[Ord. 742, 3/4/2009]
This Part 9:
Implements the requirements Act 3 of 2008, the Pennsylvania Open Records Law;
Adopts a formal policy to follow when handling requests for access to public records;
Adopts rules and regulations for implementing such policy;
Adopts forms to be used for any and all requests for access to public records; and
Establishes provisions for preserving the integrity of the Borough's records and minimizing the financial impact to the residents of the Borough regarding the resources consumed in the copying of Borough files.
[Ord. 742, 3/4/2009]
This Part 9 shall be known and be cited as the "Fountain Hill Borough Right to Know Ordinance" of 2009.
[Ord. 742, 3/4/2009]
Any procedural challenge shall be filed in accordance with applicable law.
[Ord. 742, 3/4/2009]
Under authority of law, the Borough Council of Fountain Hill hereby enacts and ordains into an ordinance the attached documents[1] this date of March 4, 2009. The provisions of this Part 9B shall become effective immediately from the date of passage of this Part 9B.
Editor's Note: The "attached documents" consisted of Schedule 1, Open Records Policy, and Schedule 2, Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Borough of Fountain Hill's Open Records Policy, both of which are on file in the Borough offices.