[Ord. 1975-8, 6/11/1975, § 501]
The standards and requirements contained in this Part are intended as the minimum for the promotion of the public health, safety, and general welfare, and shall be applied as such by the Borough Planning Commission in reviewing all subdivision plans. Land subject to hazards to life, health or property, such as may arise from fire, flood, diseases, or other causes, shall not be subdivided for building purposes unless the hazards have been eliminated or unless the plans show adequate safeguards against them.
Whenever other Borough regulations impose more restrictive standards and requirements than those contained herein, such other regulations shall be observed.
[Ord. 1975-8, 6/11/1975, § 502; as amended by Ord. 1995-2, 3/14/1995]
General Standards.
The location and width of all streets shall conform to the "official plan" or to such parts thereof as may have been adopted by the Borough.
The proposed street system shall extend existing or recorded streets at the same width, but in no case at less than the required minimum width.
Where a subdivision abuts an existing street of improper width or alignment, the Borough Council may required the dedication of land sufficient to widen the street or correct the alignment.
Private streets (streets not to be offered for dedication) are prohibited, unless they meet the design standards of this Chapter.
Half and Partial Streets. Half or partial streets will not be permitted, except where satisfactory assurance for dedication of the remaining part of the street can be obtained, in writing, by the subdivider or where needed to complete existing half streets.
Street Widths. Minimum street right-of-way and cartway (pavement) widths shall be shown on the "official plans" or Comprehensive Plan, or if not shown on such plans, shall be as follows:
Street Type
Required Widths
(in feet)
Local Street
Minor Collector Street
Major Collector Street
See note
See note
Permanent Cul-de-Sac (turnaround)
Right-of-way (radius)
Cartway (radius)
NOTE: As specified in the "official plans," or Comprehensive Plan, or as determined after consulting with the Borough Council, the County Planning Commission and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Additional right-of-way and cartway widths may be required by the Borough Council for the purpose of promoting the public safety and convenience, or to provide parking in commercial and industrial areas and in areas of high density residential development.
Street center line grades shall not exceed the following:
Minimum Grade
Maximum Grade
Major collector street
Minor collector street
Local street
Grades up to 20% may be permitted for a distance of less than 500 feet on a through minor street where access to the street is possible over streets with grades of 15% or less.
Horizontal Curves. Whenever street lines are deflected in excess of 5°, connection shall be made by horizontal curves.
Vertical Curves. At all changes of street grades where the algebraic difference exceeds 1%, vertical curves shall be provided to permit the following minimum sight distances:
Local streets: 100 feet.
Collector streets: 200 feet.
Streets shall intersect as nearly as possible at right angles.
No more than two streets shall intersect at the same point.
Intersections shall be approached on all sides by a straight leveling area, the grade of which shall not exceed 8% within 50 feet of the intersection of the nearest right-of-way lines.
Intersections with major collector streets shall be located not closer than 1,000 feet apart, measured from center line to center line, along the center line of the major street.
Street curb intersections, where curbs are installed, shall be rounded by a tangential arc with a minimum radius of 15 feet for intersections involving only local streets; 20 feet for all intersections involving a minor collector street; and 30 feet for all intersections involving a major collector street.
Sight Distance at Intersections. Clear sight triangles shall be provided at all street intersections. Within such triangles, no vision obstructing object shall be permitted which obscures vision above the height of 30 inches measured from the center line grade of intersecting streets. Such triangles shall be established from a distance of 75 feet from the point of intersection of the center lines.
Dead-end streets are prohibited unless designed as permanent cul-de-sac streets or for future access to adjoining properties.
Any street dead-end for access to an adjoining property or because of authorized stage development shall be provided with a temporary, all-weather turnaround, within the subdivision, and the use of such turnaround shall be guaranteed to the public until such time as the street is extended.
Cul-de-sac streets, permanently designed as such, shall not exceed 750 feet in length.
The center line grade on a cul-de-sac street shall not exceed 15%.
[Ord. 1975-8, 6/11/1975, § 503]
Proposed streets which are obviously in alignment with others already existing and named shall bear the names of the existing streets.
In no case shall the name of a proposed street duplicate an existing street name in the Borough in the postal district. The subdivider shall submit the proposed street names to the local post office prior to filing a preliminary plan.
All street names shall be subject to the approval of the Borough Council.
Service Streets (Alleys).
Service streets are prohibited in subdivisions for single-family detached residences, except where required to avoid direct driveway access to major collector streets.
Except where other adequate provision is made for off-street loading and parking consistent with the use proposed, service streets shall be required in commercial and industrial districts and shall have a minimum paved width of 22 feet.
[Ord. 1975-8, 6/11/1975, § 504]
Exceptions from strict conformity with the standards hereinbefore set forth may be made by the Planning Commission to allow unique and imaginative design of block layouts. Site plans presented to the Planning Commission for review shall show the detailed design being proposed including structures, trees, and other features as required elsewhere in this Chapter under plan requirements. Such original designs may comprise industrial or commercial subdivisions, or residential subdivision of five or more lots, and shall be prepared by a planner, landscape architect, registered architect, or registered civil engineer. Nothing in this Section shall relieve the subdivider from strict conformity with the regulations unless he can show that his proposals for original design observe the spirit of the resolution, if not the exact content.
Layout. The length, width and shape of blocks shall be determined with due regard to provision of adequate sites for buildings of the type proposed, zoning requirements and topography.
Blocks shall have a minimum length of 300 feet.
In the design of blocks (fronting on local streets) longer than 1,000 feet, special consideration shall be given to the requirements of satisfactory fire protection.
Where practicable, blocks along collector streets shall not be less than 1,000 feet long.
Crosswalks may be required between streets wherever necessarily to facilitate pedestrian circulation and to give access to community facilities, such as parks or playgrounds.
Such crosswalks shall have a width of not less than 10 feet. The Planning Commission may specify surfacing materials.
Depth. Two tiers of lots shall be provided for in residential blocks except:
Where reverse frontage lots are required along a major traffic street.
Where prevented by the size, topographical conditions or other inherent conditions of property, in which case the Borough Planning Commission may approve a single tier of lots.
[Ord. 1975-8, 6/11/1975, § 505]
The "original design" provisions of § 504 shall also be applicable here.
General Standards.
Lots shall be of size, shape, and orientation appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated.
Where practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight street lines or radial to curved street lines.
Lot lines shall follow municipal boundaries rather than cross them, whenever possible, in order to avoid jurisdictional problems.
Generally, the depth of residential lots shall be not less than one nor more than 2 1/2 times their width.
Depth and width of parcels intended for nonresidential uses shall be adequate for the use proposed and sufficient to provide satisfactory space for on-site parking, loading and unloading, setback, and landscaping.
If, after subdividing, there exist remnants of land, they shall be incorporated in existing or proposed lots, or legally dedicated to public use, if acceptable to the Borough.
Lot Frontage.
All lots shall have direct access to a public street (or to a private street if it meets the requirements of these regulations).
Double or reverse frontage lots shall be avoided except where required to provide separation of residential uses from major streets or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography or orientation.
Driveways and Off-Street Parking.
Commercial and industrial subdivisions shall provide paved parking areas, in accordance with the Borough Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27].
Private driveways on corner lots shall be located at least 30 feet from the point of intersection of the nearest street right-of-way lines.
Grades on private driveways must not exceed 20%. In addition, driveways should be paved where grades exceed 7%.
In order to provide safe and convenient ingress and egress, private driveway entrances shall be rounded at a minimum radius of five feet, or should have a flare constructed that is equivalent to this radius, at the point of intersection with the cartway edge (curbline); and entrance onto cartway must conform to existing grade lines or may be established by the Borough Council.
Subdivisions shall be designed to eliminate, where possible, driveways abutting State highway routes. This shall be accomplished either by providing for a street parallel to the State highway, separated from same by a grass area; or by laying out lots such that the rear lot lines abut the State highway right-of-way and that provisions for driveways be made from the front of the lot onto a street of the subdivision. The provision of driveways onto State highway routes in accordance with the requirements established herein shall be subject to approval by the Borough Council.
Lot Size. Lot dimensions and areas shall be not less than specified by the provisions of the Borough Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27], or as determined by § 305.
[Ord. 1975-8, 6/11/1975, § 506; as amended by Ord. 1978-7, -/-/1978]
Each property shall connect with an approved public sewer system, if accessible. Where the sewer is not yet accessible but is planned for extension to the subdivision, the subdivider shall install the sewer lines, including lateral connections as may be necessary to provide adequate service to each lot when connection with the sewer system is made. The sewer lines shall be suitably capped at the limits of the subdivision, and the laterals shall be capped at the street right-of-way line. When capped sewers are provided, on-site disposal facilities shall also be provided.
Sanitary sewers installed by the developer shall conform to the requirements of any authority having jurisdiction over sanitary sewers in the subdivision.
Sanitary sewers shall not be used to carry stormwater.
All sanitary sewer systems located in any designated floodplain district, whether public or private, shall be floodproofed up to the regulatory flood elevation.
The Borough Council shall prohibit installation of sewage disposal facilities requiring soil absorption systems where such systems will not function due to high ground water, flooding, or unsuitable soil characteristics. The Borough Council may require that the developer note on the face of the plat and in any deed of conveyance that soil absorption fields are prohibited in designated areas.
[Ord. 1975-8, 6/11/1975, § 507; as amended by Ord. 1978-7, -/-/1978; and by Ord. 1995-4, 12/12/1995, § 11]
If the water distribution system cannot be connected with an approved public system, the individual well or spring must be installed and/or set up in full compliance with the latest Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection specifications covering such facilities.
All water systems located in any designated floodplain districts, whether public or private, shall be floodproofed up to the regulatory flood elevation. If there is an existing public water supply system on or near the subdivision, the Borough Council shall require the developer to connect to this system where practical, and shall prescribe the procedures to be followed by the developer in connecting to the system.
[Ord. 1975-8, 6/11/1975, § 508; as amended by Ord. 1995-4, 12/12/1995, § 12]
Storm drainage shall be in compliance with Chapter 22, Part 9, Stormwater Management.
[Ord. 1975-8, 6/11/1975, § 509; as amended by Ord. 1978-7, -/-/1978]
Easements with a minimum width of 15 feet shall be provided for poles, wires, conduits, storm and sanitary sewers, gas, water and hear mains and/or other utility lines intended to service the abutting lots. No structures or trees shall be placed within such easements.
To the fullest extent possible, easements shall be centered on or adjacent to rear or side lot lines.
There shall be a minimum distance of 50 feet, measured in the shortest distance, between any proposed dwelling unit and any petroleum, petroleum products, or natural gas transmission lines which traverse the subdivision.
Subdividers are urged to avail themselves of the facilities provided by the various public utility companies in determining the proper locations for utility lines easements.
All public and/or private utilities and facilities including gas and electric shall be elevated or floodproofed up to the regulatory flood elevation.