The Town Attorney shall be an attorney-at-law admitted to practice law in this state and shall have been a practicing attorney in this state not less than five (5) years.
The Town Attorney shall be appointed by resolution of the Council and shall serve for the term of the Council appointing him.
The Town Attorney, unless special counsel be appointed by the Manager or Town Council, shall appear for and protect the rights of the Town in all actions, suits or proceedings brought by or against it or any of its departments, officers, agencies, boards or commissions. He shall be the legal advisor of the Council, the Manager and other town officers, boards and commission in all matters affecting the Town and shall, upon written request, promptly furnish them with a written opinion on any question of law involving their respective powers and duties. He shall prepare or approve all forms of contracts and other instruments to which the Town is a party or in which it has an interest. He shall have power, with the approval of the Council, to appeal from orders, decisions and judgments and, subject to the approval of the Council, to compromise or settle any claims by or against the Town or may, with the approval of the Council, employ additional assistance at any time that he may deem it necessary in the interests of the Town. In the event there is such a legal dispute, except one involving suspensions or removal, between any of the boards, commissions or officers of the Town as shall, in the opinion of the Council, require that each side of the dispute shall have legal presentation, the Council shall assign the Town Attorney to represent one side, and the other board, commission or officer shall have the power to retain a lawyer to represent him. In either event, the Council shall determine the reasonableness of the fee of any such lawyer and shall provide for the payment of same from Town funds.
The Council may, if the circumstances require, appoint an Assistant Town Attorney with such qualifications, duties and responsibilities as it may deem appropriate.
The Town Attorney shall receive such compensation and shall have clerical and other assistants, to be appointed by him, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VIII of this Charter, as the Council may determine.