[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Lowville 1-21-1993 (Ch. 53 of the 1994 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: The names and titles of the individuals responsible for purchasing are on file in the Clerk's office.
The purpose of this chapter is to set forth internal policies and procedures governing procurements of goods and services which are not required to be made pursuant to competitive bidding under the appropriate provisions of the General Municipal Law.
Prior to the determination to purchase goods or services, and prior to the determination to engage in a public works contract, an evaluation shall be made to determine the applicability of General Municipal Law § 103, and a determination shall be made whether public bidding is required. The Supervisor, Clerk and Highway Superintendent shall annually estimate the amount of items of supply or equipment needed in a given year, basing such estimate on past history, anticipated expenses and need of the item being acquired. A similar determination shall be made with respect to any public works contract. The information gathered and the conclusions reached shall be documented by the respective Town officer and maintained in written form with other documentation supporting the purchase activity or the public works proposed.
[Amended 9-15-2011 by Res. No. 20-2011]
Pursuant to General Municipal Law § 103, all contracts for public works involving an expenditure of more than $35,000, and all purchase contracts involving an expenditure of more than $20,000 shall be awarded by the Town Board to the lowest responsible bidder furnishing the required security after advertisement for sealed bids, and such advertisement shall occur at least five days prior to the date specified for opening and reading of bids. This public bidding requirement is subject to such exceptions as are permitted by the General Municipal Law and such other laws as may be specifically applicable to the public works contract or purchase in question.
Purchase contracts. Purchases of goods and services estimated to cost less than $10,000 but more than $5,000 shall require a written order, describing the goods or services to be purchased, the quantity of the same and the particulars of delivery, and written quotes shall be obtained from three vendors prior to the purchase. Purchases of goods or services estimated to cost less than $5,000 need not require any written or verbal quotes prior to purchase.
[Amended 1-20-1994 by Res. No. 2-1994]
Public works contracts. Expenditures pursuant to public works contracts estimated to cost less than $35,000 but more than $20,000 shall require a written order, describing the public works to be performed and the particulars of the same, and written quotes shall be obtained from three contractors prior to the execution of the contract. Expenditures pursuant to public works contracts estimated to cost less than $20,000 but more than $7,500 may be requested verbally, accompanied by a description of the desired public works to be performed, and verbal quotes from two contractors shall be obtained prior to execution of the contract. A list of contractors from whom written or verbal quotes have been obtained and the written or verbal quotes offered shall be maintained in written form and filed with the documentation supporting the public works contracts in question. No written or verbal quotes shall be required for expenditure pursuant to public works contracts estimated to cost less than $7,500.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The lowest responsible written or verbal bidder shall be awarded the public works contract or purchase contract, unless the Town Board, in the case of a public bid, or the appropriate Town officer, in the case of a written or verbal bid without advertisement, prepares a written justification providing reasons why it is in the best interests of the Town and its taxpayers to make an award to other than the lowest bidder. If a bidder is not deemed responsible, facts supporting that judgment shall be documented and filed with the record supporting the procurement.
A good faith effort shall be made to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations. If the Town officer is unable to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations, the officer shall document the attempt made at obtaining the proposals in written form. In no event shall the inability to obtain the proposals or quotes be a bar to the procurement.
Except when directed by the Town Board, no solicitation of written proposals or quotations shall be required in the following circumstances:
Emergency situations, provided that documentation of the same is set forth.
Goods purchased from correctional facilities, another governmental agency or from agencies for the blind or severely handicapped.
Acquisition of professional services.
Acquisition of goods or entering into a public works contract where there is only one source of such item or one contractor available to perform the public works contract.
Goods purchased at auction.
Goods or services costing less than $3,000 and public works contracts costing less than $7,500.