The provisions of this article imposing a time limit on parking shall not relieve any person of the duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions prohibiting or limiting the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles as set forth in N.J.S.A. 39:4-138, any other New Jersey statute, or as hereinafter provided.
No person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any of the streets or parts thereof described in the following schedule:
Beechnut Lane
Entire length
Beverly-Rancocas Road
Entire length
Brooklawn Drive
From Bucknell Lane to a point 130 feet south of Bartlett Lane
Catalpa Road
Entire length
Charleston Road
From U.S. Route 130 to John F. Kennedy Way
Club House Drive
From Country Club Drive to Club Ridge Lane
Club House Drive
From Club Ridge Lane along the curve in a southeasterly direction to the intersection of the extension of the property line of Lot 90
Club House Drive
From Club Ridge Lane to Clearwater Drive and continuing from the center line of Clearwater Drive an additional 120 feet
Club Ridge Lane
From Club House Drive to Clearwater Drive
Evergreen Drive
From a point 235 feet south of East River Drive to a point 180 feet north of Eddington Lane
Farragut Court
Entire length
Fireside Court
Entire length
Garfield Drive
Entire length
Glenolden Lane
From a point 120 feet north of Glenview Lane to a point 120 feet south of Gabriel Lane
Hampshire Lane
From Hummingbird Lane to a point 120 feet west of Haskell Lane
Harrison Drive
From John F. Kennedy Way to Helm Turn
Industrial Drive
Entire length
Ironside Court
Entire length
John F. Kennedy Community Center facility site/tract
[Added 4-22-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-4]
Along all access drives, egress drives, interior circulation roads/drives, grassed areas, and fields within the parcel/tract. Parking is only allowed in the designated parking areas/lots and within the striped parking spaces/stalls located on the site/tract
John F. Kennedy Way
Entire length
Levitt Parkway
Entire length
Main Street
Entire length
Middlebury Lane
From Manakin Place to a point 120 feet east of Millbrook Drive
Northampton Drive
From a point 80 feet south of Newell Pass to a point 640 feet south of Newell Pass
Pennypacker Drive
From U.S. Route 130 to and including the bridge over Mill Creek
Pinafore Lane
From Poplar Lane to Pickwick Lane
Pine Lane
Entire length
Pinetree Lane
From Plumtree Lane to a point 120 feet south of Pageant Lane
Pioneer Lane
Entire length
Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive
Entire length
Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive (County Route 633)
From Van Sciver Parkway to the Burlington Township line
Rockland Drive
From the dividing line between Lots 8 and 9, Block 901 (24 and 26 Rockland Drive), at the point of curvature of a 310-foot radius curve, curving to the left and continuing northeasterly a distance of 304.65 feet to a point in front of 34 Rockland Drive
Sidney Lane
From Charleston Road to Sunset Road
South Sunset Road
From Charleston Road to Sylvan Lane
Sunset Road
Entire length
Twin Hill Drive
From a point 65 feet south of Topeka Pass to a point 105 feet north of Tallwood Lane
Van Sciver Parkway
Entire length
Willingboro Plaza
The entire lengths of Plaza Circle East; Plaza Circle West; the 2 access roads from Levitt Parkway to Plaza Circle East and Plaza Circle West, respectively; and the 2 service roads from U.S. Route 130 to Plaza Circle West
Windover Lane
From Windsor Lane to the easternmost point of Country Club Drive
No person shall park a vehicle between the hours specified on all Sundays upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in the following schedule:
Shield Lane
7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Entire length
Spiralwood Lane
7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Entire length
No person shall stop or stand any vehicle between the hours specified on any day, except Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, upon any of the following streets or parts of streets:
Brooklawn Drive
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
From Bucknell Lane to a point 130 feet south of Bartlett Lane
Charleston Road
From the easterly curbline of John F. Kennedy Way to a point 190 feet easterly thereof
Charleston Road
From the easterly curbline of John F. Kennedy Way to a point 100 feet easterly thereof
Evergreen Drive
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
From a point 235 feet south of East River Drive to a point 180 feet north of Eddington Lane
Glenolden Lane
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
From a point 120 feet north of Glenview Lane to a point 120 feet south of Gabriel Lane
Hampshire Lane
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
From Humming Bird Lane to a point 120 feet west of Haskell Lane
Middlebury Lane
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
From Manakin Place to a point 120 feet east of Millbrook Drive
Northampton Drive
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
From a point 80 feet south of Newell Pass to a point 640 feet south of Newell Pass
Pennypacker Drive
From the intersection of U.S. Route 130 to a point 100 feet south of that intersection
Pinetree Lane
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
From Plumtree Lane to a point 120 feet south of Pageant Lane
Rittenhouse Drive
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
From 159.50 feet east of the intersection with Roberts Place to 192.92 feet east of the intersection
Rockland Drive
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
From 126.50 feet west of the intersection with Ruscombe Court to 257.67 feet west of the intersection
Rockland Drive
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
From 233.50 feet south of the intersection with Regent Court to 350.50 feet south of the intersection
Sunset Road
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
From a point 120 feet north of Stonehaven Lane to a point 500 feet south of Summit Turn
Twin Hill Drive
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
From a point 65 feet south of Topeka Pass to a point 105 feet north of Tallwood Lane
Windover Lane
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
From Country Club Road, at its easternmost intersection, to a point 100 feet east of Country Club Road at its westernmost intersection
No person shall stop or stand any vehicle at any time along the planting area islands located in the following streets:
Raleigh Place
Richmond Place
Ridgeview Place
Ridgewood Place
Riverview Place
Roberts Place
Roxborough Place
Emergency no parking. The Director of Public Safety or the senior ranking police officer, acting in the absence of the Director of Public Safety, is authorized to declare an emergency and to direct the posting of emergency no-parking signs whenever the Director of Public Safety or the senior ranking police officer determines that weather conditions, accidents, road construction, fires or public celebrations require the avoidance of hazards or other conditions which interfere with the free flow of traffic. Upon the declaration of an emergency, there shall be no parking upon streets or sections of streets where temporary emergency no-parking signs are displayed.
Signs and notification. Emergency no-parking signs shall be posted in any area where the parking has been prohibited during an emergency. Notification that emergency no-parking signs are being or will be posted shall be given to the operator or owner of any vehicle which has been parked prior to the posting of the signs. Notice placed upon the windshield of the vehicle at least one hour in advance of the effective time shall constitute sufficient notice.
Whenever snow has fallen and the accumulation is such that it covers the streets or highways, after a forecast for the Philadelphia area predicting an accumulation of two inches or more has been broadcast on television or radio or published in the Burlington County Times, at least 12 hours in advance, an emergency shall exist, and no vehicle shall be parked on any street or highway within the Township of Willingboro.
The parking prohibitions shall remain in effect after the snow has ceased until the streets have been plowed sufficiently and to the extent that parking will not interfere with the normal flow of traffic or with snowplowing or removal operations.
Whenever parking shall be prohibited under this section, and in order to facilitate the plowing and removal of snow accumulation in residential areas, the owner of a residential property may temporarily park vehicles on the landscaped front yard portion of the property where the vehicle or vehicles cannot be accommodated in the paved driveway. The permission to park on the landscaped front yard portion of the property shall end when the street has been sufficiently plowed to permit normal on-street parking without obstruction to traffic or interference with snowplowing or removal operations.
Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation of this section shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic, and any police officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle. The owner shall pay the reasonable costs of the removal and storage which may result from the removal before regaining possession of the vehicle.
Any violation of this section shall be punished as provided in § 356-43, Violations and penalties.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to create fire zones where fire equipment and other emergency vehicles will have an unobstructed means of access to the buildings and other structures within the Township in the event of a fire or other emergency.
Creation of fire zones. The following fire zones are hereby created and designated:
Fire Zone No-Parking Areas
A. Levitt School Building
Curbline in front of the building (west) and the access roads from Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive, except for marked loading and unloading zones on the south side of the building; exitways from the north side of the building
All elementary schools
In front of all school entrances, except for school buses loading or unloading; within 15 feet of the back and sides of the buildings; each school shall designate and mark a loading and unloading area for private cars away from the buildings
All other locations
Any area designated as a fire zone on a plan approved by a resolution adopted by the Township Council, Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment and filed with the Township Clerk
Country Club Plaza, Rancocas Shopping Center, Kennedy Shopping Center, Pennypacker Village
In front of or within 15 feet of the sides or backs of buildings, except for loading and unloading purposes, which shall be at the rear of the buildings
John F. Kennedy Community Center facility site/tract
[Added 4-22-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-4]
In front of the facility/building, both sides of the road, except for all the ADA-accessible parking spaces designated and marked; the access road surrounding the entire building and various playing fields, except the designated parking areas; marked loading and unloading zones; to the access road off of Levitt Parkway
John F. Kennedy High School
In front of the school (east), both sides of the road, except for 2 handicapped spaces designated and marked; the access road from the north side to the west side to the designated parking area; within 15 feet of the building, except for marked loading and unloading zones; the access road from the student parking area to Levitt Parkway
Municipal Complex
On the front of the building, from the last designated and marked parking space west on Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive to the driveway which enters the parking area from Rev. Dr. M. L. King Jr. Drive; on the driveway side of the building on both sides of the driveway for the entire length of the driveway and along both sides of the access road from the parking area to Pageant Lane; within 10 feet of the building around to the library wall at the last designated and marked parking space
Willingboro High School
In front of the school, on both sides of the road and exit road to John F. Kennedy Parkway; within 15 feet of the back and sides of the building, except for marked loading and unloading zones
Willingboro Memorial Junior High School
In front of the school (west); both sides of the access roads from Van Sciver Parkway; both sides of the roads on the east, south and north sides of the building, except for marked loading and unloading zones on the south side of the building
Willingboro Plaza
Either side of the perimeter road surrounding the buildings and in all alcoves, except for loading and unloading purposes, which shall be at the rear of the buildings
Willingboro Village Mall
Either side of the road in front (south) of the buildings; within 15 feet of all sides and backs of buildings, except for loading and unloading purposes, which shall be at the rear of the buildings
Standards for establishment of fire zones. The location, dimensions, markings and number of fire zone signs that shall be required in a fire zone shall be determined by the Township Manager upon advice from the Fire Marshal, Fire Official, Fire Chief and Director of Public Safety, based upon the size, type and location of the structures; provided, however, that each fire zone shall:
Be not less than 10 feet nor more than 50 feet in width and shall be striped and lettered in yellow, on a paved surface. The striping and lettering shall be legible at all times and shall comply with all standards required by law.
Have signs, the lettering on which shall be legible at all times, which shall advise that the area is a fire zone. The signs shall comply with the standards set forth in this section and with all standards required by law.
All automatic sprinkler Fire Department connections and fire hydrants in open parking areas will be designated and marked as fire zones.
Responsibilities of owners and occupants of property with fire zones. The owner of any buildings or structures, other than single-family dwellings, shall designate fire zones in the driveways, parking areas, loading areas, public streets or rights-of-way abutting those properties. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to stripe and letter the area and to maintain the striping and lettering in a legible manner at all times. Fire zone signs shall be provided, erected and maintained by the owner of the land or premises where a fire zone is located.
Site plans to include fire zones. Whenever a site plan is approved by the Planning Board or by the Zoning Board of Adjustment in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Land Use Law, the approved site plan shall designate the fire zones on the site plan. No parking shall be allowed in any fire zone designated on an approved site plan.
Notice of creation of a fire zone.
Notice of creation of fire zone. The Fire Official shall be responsible for giving notice to the owner or owners of the property where a fire zone is located that the required marking, striping, lettering and posting of signs be completed within 60 days.
Notice of required maintenance of a fire zone. The Fire Official shall be responsible for giving written notice to the owner or owners of the property that the owner or owners must take action within 30 days to maintain the condition of any required marking, striping, lettering and/or signs.
Form of notices. All notices required under this section shall be in writing and shall be given either personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the owner or owners at the address shown on the records of the Tax Assessor of the Township of Willingboro.
Failure to comply with notice. Failure to comply with any notice within the time specified in the notice shall constitute a violation of this section. The time for compliance shall run from the date of mailing of the notice.
Extensions. Whenever an owner can demonstrate that, due to weather or other conditions beyond the control of the owner, good cause exists for the noncompliance with the notice, the Township Manager may, but is not required to, grant an extension of the time for compliance, not to exceed 30 days. No more than four extensions may be granted. It shall not constitute good cause for an owner to contend that the responsibility for compliance is shifted to a tenant or tenants by the terms of any lease.
Parking prohibited in fire zones. No person shall, at any time, park a vehicle or in any other manner obstruct any area designated as a fire zone, except that Willingboro Board of Education maintenance vehicles, school buses and vans will be permitted to park in no-parking or fire zones located on school property, if the vehicles are properly marked and identified and are removed in the event of an emergency. It shall not be a violation for emergency vehicles, including fire, police and ambulance vehicles, to park in a no-parking or fire zone when responding to an emergency.
Penalty for parking in fire zones. Any violation for parking in a fire zone shall be punishable as provided in § 356-43, Violations and penalties, for each violation.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
No person shall park a truck, tractor, trailer, semitrailer or omnibus having a registered gross weight in excess of four tons upon any street between the hours of 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. This provision shall not apply to any truck, trailer or semitrailer actively engaged in loading or unloading.
[Added 8-22-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-4]
No person shall park a truck, bus, tractor, trailer, recreational vehicle, camper, boat, omnibus or any other vehicle over four tons' gross weight or over 25 feet in length upon any of the streets or parts of streets or parking lots described in the schedule in this subsection attached to and made a part of this chapter, except for the purposes of loading and unloading, in the Township of Willingboro at any time:
Name of Street
All public parking lots
Entire lot
All shopping center and strip mall parking lots
Entire lot
All streets
Entire length
Certain trucks exempt from provisions. This chapter shall not be construed to prevent any vehicle from making deliveries of merchandise or other property to the premises on the streets along which said vehicle is parked, nor to prevent the parking of any vehicle used by public utility companies in connection with the construction, installation, operation or maintenance of public utility facilities, nor to prevent the parking of vehicles attending to an emergency, nor to prevent the parking of emergency, utility or police vehicles at locations designated for their use, nor to prevent the loading or unloading of construction vehicles permitted to be used for work at that designated property.
Enforcement; authorization to cite and tow illegally parked vehicles.
This chapter shall be enforced by the Police Department of the Township of Willingboro (hereinafter "Police Department").
The Police Department shall enforce the violation and issue summons to individuals who park or to vehicles that are parked in restricted areas as defined above.
The Police Department is authorized by this section to tow vehicles that are illegally parked within the Township.
All police officers are empowered to engage the services of a Township-authorized or -licensed towing service to tow all vehicles illegally parked within the Township.
Said vehicles shall be towed and stored at an authorized towing facility until claimed by the lawful owner thereof. The owner or claimant of the vehicle shall be responsible for all fees and charges associated with the towing and storage of said vehicle.
The Police Department shall make a reasonable effort to ascertain the name and address of the owner of the towed vehicle and shall notify such owner that said vehicle has been towed for violating parking regulations of the Township of Willingboro. The Police Department shall advise the owner of the vehicle of the location where the vehicle is stored and shall advise him of his right to reclaim the vehicle.
Unless another penalty is expressly provided for by state statute, any person who shall violate this section or who shall do any act or thing in this chapter prohibited shall be punishable as provided in § 356-43, Violations and penalties.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished in accordance with this section. A separate offense shall be deemed to be committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.