mill Creek where it intersects John F. Kennedy Way and runs: southwardly along John F. Kennedy Way to its intersection with the public service power line right-of-way, thence southwestwardly along said right-of-way to its intersection with Millbrook Drive to its intersection with Levitt Parkway, thence southeastwardly along Levitt Parkway to its intersection with an unnamed stream, thence northeastwardly along said unnamed stream to its intersection with Mill Creek, thence eastwardly along Mill Creek through various courses to point of beginning.
The 15th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Mill Creek where it intersects John F. Kennedy Way and runs: northwardly along John F. Kennedy Way to its intersection with Hopewell Lane, thence eastwardly along Hopewell Lane to its intersection with Hancock Lane, thence southwardly along Hancock Lane to its intersection with Hampshire Lane, thence eastwardly along Hancock Lane to its intersection with Hawthorne Lane, thence northwardly along Hawthorne Lane to its intersection with Hepburn Lane, thence northeastwardly along Hepburn Lane to its intersection with Henderson Lane, thence southwardly along Henderson Lane to its intersection with Hampshire Lane, thence eastwardly along Hampshire Lane to its intersection with Willingboro Parkway, thence southeastwardly along Willingboro Parkway to its intersection with Mill Creek, thence westwardly along Mill Creek to point of beginning.
The 16th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in John F. Kennedy Way where it intersects the Burlington Township line and runs: along the Burlington Township line to its intersection with Hawkins Lane, thence westwardly along Hawkins Lane to its intersection with Hazelwood Circle, thence westwardly along Hazelwood Circle to its intersection with Willingboro Parkway, thence northwestwardly along Willingboro Parkway to its intersection with Hawthorne Lane, thence southwardly along Hawthorne Lane to its intersection with Hampshire Lane, thence westwardly along Hampshire Lane to its intersection with Hancock Lane, thence northwardly along Hancock Lane to its intersection with Hopewell Lane, thence westwardly along Hopewell Lane to its intersection with John F. Kennedy Way, thence northwardly along John F. Kennedy Way to point of beginning.
The 17th District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point at the intersection of Hepburn Lane where it intersects Hawthorne Lane and runs: northwardly along Hawthorne Lane to its intersection with Willingboro Parkway, thence southeastwardly along Willingboro Parkway to its intersection with Hazelwood Circle, thence eastwardly along Hazelwood Circle to its intersection with Niagara Lane, thence southeastwardly along Niagara Lane to its intersection with Noble Pass, thence southwardly along Noble Pass to its intersection with Northampton Drive, thence southwestwardly along Northampton Drive to its intersection with Willingboro Parkway, thence northwestwardly along Willingboro Parkway to its intersection with Hampshire Lane, thence southwestwardly along Hampshire Lane to its intersection with Henderson Lane, thence northwardly along Henderson Lane to its intersection with Hepburn Lane, thence southwestwardly along Hepburn Lane to point of beginning.
The 18th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in John F. Kennedy Way where it intersects Levitt Parkway and runs: northeastwardly along John F. Kennedy Way to its intersection with Mill Creek, thence northeastwardly along Mill Creek to its intersection with Willingboro Parkway, thence southwardly along Willingboro Parkway to its intersection with Levitt Parkway, thence northwestwardly along Levitt Parkway to point of beginning.
The 19th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Levitt Parkway where it intersects John F. Kennedy Way and runs: eastwardly along Levitt Parkway to its intersection with Garfield Drive, thence southeastwardly along Garfield Drive to its intersection with Gabriel Lane, thence southwestwardly along Gabriel Lane to its intersection with Gable Way, thence northwestwardly along Gable Way to its intersection with Gardenbrook Lane, thence southwestwardly along Gardenbrook Lane to its intersection with Garrett Lane, thence northwestwardly along Garrett Lane to its intersection with John F. Kennedy Way, thence northwardly along John F. Kennedy Way to point of beginning.
The 20th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in John F. Kennedy Way where it intersects Garrett Lane and runs: southwardly along Garrett Lane to its intersection with Gardenbrook Lane, thence eastwardly along Gardenbrook Lane to its intersection with Gable Way, thence southwardly along Gable Way to its intersection with Gabriel Lane, thence westwardly along Gabriel Lane to its intersection with Glenolden Lane, thence southwardly along Glenolden Lane to its intersection with Glenview Lane, thence westwardly along Glenview Lane to its intersection with Glen Way, thence southwestwardly along Glen Way to its intersection with a drainage ditch, thence westwardly along the drainage ditch to its intersection with Messenger Lane, thence southwestwardly along Messenger Lane to its intersection with Millbrook Drive, thence northwestwardly along Millbrook Drive to its intersection with the public service power line right-of-way, thence northeastwardly along the right-of-way to its intersection with John F. Kennedy Way, thence southwardly along John F. Kennedy Way to point of beginning.
The 21st Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Beverly-Rancocas Road where it intersects John F. Kennedy Way and runs: northwardly along John F. Kennedy Way to its intersection with the drainage ditch, thence southeastwardly and eastwardly along the drainage ditch to its intersection with Garfield Drive, thence southwestwardly along Garfield Drive to its intersection with Beverly-Rancocas Road, thence westwardly along Beverly-Rancocas Road to point of beginning.
The 22nd Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Gabriel Lane where it intersects Garfield Drive and runs: southwardly along Garfield Drive to its intersection with the drainage ditch, then westwardly along the drainage ditch to its intersection with Glen Way, thence northwardly along Glen Way to its intersection with Glenview Lane, thence northeastwardly along Glenview Lane to its intersection with Glenolden Lane, thence northwestwardly along Glenolden Lane to its intersection with Gabriel Lane, thence northeastwardly along Gabriel Lane to point of beginning.
The 23rd Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Garfield Drive where it intersects Levitt Parkway and runs: northeastwardly and eastwardly along Levitt Parkway to its intersection with Echo Lane, thence southwardly along Echo Lane to its intersection with Eastbrook Lane, thence southwardly along Eastbrook Lane to its intersection with Emerald Lane, thence westwardly along Emerald Lane to its intersection with Elsin Lane, thence southwestwardly along Elsin Lane to its intersection with Garfield Drive, thence northwardly along Garfield Drive to point of beginning.
The 24th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Garfield Drive where it intersects Elsin Lane and runs: eastwardly along Elsin Lane to its intersection with Emerald Lane, thence southeastwardly and eastwardly along Emerald Lane to its intersection with Eastbrook Lane, thence southwardly along Eastbrook Lane to its intersection with Empire Lane, thence southwardly along Empire Lane to its intersection with Eddington Lane, thence southeastwardly along Eddington Lane to its intersection with Evergreen Drive, thence southwardly and westwardly along Evergreen Drive to its intersection with Garfield Drive, thence northwardly along Garfield Drive to point of beginning.
The 25th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Beverly-Rancocas Road where it intersects Mill Creek and runs: southwestwardly along Mill Creek along various courses to its intersection with Rancocas Creek, thence southeastwardly along Rancocas Creek to its intersection with the public service power line right-of-way, thence northeastwardly along the right-of-way to its intersection with Beverly-Rancocas Road, thence westwardly along Beverly-Rancocas Road to point of beginning.
The 26th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Echo Lane where it intersects Levitt Parkway and runs: southeastwardly along Levitt Parkway to its intersection with Eastgate Lane, thence southwestwardly on Eastgate Lane to its intersection with East River Drive, thence southwardly and eastwardly on East River Drive to its intersection with Evergreen Drive, thence southwardly on Evergreen Drive to its intersection with Eddington Lane, thence northwestwardly on Eddington Lane to its intersection with Empire Lane, thence northwardly on Empire Lane to its intersection with Eastbrook Lane, thence northwardly on Eastbrook Lane to its intersection with Echo Lane, thence northwardly on Echo Lane to the point of beginning.
The 27th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bound and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Eastgate Lane where it intersects Levitt Parkway and runs: southeastwardly on Levitt Parkway to the Westampton Township line, thence southwardly along the said Township line to its intersection with a drainage ditch, thence westwardly along the drainage ditch to its intersection with Evergreen Drive, thence northwardly on Evergreen Drive to its intersection with East River Drive, thence northwardly on East River Drive to its intersection with Eastgate Lane, thence eastwardly on Eastgate Lane to point of beginning.
The 28th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Beverly-Rancocas Road where it intersects Garfield Drive and runs: northwardly on Garfield Drive to its intersection with Evergreen Drive, thence eastwardly and northwardly along Evergreen Drive to its intersection with a drainage ditch, thence eastwardly along said drainage ditch to the Westampton Township line, thence southwardly and westwardly along the said Township line to its intersection with Main Street, thence westwardly along Main Street to its intersection with Beverly-Rancocas Road, thence northwestwardly on Beverly-Rancocas Road to point of beginning.
The 29th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Beverly-Rancocas Road where it intersects John F. Kennedy Way and runs: southwestwardly along John F. Kennedy Way to Knockenengen Creek, thence westwardly and southwardly along Knockenengen Creek to its intersection with Rancocas Creek, thence westwardly along Rancocas Creek to its intersection with public service power line right-of-way, thence northeastwardly along said right-of-way to its intersection with Beverly-Rancocas Road, thence eastwardly along Beverly-Rancocas Road to point of beginning.
The 30th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Pennypacker Drive where it intersects Rockland Drive and runs: southwestwardly along Rockland Drive to its intersection with Rittenhouse Drive, thence southwestwardly along Rittenhouse Drive to its intersection with Raeburn Lane, thence southwardly along Raeburn Lane to its intersection with Rockland Drive, thence southwestwardly along Rockland Drive to its intersection with Beverly-Rancocas Road, thence southeastwardly along Beverly-Rancocas Road to its intersection with Mill Creek, thence northwardly along Mill Creek through various courses to its intersection with Pennypacker Drive, thence northwardly along Pennypacker Drive to point of beginning.
The 31st Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Levitt Parkway where it intersects Willingboro Parkway and runs: northwardly along Willingboro Parkway to its intersection with Mill Creek, thence eastwardly along Mill Creek to its intersection with the Westampton Township line, thence southwardly along said Township line to its intersection with Levitt Parkway, thence westwardly along Levitt Parkway to point of beginning.
The 32nd Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Mill Creek where it intersects Willingboro Parkway and runs: northwardly along Willingboro Parkway to its intersection with Northampton Drive, thence eastwardly along Northampton Drive to its intersection with Norman Lane, thence southeastwardly along Norman Lane to its intersection with Northampton Drive, thence southwardly along Northampton Drive to its intersection with Newell Pass, thence southeastwardly along Newell Pass at its intersection with New Castle Lane, thence eastwardly on New Castle Lane to its intersection with Springside-Rancocas Road, thence southwardly on Springside-Rancocas Road to its intersection with the Westampton Township line, thence westwardly and southwardly along said line to its intersection with Mill Creek, thence westwardly along Mill Creek to point of beginning.
The 33rd Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Noble Pass where it intersects Northampton Drive and runs: northwardly on Noble Pass to its intersection with Niagara Lane, thence westwardly and northwardly along Niagara Lane to its intersection with Hazelwood Circle, thence eastwardly along Hazelwood Circle to its intersection with Hawkins Lane, thence eastwardly along Hawkins Lane to its intersection with the Burlington Township line, thence southwardly and eastwardly along said line to its intersection with Springdale-Rancocas Road, thence southwardly along Springdale-Rancocas Road to its intersection with New Castle Lane, thence northwestwardly on New Castle Lane to its intersection with Newell Pass, thence northwestwardly on Newell Pass to its intersection with Norman Lane, thence northwestwardly on Norman Lane to its intersection with Northampton Drive, thence southwestwardly along Northampton Drive to point of beginning.
The 34th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Beverly-Rancocas Road where it intersects John F. Kennedy Way and runs: eastwardly along Beverly-Rancocas Road to its intersection with Twin Hill Drive, thence southwardly along Twin Hill Drive to its intersection with Tyler Drive, thence westwardly along Tyler Drive to its intersection with Torrington Lane, thence southwardly and westwardly along Torrington Lane to its intersection with Tiffany Lane, thence southwardly on Tiffany Lane to its intersection with Troy Lane, thence southwestwardly on Troy Lane to its intersection with Beechnut Lane, thence westwardly on Beechnut Lane to its intersection with an unnamed street, then southwestwardly along said unnamed street to its intersection with the Rancocas Creek, thence northwestwardly along Rancocas Creek to the Knockenengen Creek, thence northeastwardly along the Knockenengen Creek to its intersection with John F. Kennedy Way, thence northwardly along John F. Kennedy Way to point of beginning.
The 35th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Beverly-Rancocas Road where it intersects Twin Hill Drive and runs: eastwardly on Beverly-Rancocas Road to its intersection with Main Street, thence eastwardly on Main Street to the Westampton Township line, thence southwardly and eastwardly along said line to its intersection with Bridge Street, thence southwardly along Bridge Street to its intersection with Tallwood Lane, thence westwardly along Tallwood Lane to its intersection with Triangle Lane, thence northwardly along Triangle Lane to its intersection with Tulip Lane, thence westwardly and southwardly on Tulip Lane to its intersection with Trescott Lane, thence westwardly on Trescott Lane to its intersection with Toledo Lane, thence southwardly on Toledo Lane to its intersection with Tallwood Lane, thence southwestwardly on Tallwood Lane to its intersection with Twin Hill Drive, thence southwestwardly on Twin Hill Drive to its intersection with Tiffany Lane, thence westwardly and northwardly on Tiffany Lane to its intersection with Torrington Lane, thence eastwardly and northwardly on Torrington Lane to its intersection with Tyler Drive, thence eastwardly on Tyler Drive to its intersection with Twin Hill Drive, thence northwardly on Twin Hill Drive to point of beginning.
The 36th Election District of the Township of Willingboro shall include all of the territory and the inhabitants thereof contained which is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in Bridge Street where it intersects Tallwood Lane and runs: southwardly on Bridge Street to its intersection with the Rancocas Creek, thence northwestwardly along the Rancocas Creek to its intersection with an unnamed street, thence northeastwardly along the unnamed street to its intersection with Beechnut Lane, thence eastwardly along Beechnut Lane to its intersection with Troy Lane, thence northeastwardly along Troy Lane to its intersection with Tiffany Lane, thence eastwardly along Tiffany Lane to its intersection with Twin Hill Drive, thence northwardly along Twin Hill Drive to its intersection with Tallwood Lane, thence northeastwardly on Tallwood Lane to its intersection with Toledo Lane, thence northwardly along Toledo Lane to its intersection with Trescott Lane, thence eastwardly along Trescott Lane to its intersection with Tulip Lane, thence northwardly and eastwardly along Tulip Lane to its intersection with Triangle Lane, thence southwardly along Triangle Lane to its intersection with Tallwood Lane, thence southwardly along Triangle Lane to its point of beginning.
In delineating the territory of each election district, all references to physical objects, such as streets, creeks, drainage ditches, power line rights-of-way, etc., shall be deemed to refer to the center line of such objects, unless otherwise noted. All references to intersections shall be deemed to refer to the point of crossing of two center lines, unless otherwise noted.
A copy of this chapter shall be placed and kept on file in the office of the Clerk of Burlington County and a duplicate thereof in the office of the Township Clerk of the Township of Willingboro.