[CC 1989 §6-120]
No person shall construct a private sewer or connect a private sewer to the City sewer system until he/she shall have signed and executed a private sewer permit contract which shall be substantially in the following form:
The City of Webb City, Party of the First Part, hereby issues to ____________________________________________________, husband and wife, Parties/Party of the Second Part, a permit to connect the following described premises:
in Webb City, Missouri, to Sewer District No.__________ or__________ public sewer, at a point __________feet of manhole number__________ upon the following conditions, to which second Parties/Party specifically agrees:
Second Parties/Party shall pay First Party the sum of $__________, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.
In the event the premises herein, or any part thereof, are included in a sewer district in the future, said premises shall be liable for its share of the cost and Second Parties/Party, their/his/her heirs, successors and assigns shall have no claim for a refund of the amount herewith paid or any part thereof.
Second Parties/Party agrees that said sewer shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the City Hall and shall not be used until inspected and approved by the City Engineer.
Second Parties/Party agrees that if the City shall in the future deem it necessary to construct a sewer in any street, alley or easement wherein this said sewer shall be located, the City shall have the right to use, remove and/or replace the same, in whole or in part, without being liable to Second Parties/Party, their/his/her heirs, successors or assigns, for any damages other than for actual loss of use of sewer facilities, but that in such event said City shall thereafter be responsible for maintenance of the same.
State of Missouri
) SS
County of Jasper
Subscribed and sworn to before this _____ day of_____ , 20_____.
  Notary Public
My Commission expires
The blank in clause 1 of the foregoing contract shall be filled in for such amount, not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than twenty dollars ($20.00), as may be reasonable to cover the costs to the City of inspecting and supervising the installation of the sewer to which the contract relates.
Private sewer permit contracts shall be issued by the City Engineer upon payment to the City Collector of the amount herein specified.
[CC 1989 §6-121]
Private sewers shall be constructed at the expense of the owners of the properties for which the sewers are required, and they shall be liable for the cost of repairing, maintenance and cleaning.
[CC 1989 §6-122]
Private sewers shall be constructed under such restrictions and regulations as the City Council may prescribe and in accordance with the rules, regulations and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk.